I think so, batista will win the title on sunday and bryan will win it from during the summer for a short two month run. No way do they let Bryan headline two Wrestlmaina's in a row.
lundi 31 mars 2014
Did the legends get buried in the Triple H segment
In the Triple H video package today there were many people metioned. Scot Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg, RVD, Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. Now some people could see this as burying, I am not sure if it buried them.
To me it looked they were trying to prove how dominant Triple H was. However I do have a concern.
Did that video package hurt the legecy of the people in the video any? There is a part of me that while I think they were trying to get heat on the game and show how good he was. However WE KNOW WRESTLING FANS.
This might convince wrestling fans that someone like Kurt Angle was garbage, even though that is far from the truth. Let's be honest here, a lot of them are easy to brainwash big time. This is not really wwe's fault, but the fickle fan, who just turns on someone because they cannot think for themselves.
I do not feel to bad for Steiner, or RVD because RVD is an asskisser who buried most of the tna roster when he came back to wwe that way he could get a push. I would feel horrible for everyone else.
It is not wwe have no faith in, but the fickle wrestling fan who probably takes anything the wrong way. I do not want people to turn on guys like Angle, Booker, Goldberg(he was a huge star), and Jericho, to have fans turn on them.
To me it looked they were trying to prove how dominant Triple H was. However I do have a concern.
Did that video package hurt the legecy of the people in the video any? There is a part of me that while I think they were trying to get heat on the game and show how good he was. However WE KNOW WRESTLING FANS.
This might convince wrestling fans that someone like Kurt Angle was garbage, even though that is far from the truth. Let's be honest here, a lot of them are easy to brainwash big time. This is not really wwe's fault, but the fickle fan, who just turns on someone because they cannot think for themselves.
I do not feel to bad for Steiner, or RVD because RVD is an asskisser who buried most of the tna roster when he came back to wwe that way he could get a push. I would feel horrible for everyone else.
It is not wwe have no faith in, but the fickle wrestling fan who probably takes anything the wrong way. I do not want people to turn on guys like Angle, Booker, Goldberg(he was a huge star), and Jericho, to have fans turn on them.
Week of 3/24/2014 - 3/31/2014 (Thursday - Sunday)
The original Sin Cara has officially been released.
Main Event will leave ION Television on April 2.
Date: March 27, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jason Albert, Tom Phillips, Alex Riley
Tonight is another of those big shows for NXT called Vengeance. The idea here is a bunch of long standing feuds or rematches, such as Neville vs. Dallas II in the main event. Other than that we have Parker vs. Rawley, Natayla vs. Charlotte and Breeze vs. Woods. NXT knows how to put on the big shows like this so hopefully they continue the trend here. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of Arrival where Neville won the NXT Title in a ladder match and Bo Dallas challenging for a rematch.
Opening sequence.
CJ Parker vs. Mojo Rawley
Parker is angry at Rawley for polluting the planet, even though there's no evidence of him doing so. A kick to the head puts Mojo down and Parker hammers away in the corner before shouting a lot. Rawley comes back with right hands but misses a splash, giving CJ a two count. More left hands in the corner have Rawley in trouble but Parker stops to show a peace sign. Mojo chases him across the ring and nails a splash in the other corner and Hyperdrive is good for the pin at 3:22.
Parker freaks out post match.
We look back at Corey Graves attacking Sami Zayn last week and see Sami getting a concussion test.
Tyler Breeze vs. Xavier Woods
Woods looks ticked off coming to the ring. Feeling out process to start until Woods grabs a headlock and takes Breeze down with a headscissors. A catapult sends Breeze into the corner for two but he nails Woods with a forearm for two of his own. Woods gets all fired up but Tyler avoids the Honor Roll. He tries snake eyes on Tyler but Breeze escapes and hits the Beauty Shot for the pin at 3:53.
Bo Dallas says he'll get the title back tonight because it's a wrestling match instead of climbing monkey bars.
Yoshi Tatsu vs. Corey Graves
This is a rematch from a few weeks ago when Graves attacked Tatsu before the bell and got an easy pin. Yoshi hammers away in the corner to start and nails a LOUD chop. A quick cross body gets two on Corey but he goes after Tatsu's knee to take over. He cranks on a hold before kicking the knee out one more time. Lucky 13 makes Yoshi tap at 3:10.
Corey tells Sami to stay down.
Natalya vs. Charlotte
Charlotte has Sasha Banks with her but Natalya one ups her with Bret Hart. They hit the mat to start but neither girl can gain control. Natalya grabs an armbar but gets countered into a headscissors. Rene Young isn't sure how to describe her meeting Bret Hart but Natalya destroys Charlotte with a dropkick to bail her out.
Charlotte is flipped into the corner but clotheslines Natalya down to take over. She goes after Natalya's knee by kicking it in the corner and crushing it against the mat. Natayla escapes a leg lock and goes for the Sharpshooter but Charlotte is in the ropes. Another attempt works but Sasha comes in for the DQ at 5:04.
Neville says it's not a ladder match tonight but he has the momentum and the title, so nothing changes tonight.
NXT Title: Bo Dallas vs. Adrian Neville
Neville is defending. Bo tries some fast pins but Neville gets out, sending Dallas running to the corner. Dallas whips Neville across the ring but the champion flips forward and hits a middle rope dropkick. Bo heads outside but Neville takes him down with a BIG dive. Neville loads up another dive but gets shoved to the floor to give Bo an opening. A hard clothesline drops Neville again and Bo takes him inside for some knee drops.
We take a break and come back with Dallas nailing another clothesline for two. Frustration sets in off the kickouts but he's able to sit down to block a sunset flip. The referee catches Bo holding the ropes though and Neville pulls him down for two. Neville escapes an Impaler DDT and hits a HUGE springboard forearm for two. They trade hard shots to the face and the referee is nearly bumped.
Bo gets two off a rollup but an enziguri from the apron sets up the Red Arrow. The splash hits knees though and both guys are down. Dallas is up first and tries his DDT but has to avoid a hard charge into the corner. The champ gets a kick to Dallas' head though and a reverse 450 (as in his back was to the ring and he threw his feet into the air before flipping over and landing on Dallas) retains at 12:50.
Mojo Rawley b. CJ Parker – Hyperdrive
Tyler Breeze b. Xavier Woods – Beauty Shot
Corey Graves b. Yoshi Tatsu – Lucky 13
Natalya b. Charlotte via DQ when Sasha Banks interfered
Adrian Neville b. Bo Dallas – Reverse 450
Impact Wrestling
Date: March 27, 2014
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
We're less than a month into the MVP Regime and things are already looking down on the new boss. The big story coming out of last week is Magnus retaining the World Title with the help of Abyss, much like he did at Lockdown. Other than that we have Roode vs. Ray coming up and Angelina Love attacking Madison Rayne last week when Madison turned down her offer to reform the Beautiful People. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of Storm attacking Gunner's father last week.
Here's MVP to get things going. He wants Abyss out here right now because Magnus is champion because of his associates, not his own talent. The cream should always rise to the top but here are Abyss and Magnus to interrupt. Magnus insists that Abyss has a personal services contract with Magnus, meaning Abyss doesn't answer to MVP at all. The only time MVP has control over Abyss is when he's in the ring with Magnus, which gives MVP an idea.
MVP thinks Abyss should be more than the world's ugliest valet, so how about a shot at the World Title? We'll do that next week, but Samoa Joe is thrown into the mix because he still hasn't gotten a fair shake. This brings out Joe who says he doesn't want to be in a handicap match and doesn't like the idea of MVP controlling him. MVP says that's not what's going on but the brawl is quickly on with all four guys. Eric Young runs out to join in and we go to a break.
Back with Joe, MVP and Eric still in the ring and the latter holding a mic. He says he brought the monster out of Abyss so he has to be the one to stop him. Eric wants to be in a match with Abyss next week while Joe gets to take on Magnus one on one. Young uses the MVP Principle of motivate, validate and participate by talking about how he's been around here forever.
He lists off a bunch of his gimmicks and titles before saying he's participated in everything TNA has thrown at him. Joe says not yet because he hasn't gotten his one on one title shot. MVP says not so fast and makes it a fourway with Eric added to the title match. That's not cool with Joe and the brawl is on again. The Samoan gets the better of it until referees break it up. Joe wants Eric tonight and MVP grants his wish.
Bully Ray has his Twitter Machine again tonight and says Roode is getting the tables tonight.
The Wolves ask MVP to give them Magnus/Abyss tonight. The boss reluctantly agrees.
Ethan Carter and Spud (covered in grass for a disguise) are in the woods searching for Willow. Back from a break and the search continues. Ethan lists off the people he's defeated and says it's eye for an eye. They've found a house and are sure that Willow is inside. More later.
Magnus/Abyss vs. Wolves
Davey starts with the World Champion but neither guy is able to get an advantage. Richards backflips out of a suplex attempt and brings in Eddie for some double teaming. A legdrop gets two on Magnus before it's quickly back to Richards. Magnus makes a blind tag though and Abyss takes them both down with a double clothesline to the back of the head as we take a break.
Back with Magnus running over Eddie for two and putting on a chinlock. Magnus takes him into the corner but charges into a boot, allowing Eddie to take him down with a middle rope hurricanrana. Off to Richards as Abyss comes in to try and save is boss. Instead he splashes him in the corner and the Wolves take over.
An enziguri from Richards into a German by Edwards gets two on Magnus. Abyss gets double chopped but the Wolves have to backflip out of a double chokeslam. The Monster is sent outside where Richards hits a suicide dive before Edwards locks on a half crab. Magnus taps out immediately to avoid injury at 8:36.
Here's Angelina to complain about Velvet not answering her calls. Sky comes to the ring and says she has a big problem with Madison. Attacking old friends isn't what Sky signed up for. Angelina wants to know what Sky signed up for, because without her, Velvet is nothing. Sky doesn't say anything and Love says it's because Velvet knows she's right. Love says Velvet has changed because she's lacking her swagger now. Angelina faces Madison tonight and Velvet has to pick a side by the time the match ends.
We recap Storm and Gunner as tag team partners.
The hunt for Willow continues. Back from a break and Carter goes into the house. He screams loudly but is just faking to mess with Spud. Willow sneaks up on Spud and kidnaps him, freaking Carter out. Willow's laugh makes it even worse.
We look at the Feast or Fired briefcase coming between Gunner and Storm.
Here's Bully Ray to a BIG face reaction. He has a bunch of fans bring down tables until there are about seven of them in and around the ring. Ray talks about making sure Dixie Carter was gone and then he put Roode through a table. He asks the fans if they want to see Roode go through a lot of tables but here's Bobby to interrupt.
Roode lists off a bunch of accomplishments before saying he got Ray to come to Nashville last week before laying him out. He's the guy that calls the shots around here and will pick when, where and how this happens. Ray says let the people decide but Roode walks away. Bully goes after him in the aisle and the fight is on. Roode is in trouble but he avoids going through a table.
Ray hurts his own hand on a table and Roode takes over but has to avoid a Cutter on the floor. They fight on the apron before heading inside. Roode misses a Blockbuster but avoids a big boot through the table. Ray is banged up but still escapes a Roode Bomb through the table. Bobby gets pot of a powerbomb through the table and sidesteps a charging Bully to send him through a table in the corner.
Abyss comes into Magnus' locker room and wants to know what he was doing out there. Magnus told Abyss he would do that to save himself for title matches. That's not cool with Abyss because he doesn't like to lose, but Magnus says get used to it, because Abyss is losing last week.
Knux and his lady friend are at their shut down arcade. The girl yells at him for abandoning them and says they need to go talk to his dad.
Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love
Non-title. Madison attacks Love at the bell and here's Velvet. Love knocks the champ to the floor but Velvet doesn't do anything. They head back inside with Madison in control until Angelina kicks her in the ribs to take over. Madison is sent to the floor again and Angelina yells at Velvet for not attacking her. Back in and Love yells a lot but gets her face slammed into the mat. Angelina glares at Velvet again but Madison shoves her to the floor. Sky uses the distraction to DDT Madison on the floor, giving Angelina the easy pin at 5:10.
Kenny King introduces himself to MVP and not much is said.
Samoa Joe vs. Eric Young
Eric is aggressive to start but takes a hard knee to the ribs to stop his momentum. A running forearm drops Joe for two but he comes back with the heavy shots to the head. The fans are behind Eric but Joe runs him over with an elbow to the face. Joe nails the running enziguri in the corner to take over and a big running knee drop gets two. Eric comes back with a running clothesline and actually slams the Samoa down.
Young loads up the elbow but Joe gets to his feet. Young charges into the Rock Bottom out of the corner for two but drops Joe with an elbow. The Samoan avoids a moonsault but can't quite get the Clutch. Eric tries to kick out of the corner but falls on his back, putting the choke on full until Young passes out at 5:50.
Earl Hebner comes out to tell his son Brian that Joe's shoulders were down while he had the choke on and it should have been a pin. Thankfully nothing changes and Earl pats his son on the back.
Ethan Carter goes to a cabin to rescue Spud.
We see a clip from after last week's show of Samuel Shaw going into the Knockouts locker room and finding Christy all alone. She tells him to get out but he gets right up in front of her and cuts off a piece of her hair. That's all he needs and he leaves. Shaw has been suspended for one week, but he'll be in a straitjacket match next week.
Also next week there's the fourway for the title plus Willow/Ray vs. Roode/Carter in a tables match.
We recap the recent history of Gunner vs. Storm.
Gunner vs. James Storm
This is an Unlocked match, which is another name for a street fight. The fight is on in the aisle again and Gunner quickly sets up a table. Storm gets in a right hand before the table is completely set so he finishes Gunner's job. Gunner is whipped knees first into the steps as Tenay tells us we'll see Ethan and Willow's confrontation before the show ends. A running knee to Gunner's head knocks him from the apron to the floor. They haven't been in the ring yet.
Storm suplexes Gunner onto the ramp but gets sent into the steps for his efforts. Gunner nails him in the ribs with a chair and they finally get inside. The Cowboy comes back with a middle rope DDT of all things for no cover as we take a break. Back with Storm loading up a chair in the corner but getting reversed by Gunner. They slug it out with trashcan lids before Storm gets speared down for two.
Storm counters a sunset flip into a catapult, sending Gunner face first into the chair. A Backstabber sets up a VERY long top rope elbow to give Storm a near fall. Storm pulls out a beer bottle but the distraction lets Gunner spear him through the ropes and through the table on the floor ala Edge and Mick Foley. That only gets two so Gunner sets up two chairs (one of which is broken) in the middle of the ring.
A superplex through the chairs (Storm barely hit them) is enough for two in a nice throwback to the ending at Lockdown. Storm comes back with a Closing Time and a pair of Last Calls for two. James gets the beer bottle but Gunner finds his own to lay out Storm. An F5 is enough to pin the Cowboy at 15:03.
Carter finds Spud tied to a bed next to a skeleton. Willow screams a lot and attacks Carter from behind with the umbrella. He leaves and Carter says if Willow wants to play games, then game on.
Wolves b. Magnus/Abyss – Half crab to Magnus
Angelina Love b. Madison Rayne – Pin after a DDT from Velvet Sky
Samoa Joe b. Eric Young – Koquina Clutch
Gunner b. James Storm – F5
Impact got a .92, up from last week.
Date: March 28, 2014
Location: TD Bank North Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield
It's the last regular Smackdown before they head to the Crescent City. The main stories are all set at this point so this show is just going to be about firming up the plans for Wrestlemania. The only match announced for tonight is Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt which should be a good win for the monster. That would be the monster with hair in case that's not clear. Let's get to it.
Opening sequence.
Here's Batista to get things going. Batista wants to know why the fans are booing a six time World Champion, the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble and the headliner of Wrestlemania XXX. They boo him, but they cheer for Daniel Bryan? This brings him to a clip from Raw with Batista implying Stephanie is shall we say, friendly, and getting slapped as a result. Batista thinks Stephanie hits harder than any of his opponents, which brings out HHH.
The boss suggests leaving Stephanie out of this but Batista asks why we should do that. She's responsible for the suit and for HHH being COO. HHH wouldn't have anything without marrying the boss' daughter. Triple H says this is the Reality Era and it doesn't matter why he has what he has and all that matters is what he has. He asks why Batista wants to make this personal. Batista says it's because HHH has accused him of living off his past glories, which includes never losing to HHH. Now HHH is trying to take Batista's title and that's not cool with Big Dave.
HHH agrees that he's never beaten Batista but that was a long time ago. Batista has gotten lazy after getting all that success and he's been in Hollywood letting his stuntman doing all his work. Now he's back in WWE and HHH has yet to see the Animal. HHH has shown what he can do a few weeks ago against Daniel Bryan. You know, the little guy that Batista couldn't finish off. However, HHH is willing to help Batista again tonight. Maybe he can find that Animal in his match against Sheamus.
We look back at the fourway from last week, leading to Shield being beaten down by Kane and the Outlaws.
Shield vs. 3MB
Rollins/Ambrose vs. Mahal/McIntyre and Seth starts against Jinder. JBL brings up a good point: the Shield has dominated the last year but three guys from the Attitude Era took them down. Rollins hits Two Amigos before bringing in Ambrose for the third. Back to Rollins who gets taken into the corner and pounded by McIntyre. Drew thrusts his hips at Reigns for some reason but it allows Seth to roll over for the tag to Ambrose. The running dropkick against the ropes has Drew in trouble and Seth hits the big dive to take out Mahal. The bulldog driver, now named Dirty Deeds, is enough to pin McIntyre at 3:04.
Post match Kane and the Outlaws come out and say they'll end Shield at Wrestlemania. That's unlike what Shield is going to do to their next opponents.
Shield vs. Ryback/Curtis Axel
This is joined in progress after a break with Ambrose taking Curtis down with a drop toehold. Ryback offers a quick distraction though and Axel knocks Dean to the floor. Dean gets caught in the corner as the announcers do their usual bickering. Ryback loads up a suplex but gets countered into a nice DDT. The hot tag brings in Rollins to clean house with a Blockbuster to Axel. A series of kicks takes Axel down and Ambrose jumps off the steps to pound on Ryback. Rollins unleashes the dive to Ryback before countering a PerfectPlex into the Peace of Mind for the pin on Axel at 4:14.
Post match Shield points at the Authority members on stage and lays out Ryback with the Superman Punch and Triple Bomb.
Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow
The maskless one takes him into the corner to start and drives a knee into his ribs for two. We're in a chinlock thirty seconds into the match but Sin Cara rolls him up out of the corner for the pin at 1:04.
Big Show says what the Wyatts did to Cena on Raw was very disturbing. However, some of the stuff Bray has been saying makes sense. That's how they suck you in, but tonight they have a giant problem on their hands.
Fandango vs. Goldust
No Cody for this one. Summer is looking great tonight in an outfit similar to Jasmine from Aladdin. Fandango takes him down to start and puts on a very early chinlock. Goldust fights up with a belly to back suplex followed by an atomic drops and right hands in the corner. The powerslam gets two for Goldust and they head outside where Summer distracts Goldust long enough for Fandango to kick him in the head and grab a handful of tights for the pin at 3:16.
Batista vs. Sheamus
HHH is watching from the back. Batista hides in the corner to start until Sheamus nails him with a shoulder block to send the Animal to the floor. A chase goes badly for the Irishman and Batista drives shoulders into the corner. Batista scores with a big clothesline before dropping Sheamus with a knee to the ribs.
There's the spinebuster but Batista walks around instead of following up. The delay lets Sheamus nail Batista with a clothesline and come back with his usual high powered offense. Batista fights out of the ten forearms but Sheamus makes the second attempt work. A powerslam looks to set up the Brogue Kick but Batista bails tot he floor. Sheamus follows but walks into a chair to the right for the DQ at 5:33.
Batista sends Sheamus into the post and hits the Batista Bomb. He asks if HHH is happy now and promises to leave Wrestlemania as champion.
The Raw ReBound looks at the Wyatts attacking Cena on Monday.
Bray Wyatt is holding a mask and says if you give it to a man, he'll reveal his true face. Every man wears a mask at some point John, whether it's to to hide his intentions or not. Cena has hidden behind a mask for so long that it's become him, but when he removes it he removes his own skin. Bray's sword has left a scar on Cena's soul that can never heal. Can't Cena hear the song? Bray will never forget what the woman singing first told him. A man's secret comes to life underneath the shade of the cypress tree. He sings part of He's Got The Whole World In His Hands and we're done.
Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee/Tamina
Vickie Guerrero is on commentary to explain the 14 Divas match at Wrestlemania. Her explanation: it's going to be awesome. Brie quickly takes AJ down to start but it's quickly off to Nikki for a middle rope kick to the face. Tamina comes in and nails Nikki in the face before it's back to the champion for a two count.
We hit the guillotine choke from AJ which transitions into a sleeper until AJ lets go and brings Tamina in again. Snuka misses a middle rope splash and it's back to Brie for some dropkicks. A middle rope dropkick sends Tamina to the apron where she nails AJ in the face and tags her in, setting up the Bella Buster for the pin at 3:27.
Santino and Emma are on a sound stage that is supposed to look like a restaurant for a date. She calls him the ultimate friend with benefits but means benefits like going out together instead of the usual meaning. We get a staring contest for a bit before Emma says she feels the same way he does: they'll always be best friends. Santino freaks out and says he can't eat. He chokes on something and makes it worse by trying to drink wine. The wine is spat out on Emma and thankfully the segment ends.
Jack Swagger vs. Jimmy Uso
Jack takes him into the corner to start but Jimmy knocks him outside and hits the big dive over the top. Back in and a high cross body gets two followed by something resembling a Whisper in the Wind for the same. Not that it matters as Swagger takes out the knee and the Patriot Lock is good for the win at 1:58.
We look at Undertaker and Lesnar brawling on Raw.
Mark Henry vs. The Miz
Henry takes too long pointing at the sign and Miz nails some kicks to the ribs to start. A dropkick to the knee puts Henry down and Miz goes to work on the leg. He cranks on the ankle a bit but lets Henry up and charges into a boot to the face. Mark misses a Vader Bomb and bangs up his knee again. The Figure Four is easily broken up but Miz throws him over the top and out to the floor. Miz gets sent hard into the steps for his efforts and a whip into the barricade has him in trouble as well. Back in and the World's Strongest Slam gets the pin at 3:30.
Razor Ramon Hall of Fame video.
Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt
The giant shoves him into the corner to start but Bray smiles at him. Wyatt is sent out to the floor so he sits in front of the announce table and says that was nice. Back in and Bray tells Show to show him all his might. Big Show hammers away in the corner and knocks Bray around with a headbutt. Wyatt charges into a boot to the face but avoids an elbow drop.
It's Wyatt in control now and kicking away at the giant but being launched off a cover. The Spider Walk looks good but only gets Bray clotheslined down. He comes back with a splash in the corner but has to stop before running into a boot to the face. Something like a Stunner to the leg puts Big Show down and Harper gets in a shot of his own. Sister Abigail gets the pin at 4:10.
Shield b. 3MB – Dirty Deeds to McIntyre
Shield b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Peace of Mind to Axel
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
Fandango b. Goldust – Kick to the head
Sheamus b. Batista via DQ when Batista used a chair
Bella Twins b. AJ Lee/Tamina – Bella Buster to Lee
Jack Swagger b. Jimmy Uso – Patriot Lock
Mark Henry b. The Miz – World's Strongest Slam
Bray Wyatt b. Big Show – Sister Abigail
Nothing again.
Quick Results
Monday Night Raw
Christian b. Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch to Ziggler
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Swanton Bomb
Los Matadores b. Curtis Axel/Sin Cara – Rollup to Axel
Cody Rhodes b. Fandango – Disaster Kick
Big Show b. Titus O'Neil – WMD
John Cena vs. Luke Harper went to a no contest
Naomi b. AJ Lee via countout
Shield b. Real Americans – Peace of Mind to Swagger
Mojo Rawley b. CJ Parker – Hyperdrive
Tyler Breeze b. Xavier Woods – Beauty Shot
Corey Graves b. Yoshi Tatsu – Lucky 13
Natalya b. Charlotte via DQ when Sasha Banks interfered
Adrian Neville b. Bo Dallas – Reverse 450
Impact Wrestling
Wolves b. Magnus/Abyss – Half crab to Magnus
Angelina Love b. Madison Rayne – Pin after a DDT from Velvet Sky
Samoa Joe b. Eric Young – Koquina Clutch
Gunner b. James Storm – F5
Shield b. 3MB – Dirty Deeds to McIntyre
Shield b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Peace of Mind to Axel
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
Fandango b. Goldust – Kick to the head
Sheamus b. Batista via DQ when Batista used a chair
Bella Twins b. AJ Lee/Tamina – Bella Buster to Lee
Jack Swagger b. Jimmy Uso – Patriot Lock
Mark Henry b. The Miz – World's Strongest Slam
Bray Wyatt b. Big Show – Sister Abigail
The original Sin Cara has officially been released.
Main Event will leave ION Television on April 2.
Date: March 27, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jason Albert, Tom Phillips, Alex Riley
Tonight is another of those big shows for NXT called Vengeance. The idea here is a bunch of long standing feuds or rematches, such as Neville vs. Dallas II in the main event. Other than that we have Parker vs. Rawley, Natayla vs. Charlotte and Breeze vs. Woods. NXT knows how to put on the big shows like this so hopefully they continue the trend here. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of Arrival where Neville won the NXT Title in a ladder match and Bo Dallas challenging for a rematch.
Opening sequence.
CJ Parker vs. Mojo Rawley
Parker is angry at Rawley for polluting the planet, even though there's no evidence of him doing so. A kick to the head puts Mojo down and Parker hammers away in the corner before shouting a lot. Rawley comes back with right hands but misses a splash, giving CJ a two count. More left hands in the corner have Rawley in trouble but Parker stops to show a peace sign. Mojo chases him across the ring and nails a splash in the other corner and Hyperdrive is good for the pin at 3:22.
Parker freaks out post match.
We look back at Corey Graves attacking Sami Zayn last week and see Sami getting a concussion test.
Tyler Breeze vs. Xavier Woods
Woods looks ticked off coming to the ring. Feeling out process to start until Woods grabs a headlock and takes Breeze down with a headscissors. A catapult sends Breeze into the corner for two but he nails Woods with a forearm for two of his own. Woods gets all fired up but Tyler avoids the Honor Roll. He tries snake eyes on Tyler but Breeze escapes and hits the Beauty Shot for the pin at 3:53.
Bo Dallas says he'll get the title back tonight because it's a wrestling match instead of climbing monkey bars.
Yoshi Tatsu vs. Corey Graves
This is a rematch from a few weeks ago when Graves attacked Tatsu before the bell and got an easy pin. Yoshi hammers away in the corner to start and nails a LOUD chop. A quick cross body gets two on Corey but he goes after Tatsu's knee to take over. He cranks on a hold before kicking the knee out one more time. Lucky 13 makes Yoshi tap at 3:10.
Corey tells Sami to stay down.
Natalya vs. Charlotte
Charlotte has Sasha Banks with her but Natalya one ups her with Bret Hart. They hit the mat to start but neither girl can gain control. Natalya grabs an armbar but gets countered into a headscissors. Rene Young isn't sure how to describe her meeting Bret Hart but Natalya destroys Charlotte with a dropkick to bail her out.
Charlotte is flipped into the corner but clotheslines Natalya down to take over. She goes after Natalya's knee by kicking it in the corner and crushing it against the mat. Natayla escapes a leg lock and goes for the Sharpshooter but Charlotte is in the ropes. Another attempt works but Sasha comes in for the DQ at 5:04.
Neville says it's not a ladder match tonight but he has the momentum and the title, so nothing changes tonight.
NXT Title: Bo Dallas vs. Adrian Neville
Neville is defending. Bo tries some fast pins but Neville gets out, sending Dallas running to the corner. Dallas whips Neville across the ring but the champion flips forward and hits a middle rope dropkick. Bo heads outside but Neville takes him down with a BIG dive. Neville loads up another dive but gets shoved to the floor to give Bo an opening. A hard clothesline drops Neville again and Bo takes him inside for some knee drops.
We take a break and come back with Dallas nailing another clothesline for two. Frustration sets in off the kickouts but he's able to sit down to block a sunset flip. The referee catches Bo holding the ropes though and Neville pulls him down for two. Neville escapes an Impaler DDT and hits a HUGE springboard forearm for two. They trade hard shots to the face and the referee is nearly bumped.
Bo gets two off a rollup but an enziguri from the apron sets up the Red Arrow. The splash hits knees though and both guys are down. Dallas is up first and tries his DDT but has to avoid a hard charge into the corner. The champ gets a kick to Dallas' head though and a reverse 450 (as in his back was to the ring and he threw his feet into the air before flipping over and landing on Dallas) retains at 12:50.
Mojo Rawley b. CJ Parker – Hyperdrive
Tyler Breeze b. Xavier Woods – Beauty Shot
Corey Graves b. Yoshi Tatsu – Lucky 13
Natalya b. Charlotte via DQ when Sasha Banks interfered
Adrian Neville b. Bo Dallas – Reverse 450
Impact Wrestling
Date: March 27, 2014
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
We're less than a month into the MVP Regime and things are already looking down on the new boss. The big story coming out of last week is Magnus retaining the World Title with the help of Abyss, much like he did at Lockdown. Other than that we have Roode vs. Ray coming up and Angelina Love attacking Madison Rayne last week when Madison turned down her offer to reform the Beautiful People. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of Storm attacking Gunner's father last week.
Here's MVP to get things going. He wants Abyss out here right now because Magnus is champion because of his associates, not his own talent. The cream should always rise to the top but here are Abyss and Magnus to interrupt. Magnus insists that Abyss has a personal services contract with Magnus, meaning Abyss doesn't answer to MVP at all. The only time MVP has control over Abyss is when he's in the ring with Magnus, which gives MVP an idea.
MVP thinks Abyss should be more than the world's ugliest valet, so how about a shot at the World Title? We'll do that next week, but Samoa Joe is thrown into the mix because he still hasn't gotten a fair shake. This brings out Joe who says he doesn't want to be in a handicap match and doesn't like the idea of MVP controlling him. MVP says that's not what's going on but the brawl is quickly on with all four guys. Eric Young runs out to join in and we go to a break.
Back with Joe, MVP and Eric still in the ring and the latter holding a mic. He says he brought the monster out of Abyss so he has to be the one to stop him. Eric wants to be in a match with Abyss next week while Joe gets to take on Magnus one on one. Young uses the MVP Principle of motivate, validate and participate by talking about how he's been around here forever.
He lists off a bunch of his gimmicks and titles before saying he's participated in everything TNA has thrown at him. Joe says not yet because he hasn't gotten his one on one title shot. MVP says not so fast and makes it a fourway with Eric added to the title match. That's not cool with Joe and the brawl is on again. The Samoan gets the better of it until referees break it up. Joe wants Eric tonight and MVP grants his wish.
Bully Ray has his Twitter Machine again tonight and says Roode is getting the tables tonight.
The Wolves ask MVP to give them Magnus/Abyss tonight. The boss reluctantly agrees.
Ethan Carter and Spud (covered in grass for a disguise) are in the woods searching for Willow. Back from a break and the search continues. Ethan lists off the people he's defeated and says it's eye for an eye. They've found a house and are sure that Willow is inside. More later.
Magnus/Abyss vs. Wolves
Davey starts with the World Champion but neither guy is able to get an advantage. Richards backflips out of a suplex attempt and brings in Eddie for some double teaming. A legdrop gets two on Magnus before it's quickly back to Richards. Magnus makes a blind tag though and Abyss takes them both down with a double clothesline to the back of the head as we take a break.
Back with Magnus running over Eddie for two and putting on a chinlock. Magnus takes him into the corner but charges into a boot, allowing Eddie to take him down with a middle rope hurricanrana. Off to Richards as Abyss comes in to try and save is boss. Instead he splashes him in the corner and the Wolves take over.
An enziguri from Richards into a German by Edwards gets two on Magnus. Abyss gets double chopped but the Wolves have to backflip out of a double chokeslam. The Monster is sent outside where Richards hits a suicide dive before Edwards locks on a half crab. Magnus taps out immediately to avoid injury at 8:36.
Here's Angelina to complain about Velvet not answering her calls. Sky comes to the ring and says she has a big problem with Madison. Attacking old friends isn't what Sky signed up for. Angelina wants to know what Sky signed up for, because without her, Velvet is nothing. Sky doesn't say anything and Love says it's because Velvet knows she's right. Love says Velvet has changed because she's lacking her swagger now. Angelina faces Madison tonight and Velvet has to pick a side by the time the match ends.
We recap Storm and Gunner as tag team partners.
The hunt for Willow continues. Back from a break and Carter goes into the house. He screams loudly but is just faking to mess with Spud. Willow sneaks up on Spud and kidnaps him, freaking Carter out. Willow's laugh makes it even worse.
We look at the Feast or Fired briefcase coming between Gunner and Storm.
Here's Bully Ray to a BIG face reaction. He has a bunch of fans bring down tables until there are about seven of them in and around the ring. Ray talks about making sure Dixie Carter was gone and then he put Roode through a table. He asks the fans if they want to see Roode go through a lot of tables but here's Bobby to interrupt.
Roode lists off a bunch of accomplishments before saying he got Ray to come to Nashville last week before laying him out. He's the guy that calls the shots around here and will pick when, where and how this happens. Ray says let the people decide but Roode walks away. Bully goes after him in the aisle and the fight is on. Roode is in trouble but he avoids going through a table.
Ray hurts his own hand on a table and Roode takes over but has to avoid a Cutter on the floor. They fight on the apron before heading inside. Roode misses a Blockbuster but avoids a big boot through the table. Ray is banged up but still escapes a Roode Bomb through the table. Bobby gets pot of a powerbomb through the table and sidesteps a charging Bully to send him through a table in the corner.
Abyss comes into Magnus' locker room and wants to know what he was doing out there. Magnus told Abyss he would do that to save himself for title matches. That's not cool with Abyss because he doesn't like to lose, but Magnus says get used to it, because Abyss is losing last week.
Knux and his lady friend are at their shut down arcade. The girl yells at him for abandoning them and says they need to go talk to his dad.
Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love
Non-title. Madison attacks Love at the bell and here's Velvet. Love knocks the champ to the floor but Velvet doesn't do anything. They head back inside with Madison in control until Angelina kicks her in the ribs to take over. Madison is sent to the floor again and Angelina yells at Velvet for not attacking her. Back in and Love yells a lot but gets her face slammed into the mat. Angelina glares at Velvet again but Madison shoves her to the floor. Sky uses the distraction to DDT Madison on the floor, giving Angelina the easy pin at 5:10.
Kenny King introduces himself to MVP and not much is said.
Samoa Joe vs. Eric Young
Eric is aggressive to start but takes a hard knee to the ribs to stop his momentum. A running forearm drops Joe for two but he comes back with the heavy shots to the head. The fans are behind Eric but Joe runs him over with an elbow to the face. Joe nails the running enziguri in the corner to take over and a big running knee drop gets two. Eric comes back with a running clothesline and actually slams the Samoa down.
Young loads up the elbow but Joe gets to his feet. Young charges into the Rock Bottom out of the corner for two but drops Joe with an elbow. The Samoan avoids a moonsault but can't quite get the Clutch. Eric tries to kick out of the corner but falls on his back, putting the choke on full until Young passes out at 5:50.
Earl Hebner comes out to tell his son Brian that Joe's shoulders were down while he had the choke on and it should have been a pin. Thankfully nothing changes and Earl pats his son on the back.
Ethan Carter goes to a cabin to rescue Spud.
We see a clip from after last week's show of Samuel Shaw going into the Knockouts locker room and finding Christy all alone. She tells him to get out but he gets right up in front of her and cuts off a piece of her hair. That's all he needs and he leaves. Shaw has been suspended for one week, but he'll be in a straitjacket match next week.
Also next week there's the fourway for the title plus Willow/Ray vs. Roode/Carter in a tables match.
We recap the recent history of Gunner vs. Storm.
Gunner vs. James Storm
This is an Unlocked match, which is another name for a street fight. The fight is on in the aisle again and Gunner quickly sets up a table. Storm gets in a right hand before the table is completely set so he finishes Gunner's job. Gunner is whipped knees first into the steps as Tenay tells us we'll see Ethan and Willow's confrontation before the show ends. A running knee to Gunner's head knocks him from the apron to the floor. They haven't been in the ring yet.
Storm suplexes Gunner onto the ramp but gets sent into the steps for his efforts. Gunner nails him in the ribs with a chair and they finally get inside. The Cowboy comes back with a middle rope DDT of all things for no cover as we take a break. Back with Storm loading up a chair in the corner but getting reversed by Gunner. They slug it out with trashcan lids before Storm gets speared down for two.
Storm counters a sunset flip into a catapult, sending Gunner face first into the chair. A Backstabber sets up a VERY long top rope elbow to give Storm a near fall. Storm pulls out a beer bottle but the distraction lets Gunner spear him through the ropes and through the table on the floor ala Edge and Mick Foley. That only gets two so Gunner sets up two chairs (one of which is broken) in the middle of the ring.
A superplex through the chairs (Storm barely hit them) is enough for two in a nice throwback to the ending at Lockdown. Storm comes back with a Closing Time and a pair of Last Calls for two. James gets the beer bottle but Gunner finds his own to lay out Storm. An F5 is enough to pin the Cowboy at 15:03.
Carter finds Spud tied to a bed next to a skeleton. Willow screams a lot and attacks Carter from behind with the umbrella. He leaves and Carter says if Willow wants to play games, then game on.
Wolves b. Magnus/Abyss – Half crab to Magnus
Angelina Love b. Madison Rayne – Pin after a DDT from Velvet Sky
Samoa Joe b. Eric Young – Koquina Clutch
Gunner b. James Storm – F5
Impact got a .92, up from last week.
Date: March 28, 2014
Location: TD Bank North Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield
It's the last regular Smackdown before they head to the Crescent City. The main stories are all set at this point so this show is just going to be about firming up the plans for Wrestlemania. The only match announced for tonight is Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt which should be a good win for the monster. That would be the monster with hair in case that's not clear. Let's get to it.
Opening sequence.
Here's Batista to get things going. Batista wants to know why the fans are booing a six time World Champion, the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble and the headliner of Wrestlemania XXX. They boo him, but they cheer for Daniel Bryan? This brings him to a clip from Raw with Batista implying Stephanie is shall we say, friendly, and getting slapped as a result. Batista thinks Stephanie hits harder than any of his opponents, which brings out HHH.
The boss suggests leaving Stephanie out of this but Batista asks why we should do that. She's responsible for the suit and for HHH being COO. HHH wouldn't have anything without marrying the boss' daughter. Triple H says this is the Reality Era and it doesn't matter why he has what he has and all that matters is what he has. He asks why Batista wants to make this personal. Batista says it's because HHH has accused him of living off his past glories, which includes never losing to HHH. Now HHH is trying to take Batista's title and that's not cool with Big Dave.
HHH agrees that he's never beaten Batista but that was a long time ago. Batista has gotten lazy after getting all that success and he's been in Hollywood letting his stuntman doing all his work. Now he's back in WWE and HHH has yet to see the Animal. HHH has shown what he can do a few weeks ago against Daniel Bryan. You know, the little guy that Batista couldn't finish off. However, HHH is willing to help Batista again tonight. Maybe he can find that Animal in his match against Sheamus.
We look back at the fourway from last week, leading to Shield being beaten down by Kane and the Outlaws.
Shield vs. 3MB
Rollins/Ambrose vs. Mahal/McIntyre and Seth starts against Jinder. JBL brings up a good point: the Shield has dominated the last year but three guys from the Attitude Era took them down. Rollins hits Two Amigos before bringing in Ambrose for the third. Back to Rollins who gets taken into the corner and pounded by McIntyre. Drew thrusts his hips at Reigns for some reason but it allows Seth to roll over for the tag to Ambrose. The running dropkick against the ropes has Drew in trouble and Seth hits the big dive to take out Mahal. The bulldog driver, now named Dirty Deeds, is enough to pin McIntyre at 3:04.
Post match Kane and the Outlaws come out and say they'll end Shield at Wrestlemania. That's unlike what Shield is going to do to their next opponents.
Shield vs. Ryback/Curtis Axel
This is joined in progress after a break with Ambrose taking Curtis down with a drop toehold. Ryback offers a quick distraction though and Axel knocks Dean to the floor. Dean gets caught in the corner as the announcers do their usual bickering. Ryback loads up a suplex but gets countered into a nice DDT. The hot tag brings in Rollins to clean house with a Blockbuster to Axel. A series of kicks takes Axel down and Ambrose jumps off the steps to pound on Ryback. Rollins unleashes the dive to Ryback before countering a PerfectPlex into the Peace of Mind for the pin on Axel at 4:14.
Post match Shield points at the Authority members on stage and lays out Ryback with the Superman Punch and Triple Bomb.
Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow
The maskless one takes him into the corner to start and drives a knee into his ribs for two. We're in a chinlock thirty seconds into the match but Sin Cara rolls him up out of the corner for the pin at 1:04.
Big Show says what the Wyatts did to Cena on Raw was very disturbing. However, some of the stuff Bray has been saying makes sense. That's how they suck you in, but tonight they have a giant problem on their hands.
Fandango vs. Goldust
No Cody for this one. Summer is looking great tonight in an outfit similar to Jasmine from Aladdin. Fandango takes him down to start and puts on a very early chinlock. Goldust fights up with a belly to back suplex followed by an atomic drops and right hands in the corner. The powerslam gets two for Goldust and they head outside where Summer distracts Goldust long enough for Fandango to kick him in the head and grab a handful of tights for the pin at 3:16.
Batista vs. Sheamus
HHH is watching from the back. Batista hides in the corner to start until Sheamus nails him with a shoulder block to send the Animal to the floor. A chase goes badly for the Irishman and Batista drives shoulders into the corner. Batista scores with a big clothesline before dropping Sheamus with a knee to the ribs.
There's the spinebuster but Batista walks around instead of following up. The delay lets Sheamus nail Batista with a clothesline and come back with his usual high powered offense. Batista fights out of the ten forearms but Sheamus makes the second attempt work. A powerslam looks to set up the Brogue Kick but Batista bails tot he floor. Sheamus follows but walks into a chair to the right for the DQ at 5:33.
Batista sends Sheamus into the post and hits the Batista Bomb. He asks if HHH is happy now and promises to leave Wrestlemania as champion.
The Raw ReBound looks at the Wyatts attacking Cena on Monday.
Bray Wyatt is holding a mask and says if you give it to a man, he'll reveal his true face. Every man wears a mask at some point John, whether it's to to hide his intentions or not. Cena has hidden behind a mask for so long that it's become him, but when he removes it he removes his own skin. Bray's sword has left a scar on Cena's soul that can never heal. Can't Cena hear the song? Bray will never forget what the woman singing first told him. A man's secret comes to life underneath the shade of the cypress tree. He sings part of He's Got The Whole World In His Hands and we're done.
Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee/Tamina
Vickie Guerrero is on commentary to explain the 14 Divas match at Wrestlemania. Her explanation: it's going to be awesome. Brie quickly takes AJ down to start but it's quickly off to Nikki for a middle rope kick to the face. Tamina comes in and nails Nikki in the face before it's back to the champion for a two count.
We hit the guillotine choke from AJ which transitions into a sleeper until AJ lets go and brings Tamina in again. Snuka misses a middle rope splash and it's back to Brie for some dropkicks. A middle rope dropkick sends Tamina to the apron where she nails AJ in the face and tags her in, setting up the Bella Buster for the pin at 3:27.
Santino and Emma are on a sound stage that is supposed to look like a restaurant for a date. She calls him the ultimate friend with benefits but means benefits like going out together instead of the usual meaning. We get a staring contest for a bit before Emma says she feels the same way he does: they'll always be best friends. Santino freaks out and says he can't eat. He chokes on something and makes it worse by trying to drink wine. The wine is spat out on Emma and thankfully the segment ends.
Jack Swagger vs. Jimmy Uso
Jack takes him into the corner to start but Jimmy knocks him outside and hits the big dive over the top. Back in and a high cross body gets two followed by something resembling a Whisper in the Wind for the same. Not that it matters as Swagger takes out the knee and the Patriot Lock is good for the win at 1:58.
We look at Undertaker and Lesnar brawling on Raw.
Mark Henry vs. The Miz
Henry takes too long pointing at the sign and Miz nails some kicks to the ribs to start. A dropkick to the knee puts Henry down and Miz goes to work on the leg. He cranks on the ankle a bit but lets Henry up and charges into a boot to the face. Mark misses a Vader Bomb and bangs up his knee again. The Figure Four is easily broken up but Miz throws him over the top and out to the floor. Miz gets sent hard into the steps for his efforts and a whip into the barricade has him in trouble as well. Back in and the World's Strongest Slam gets the pin at 3:30.
Razor Ramon Hall of Fame video.
Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt
The giant shoves him into the corner to start but Bray smiles at him. Wyatt is sent out to the floor so he sits in front of the announce table and says that was nice. Back in and Bray tells Show to show him all his might. Big Show hammers away in the corner and knocks Bray around with a headbutt. Wyatt charges into a boot to the face but avoids an elbow drop.
It's Wyatt in control now and kicking away at the giant but being launched off a cover. The Spider Walk looks good but only gets Bray clotheslined down. He comes back with a splash in the corner but has to stop before running into a boot to the face. Something like a Stunner to the leg puts Big Show down and Harper gets in a shot of his own. Sister Abigail gets the pin at 4:10.
Shield b. 3MB – Dirty Deeds to McIntyre
Shield b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Peace of Mind to Axel
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
Fandango b. Goldust – Kick to the head
Sheamus b. Batista via DQ when Batista used a chair
Bella Twins b. AJ Lee/Tamina – Bella Buster to Lee
Jack Swagger b. Jimmy Uso – Patriot Lock
Mark Henry b. The Miz – World's Strongest Slam
Bray Wyatt b. Big Show – Sister Abigail
Nothing again.
Quick Results
Monday Night Raw
Christian b. Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch to Ziggler
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Swanton Bomb
Los Matadores b. Curtis Axel/Sin Cara – Rollup to Axel
Cody Rhodes b. Fandango – Disaster Kick
Big Show b. Titus O'Neil – WMD
John Cena vs. Luke Harper went to a no contest
Naomi b. AJ Lee via countout
Shield b. Real Americans – Peace of Mind to Swagger
Mojo Rawley b. CJ Parker – Hyperdrive
Tyler Breeze b. Xavier Woods – Beauty Shot
Corey Graves b. Yoshi Tatsu – Lucky 13
Natalya b. Charlotte via DQ when Sasha Banks interfered
Adrian Neville b. Bo Dallas – Reverse 450
Impact Wrestling
Wolves b. Magnus/Abyss – Half crab to Magnus
Angelina Love b. Madison Rayne – Pin after a DDT from Velvet Sky
Samoa Joe b. Eric Young – Koquina Clutch
Gunner b. James Storm – F5
Shield b. 3MB – Dirty Deeds to McIntyre
Shield b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Peace of Mind to Axel
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
Fandango b. Goldust – Kick to the head
Sheamus b. Batista via DQ when Batista used a chair
Bella Twins b. AJ Lee/Tamina – Bella Buster to Lee
Jack Swagger b. Jimmy Uso – Patriot Lock
Mark Henry b. The Miz – World's Strongest Slam
Bray Wyatt b. Big Show – Sister Abigail
Week of 3/24/2014 - 3/31/2014 (Monday - Wednesday)
Smackdown got a 1.9, down slightly from last week.
Monday Night Raw
Date: March 24, 2014
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler
We're just two weeks from the biggest show of the year but tonight is about the guest stars. Tonight we've got a double shot with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Scooby-Doo, the latter of whom is here because the WWE animated movie comes out tomorrow. Other than that we get the fallout from Bryan being attacked by the boss last week and a showdown between Undertaker and Lesnar. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of last week's closing sequence with the fake cops and Stephanie ranting about respect and HHH destroying Bryan with a chair.
Here's Stephanie to get things going. She talks about how people on social media have been saying how what HHH did last week was disgusting. However, the Authority won't let the YES Movement steer this ship the wrong way. The WWE needs leadership through strong people like herself. The fans LOUDLY cheer for Punk but Stephanie just goes through them until it calms down. She lists off some of HHH's accolades but gets Randy Orton instead.
Randy respects HHH but if he beats Daniel Bryan earlier in the night (Stephanie: “You mean when he beats Daniel Bryan.”), he'll do whatever he has to do to retain the title. The fans chant for Bryan and Stephanie acknowledges them by saying he's not coming out. Orton sucks up to Stephanie and suggests that HHH beat the tar out of Daniel Bryan, but let that be it for the night for HHH. The New York fans think this is boring but here's Batista to really fire them up.
Big Dave says the fans can chant and the two people in the ring can run their mouths all they want, but he's the next WWE Champion. The mic cuts out a bit as Batista tells us to DEAL WITH IT. Things stop a bit as we fix the mic until Batista points out that HHH has never beaten him. Batista calls Orton out for sucking up to everyone lately and drooling on Stephanie. “I think she's been drooled on before. Actually, make that a lot.” Stephanie slaps Batista for the insult and Orton is nearly keeling over in what looks to be shock or laughter. Stephanie walks out and Batista spears Orton down to LOUD booing.
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner gets an Intercontinental Title shot tomorrow night on Main Event against Big E. It's one fall to a finish and anything goes. Sheamus and Christian fight on the floor to start until we get down to Sheamus vs. Ziggler in the ring. They trade strikes for a bit until the guys switch off again. Christian dives to the floor but gets caught by Sheamus, who launches him into the barricade with a fall away slam.
Sheamus loads up the ten forearms to Ziggler but has to duck a running enziguri from Del Rio. Dolph knocks Sheamus to the floor and gets two on Del Rio but Christian pulls Ziggler outside again. Sheamus hits a Cactus Clothesline on Christian, sending both of them into the timekeeper's area as we take a break.
Back with Ziggler and Christian in the ring as Sheamus hits the rolling fireman's carry to Del Rio on the floor. Christian hits a high cross body on Dolph but gets rolled through for two. A loud ZIGGLER chant starts up as Christian stands on Dolph's head for two. Ziggler gets knocked to the floor so Sheamus hits his ax handles and high knee to Christian. Alberto charges into the Irish Curse and Christian is sent to the floor. The ten forearms puts Alberto on the floor so Sheamus goes up for a dive, only to be taken down by a top rope X Factor for two from Ziggler.
The running DDT gets two on Del Rio but Christian snaps the back of Dolph's neck across the top rope. The fans think this is awesome as Christian counters a Fameasser into a powerbomb for two. Del Rio breaks up the pin with a superkick but Sheamus breaks upt he pin. There's the Cloverleaf on Del Rio but Sheamus breaks it up to powerslam Christian. Del Rio breaks up the Brogue Kick and puts Sheamus in the cross armbreaker. Sheamus powers of put it and lifts Alberto up but Ziggler takes them both down with a Zig Zag. Christian comes back in with the Killswitch to Dolph for the pin out of nowhere at 12:00.
Christian won't shake Big E.'s hand after the match.
The Wyatts pop up on screen and Bray talks about fans being interested in things they can't see. But they can see Cena everywhere because he's on billboards and t-shirts. Bray is someone you can't see because he is the key to the city of woe. He's everywhere but you can only feel him. Harper says they're coming to fight Cena. Run.
We get a clip of the Scooby-Doo movie and here's the Mystery Machine in the arena. Sin Cara (the second biggest wrestler in the movie. If it was based on the active roster, he would be the Daniel Bryan to John Cena) pops out and here's Scooby to go with him. It's a guy in a costume if that wasn't clear.
Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow
The lighting is back. Sin avoids a charge in the corner and hits a springboard cross body and the Tajiri Elbow, followed by the Swanton for the pin at 1:07.
We look at Kane and the Outlaws beating down the Shield on Friday.
Los Matadores vs. Curtis Axel/Ryback
Ryback and Axel are officially out of the battle royal and will be getting a Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania. Curtis starts with Fernando but the Shield comes to the barricade for a distraction, allowing Fernando to get the pin at 1:05.
Shield destroys Ryback and Axel post match with the spear and Triple Bomb laying Ryback out.
Cole brings out HHH for a sitdown interview. We look at the attack from last week and Cole asks HHH to justify that. HHH wants to know if he wants an answer as the COO or a competitor. He goes on a short rant about taking advantage of an upcoming opponent before shifting towards Occupy Raw. Bryan and the fans tried to hijack Raw and the people were put in danger. HHH asks Cole why he chalked that up to a memorable moment but what HHH did was despicable.
What happened to this world since HHH stopped competing full time? He did horrible things to people and looked into their eyes, seeing the same lust for success that he had. People would fight the system but now he sees soft and pathetic people in the crowd. He sees a bunch of powerless people with no desire who cry when they don't get what they want. If they're mad, Tweet him about it. HHH is sick of the whole thing because the world has changed and he doesn't like it.
Maybe it's on him to decide where everything goes. This is the beginning of the Reality Era and the reality is this: at Wrestlemania, he ends Daniel Bryan's little run at the top and ends the YES Movement along with it. The reality is at Wrestlemania he'll beat Daniel Bryan and enter a triple threat match where he'll take the WWE Title for himself instead of living off past glory. Really solid stuff from the Game here.
Fandango vs. Cody Rhodes
Goldust has a mask over his face paint now. Fandango takes over to start and a slingshot legdrop gets two. A snap suplex gets the same and Fandango cranks on the arm a bit. Cody comes back with a springboard dropkick but Summer and Goldust have a dance off. Summer hurts her ankle and Cody hits a quick Disaster Kick for the pin at 2:48.
Clip from the new Schwarzenegger movie Sabotage.
Here's Hogan with something to say but we have to wait for the big nostalgia chant. He doesn't want to be nostalgic but Wrestlemania is two weeks away. We might be in a different part of the city, but thirty years ago he and Mr. T. made history in New York. Hogan stops to point at the sign and says he's real psyched up for Wrestlemania. He's also excited about tonight's guest starts: Joe Maganeillo and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Joe is taller than Hogan so Arnold looks tiny out there. The fans love Arnold and give him a big ovation. A year ago Arnold got to induct Bruno Sammartino into the Hall of Fame with another great hero like Hulk Hogan. Arnold raves about Hogan's physique and asks the fans to cheer Joe. Maganeillo talks about how pumped he is to be in the ring with two icons like Hulk and Arnold. Arnold brings up the battle royal and talks about hanging out with Andre on a movie set. He asks if Hogan has room for two more athletes in the battle royal but here's Miz to interrupt.
Miz says he'll be going to see Sabotage, just like Arnold and Joe went to see his movies. He guarantees to win the battle royal but Hogan says he's in the wrong place. Joe says if Miz wants the three of them gone to get rid of them himself. All three guys get in a shot and Hogan throws Miz over the top.
Big Show vs. Titus O'Neill
Titus kicks Big Show into the corner and stomps away to send Big Show to the mat. A legdrop gets two and a splash in the corner has Big Show in trouble again. The fans chant for Punk again as Titus drops Big Show with a flying shoulder for two. Big Show shrugs it off, spears Titus down and hits the WMD for the pin at 2:24.
Shield comes in to see the Authority and wants to know where the three of them stand in this whole thing. HHH says the business between Kane, the Outlaws and the Shield is between the six of them. Stephanie makes Shield vs. Real Americans for later and they can discuss things afterwards. Reigns gives HHH a bit of a look.
John Cena is in the bathroom and running water over his face.* The sheep mask can be seen in the mirror.
John Cena vs. Luke Harper
Luke takes Cena into the corner to start and the fans are all over John here. Cena fights back but walks into a backbreaker for two. A loud LET'S GO HARPER chant starts up as Cena comes back with right hands in the corner. Something resembling a Stinger Splash crushes Harper in the corner but he walks into a pumphandle throw for two. Cena is thrown to the floor and Bray crouches in front of him but Harper comes out with a forearm to the back. We get a Fruity Pebbles chant as Harper hammers away even more.
Back with Cena fighting out of a chinlock but walking into a suplex to put him down again. The AA is countered and Harper gets two off a boot to the face. Cena counters the discus lariat into the ProtoBomb but Harper pops up and hits a Michinoku Driver for two. Luke tries a powerbomb but gets countered into what was supposed to be a hurricanrana. The STF is kicked away to send Cena to the floor and Harper hits a great looking suicide dive. Cena's head bounced off the barricade and Bray came out of his chair.
Back in and Cena grabs the STF but Harper pokes him in the eye. A DDT gets two on John and Harper puts him on the top rope. Cena powers out of a butterfly superplex attempt and hits the top rope Fameasser for two. A second ProtoBomb and the Shuffle connect but Harper escapes the AA and picks him up for a belly to back suplex, only to slam Cena face first into the mat.
Cena EXPLODES out of the corner with a clothesline but the lights go out as he loads up the AA. You can hear something in the ring and as the lights come back on, Cena is tied in the ropes with the sheep mask on. The Wyatts surround an unconscious Cena as the match is thrown out at about 14:00.*
Divas Title: Naomi vs. AJ Lee
AJ is defending. Naomi quickly sends her to the floor but AJ says she doesn't need this. She skips out and it's a countout at 1:12.
Post match here's Vickie Guerrero who AJ insulted on Smackdown. Vickie didn't care for what AJ said on Smackdown, so at Wrestlemania it will be the Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Special. AJ will defend against the Funkadactyls, the Bella Twins, Natalya, Eva Marie, Emma, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Layla and Tamina.
Scott Hall is announced for the Hall of Fame.
We look at the opening segment again. Orton vs. Batista one on one next week.
Real Americans vs. Shield
It's Rollins and Ambrose meeting the Americans in the aisle to start the big brawl. The fans chant WE THE PEOPLE as Ambrose throws Cesaro inside for the opening bell. Dean stomps him down in the corner and we get a Hart Attack with Rollins hitting a neckbreaker instead of a clothesline. Off to Swagger but Seth meets him with right hands and Three Amigos with Ambrose helping out on the third.
Shield takes their turns on Swagger until he drives Dean into the corner for the tag to Cesaro. The WE THE PEOPLE chants continue as Cesaro takes over and puts Dean in a chinlock. Back to Swagger for the Vader Bomb but Ambrose gets his feet up. A middle rope back elbow drops Swagger but Cesaro knocks Seth off the apron. Cesaro counters a backdrop into the Swing but Seth breaks up the cover. Ambrose is sent outside and the Americans swing him by his arms and legs into the barricade as we take a break.
Back with Cesaro putting Dean in a front facelock but making the mistake of slapping him. Dean says bring it so Cesaro kicks him in the chest. Dean pops back up and clotheslines Cesaro down, finally allowing the hot tag to Seth. Rollins cleans house and hits the running forearm in the corner to set up a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle. Cesaro gets LAUNCHED over the top to the floor and Swagger gets clotheslined as well.
A suicide dive puts Cesaro into the crowd and Seth runs back in for a BIG flip dive to take Jack down as well. Back in and a top rope knee to the head drops Swagger but Cesaro makes the save. Ambrose runs in but gets backdropped to the floor. Rollins clotheslines Cesaro outside but gets caught in the Patriot Lock. He makes the rope and lands on his feet, setting up an enziguri and the Black Out (now called Peace of Mind) for the pin at 14:00.
Post match Reigns hits the Superman Punch and spear on Cesaro, setting up the Triple Bomb through the table. Shield poses but Kane and the Outlaws (all in suits) come to the stage. Kane announces the six man tag at Wrestlemania. The Outlaws just do not work for me in this role at all. Shield just tore the house down with two very talented guys. I'm not buying into seeing the Outlaws do their little shortcuts and the same jokes we've heard on a million reunion shows.
It just doesn't work for me and the minute I saw them come out on Smackdown I lost most of my interest in this story. What does Shield get out of this feud? A rub from a former World Champion? They've gotten that from far bigger stars than Kane. A match against former Tag Team Champions? They've destroyed every team they've fought and had a better match at Elimination Chamber than the Outlaws could ever dream of. This is a BIG step down for Shield and it doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Here are Heyman and Lesnar to close the show. Paul talks about how the Streak is the most impressive thing in WWE history, which is why Brock (sporting an Eat, Sleep, Break the Streak shirt) is going to end it. That doesn't take away from the 21 victories that Undertaker has and his legacy will still be great. John Cena couldn't go 21-0, Andre the Giant couldn't go 21-0 and even Brock Lesnar will never be able to be 21-0 at Wrestlemania.
Paul goes on about how important Wrestlemania is but Brock takes the mic. He says he's here to fight and since he and Undertaker are both here, let's do it right now. There's no gong but we've got druids. They bring a casket to ringside as the chanting plays through the arena. The druids stand in the aisle and Brock is starting to look a bit nervous as he stares at the casket. Brock kicks at the lid as the chanting continues. He finally opens it but the casket is empty. Heyman isn't pleased as Brock asks if this is some kind of joke.
Brock goes to yell at the druids who start to walk away. He slowly stalks them but they get most of the way up the ramp. Brock walks back to the ring and closes the casket, drawing an Undertaker chant. Lesnar says he's not here to play games and Paul starts to talk, but Brock says he's leaving.
Heyman stops him because that's what Undertaker wants. Paul rants about Undertaker being a coward and says all Undertaker can do is an empty casket, so of course the casket opens up to reveal Undertaker. He sits up and Paul PANICS. The lights come on and Brock looks scared but doesn't bail. The fight is on with Undertaker hammering away and clotheslining Brock onto the casket. Paul says it's not worth it and begs Lesnar to leave. Lesnar points to the sign as Undertaker does the throat slit to end the show.
Christian b. Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch to Ziggler
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Swanton Bomb
Los Matadores b. Curtis Axel/Sin Cara – Rollup to Axel
Cody Rhodes b. Fandango – Disaster Kick
Big Show b. Titus O'Neil – WMD
John Cena vs. Luke Harper went to a no contest
Naomi b. AJ Lee via countout
Shield b. Real Americans – Peace of Mind to Swagger
Christian suffered a concussion on Raw and will be replaced in the Intercontinental Title match on Main Event. A new challenger will be determined via a triple threat match between Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus.
Raw got a 3.07, up from last week.
Smackdown got a 1.9, down slightly from last week.
Monday Night Raw
Date: March 24, 2014
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler
We're just two weeks from the biggest show of the year but tonight is about the guest stars. Tonight we've got a double shot with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Scooby-Doo, the latter of whom is here because the WWE animated movie comes out tomorrow. Other than that we get the fallout from Bryan being attacked by the boss last week and a showdown between Undertaker and Lesnar. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of last week's closing sequence with the fake cops and Stephanie ranting about respect and HHH destroying Bryan with a chair.
Here's Stephanie to get things going. She talks about how people on social media have been saying how what HHH did last week was disgusting. However, the Authority won't let the YES Movement steer this ship the wrong way. The WWE needs leadership through strong people like herself. The fans LOUDLY cheer for Punk but Stephanie just goes through them until it calms down. She lists off some of HHH's accolades but gets Randy Orton instead.
Randy respects HHH but if he beats Daniel Bryan earlier in the night (Stephanie: “You mean when he beats Daniel Bryan.”), he'll do whatever he has to do to retain the title. The fans chant for Bryan and Stephanie acknowledges them by saying he's not coming out. Orton sucks up to Stephanie and suggests that HHH beat the tar out of Daniel Bryan, but let that be it for the night for HHH. The New York fans think this is boring but here's Batista to really fire them up.
Big Dave says the fans can chant and the two people in the ring can run their mouths all they want, but he's the next WWE Champion. The mic cuts out a bit as Batista tells us to DEAL WITH IT. Things stop a bit as we fix the mic until Batista points out that HHH has never beaten him. Batista calls Orton out for sucking up to everyone lately and drooling on Stephanie. “I think she's been drooled on before. Actually, make that a lot.” Stephanie slaps Batista for the insult and Orton is nearly keeling over in what looks to be shock or laughter. Stephanie walks out and Batista spears Orton down to LOUD booing.
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner gets an Intercontinental Title shot tomorrow night on Main Event against Big E. It's one fall to a finish and anything goes. Sheamus and Christian fight on the floor to start until we get down to Sheamus vs. Ziggler in the ring. They trade strikes for a bit until the guys switch off again. Christian dives to the floor but gets caught by Sheamus, who launches him into the barricade with a fall away slam.
Sheamus loads up the ten forearms to Ziggler but has to duck a running enziguri from Del Rio. Dolph knocks Sheamus to the floor and gets two on Del Rio but Christian pulls Ziggler outside again. Sheamus hits a Cactus Clothesline on Christian, sending both of them into the timekeeper's area as we take a break.
Back with Ziggler and Christian in the ring as Sheamus hits the rolling fireman's carry to Del Rio on the floor. Christian hits a high cross body on Dolph but gets rolled through for two. A loud ZIGGLER chant starts up as Christian stands on Dolph's head for two. Ziggler gets knocked to the floor so Sheamus hits his ax handles and high knee to Christian. Alberto charges into the Irish Curse and Christian is sent to the floor. The ten forearms puts Alberto on the floor so Sheamus goes up for a dive, only to be taken down by a top rope X Factor for two from Ziggler.
The running DDT gets two on Del Rio but Christian snaps the back of Dolph's neck across the top rope. The fans think this is awesome as Christian counters a Fameasser into a powerbomb for two. Del Rio breaks up the pin with a superkick but Sheamus breaks upt he pin. There's the Cloverleaf on Del Rio but Sheamus breaks it up to powerslam Christian. Del Rio breaks up the Brogue Kick and puts Sheamus in the cross armbreaker. Sheamus powers of put it and lifts Alberto up but Ziggler takes them both down with a Zig Zag. Christian comes back in with the Killswitch to Dolph for the pin out of nowhere at 12:00.
Christian won't shake Big E.'s hand after the match.
The Wyatts pop up on screen and Bray talks about fans being interested in things they can't see. But they can see Cena everywhere because he's on billboards and t-shirts. Bray is someone you can't see because he is the key to the city of woe. He's everywhere but you can only feel him. Harper says they're coming to fight Cena. Run.
We get a clip of the Scooby-Doo movie and here's the Mystery Machine in the arena. Sin Cara (the second biggest wrestler in the movie. If it was based on the active roster, he would be the Daniel Bryan to John Cena) pops out and here's Scooby to go with him. It's a guy in a costume if that wasn't clear.
Sin Cara vs. Damien Sandow
The lighting is back. Sin avoids a charge in the corner and hits a springboard cross body and the Tajiri Elbow, followed by the Swanton for the pin at 1:07.
We look at Kane and the Outlaws beating down the Shield on Friday.
Los Matadores vs. Curtis Axel/Ryback
Ryback and Axel are officially out of the battle royal and will be getting a Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania. Curtis starts with Fernando but the Shield comes to the barricade for a distraction, allowing Fernando to get the pin at 1:05.
Shield destroys Ryback and Axel post match with the spear and Triple Bomb laying Ryback out.
Cole brings out HHH for a sitdown interview. We look at the attack from last week and Cole asks HHH to justify that. HHH wants to know if he wants an answer as the COO or a competitor. He goes on a short rant about taking advantage of an upcoming opponent before shifting towards Occupy Raw. Bryan and the fans tried to hijack Raw and the people were put in danger. HHH asks Cole why he chalked that up to a memorable moment but what HHH did was despicable.
What happened to this world since HHH stopped competing full time? He did horrible things to people and looked into their eyes, seeing the same lust for success that he had. People would fight the system but now he sees soft and pathetic people in the crowd. He sees a bunch of powerless people with no desire who cry when they don't get what they want. If they're mad, Tweet him about it. HHH is sick of the whole thing because the world has changed and he doesn't like it.
Maybe it's on him to decide where everything goes. This is the beginning of the Reality Era and the reality is this: at Wrestlemania, he ends Daniel Bryan's little run at the top and ends the YES Movement along with it. The reality is at Wrestlemania he'll beat Daniel Bryan and enter a triple threat match where he'll take the WWE Title for himself instead of living off past glory. Really solid stuff from the Game here.
Fandango vs. Cody Rhodes
Goldust has a mask over his face paint now. Fandango takes over to start and a slingshot legdrop gets two. A snap suplex gets the same and Fandango cranks on the arm a bit. Cody comes back with a springboard dropkick but Summer and Goldust have a dance off. Summer hurts her ankle and Cody hits a quick Disaster Kick for the pin at 2:48.
Clip from the new Schwarzenegger movie Sabotage.
Here's Hogan with something to say but we have to wait for the big nostalgia chant. He doesn't want to be nostalgic but Wrestlemania is two weeks away. We might be in a different part of the city, but thirty years ago he and Mr. T. made history in New York. Hogan stops to point at the sign and says he's real psyched up for Wrestlemania. He's also excited about tonight's guest starts: Joe Maganeillo and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Joe is taller than Hogan so Arnold looks tiny out there. The fans love Arnold and give him a big ovation. A year ago Arnold got to induct Bruno Sammartino into the Hall of Fame with another great hero like Hulk Hogan. Arnold raves about Hogan's physique and asks the fans to cheer Joe. Maganeillo talks about how pumped he is to be in the ring with two icons like Hulk and Arnold. Arnold brings up the battle royal and talks about hanging out with Andre on a movie set. He asks if Hogan has room for two more athletes in the battle royal but here's Miz to interrupt.
Miz says he'll be going to see Sabotage, just like Arnold and Joe went to see his movies. He guarantees to win the battle royal but Hogan says he's in the wrong place. Joe says if Miz wants the three of them gone to get rid of them himself. All three guys get in a shot and Hogan throws Miz over the top.
Big Show vs. Titus O'Neill
Titus kicks Big Show into the corner and stomps away to send Big Show to the mat. A legdrop gets two and a splash in the corner has Big Show in trouble again. The fans chant for Punk again as Titus drops Big Show with a flying shoulder for two. Big Show shrugs it off, spears Titus down and hits the WMD for the pin at 2:24.
Shield comes in to see the Authority and wants to know where the three of them stand in this whole thing. HHH says the business between Kane, the Outlaws and the Shield is between the six of them. Stephanie makes Shield vs. Real Americans for later and they can discuss things afterwards. Reigns gives HHH a bit of a look.
John Cena is in the bathroom and running water over his face.* The sheep mask can be seen in the mirror.
John Cena vs. Luke Harper
Luke takes Cena into the corner to start and the fans are all over John here. Cena fights back but walks into a backbreaker for two. A loud LET'S GO HARPER chant starts up as Cena comes back with right hands in the corner. Something resembling a Stinger Splash crushes Harper in the corner but he walks into a pumphandle throw for two. Cena is thrown to the floor and Bray crouches in front of him but Harper comes out with a forearm to the back. We get a Fruity Pebbles chant as Harper hammers away even more.
Back with Cena fighting out of a chinlock but walking into a suplex to put him down again. The AA is countered and Harper gets two off a boot to the face. Cena counters the discus lariat into the ProtoBomb but Harper pops up and hits a Michinoku Driver for two. Luke tries a powerbomb but gets countered into what was supposed to be a hurricanrana. The STF is kicked away to send Cena to the floor and Harper hits a great looking suicide dive. Cena's head bounced off the barricade and Bray came out of his chair.
Back in and Cena grabs the STF but Harper pokes him in the eye. A DDT gets two on John and Harper puts him on the top rope. Cena powers out of a butterfly superplex attempt and hits the top rope Fameasser for two. A second ProtoBomb and the Shuffle connect but Harper escapes the AA and picks him up for a belly to back suplex, only to slam Cena face first into the mat.
Cena EXPLODES out of the corner with a clothesline but the lights go out as he loads up the AA. You can hear something in the ring and as the lights come back on, Cena is tied in the ropes with the sheep mask on. The Wyatts surround an unconscious Cena as the match is thrown out at about 14:00.*
Divas Title: Naomi vs. AJ Lee
AJ is defending. Naomi quickly sends her to the floor but AJ says she doesn't need this. She skips out and it's a countout at 1:12.
Post match here's Vickie Guerrero who AJ insulted on Smackdown. Vickie didn't care for what AJ said on Smackdown, so at Wrestlemania it will be the Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Special. AJ will defend against the Funkadactyls, the Bella Twins, Natalya, Eva Marie, Emma, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, Layla and Tamina.
Scott Hall is announced for the Hall of Fame.
We look at the opening segment again. Orton vs. Batista one on one next week.
Real Americans vs. Shield
It's Rollins and Ambrose meeting the Americans in the aisle to start the big brawl. The fans chant WE THE PEOPLE as Ambrose throws Cesaro inside for the opening bell. Dean stomps him down in the corner and we get a Hart Attack with Rollins hitting a neckbreaker instead of a clothesline. Off to Swagger but Seth meets him with right hands and Three Amigos with Ambrose helping out on the third.
Shield takes their turns on Swagger until he drives Dean into the corner for the tag to Cesaro. The WE THE PEOPLE chants continue as Cesaro takes over and puts Dean in a chinlock. Back to Swagger for the Vader Bomb but Ambrose gets his feet up. A middle rope back elbow drops Swagger but Cesaro knocks Seth off the apron. Cesaro counters a backdrop into the Swing but Seth breaks up the cover. Ambrose is sent outside and the Americans swing him by his arms and legs into the barricade as we take a break.
Back with Cesaro putting Dean in a front facelock but making the mistake of slapping him. Dean says bring it so Cesaro kicks him in the chest. Dean pops back up and clotheslines Cesaro down, finally allowing the hot tag to Seth. Rollins cleans house and hits the running forearm in the corner to set up a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle. Cesaro gets LAUNCHED over the top to the floor and Swagger gets clotheslined as well.
A suicide dive puts Cesaro into the crowd and Seth runs back in for a BIG flip dive to take Jack down as well. Back in and a top rope knee to the head drops Swagger but Cesaro makes the save. Ambrose runs in but gets backdropped to the floor. Rollins clotheslines Cesaro outside but gets caught in the Patriot Lock. He makes the rope and lands on his feet, setting up an enziguri and the Black Out (now called Peace of Mind) for the pin at 14:00.
Post match Reigns hits the Superman Punch and spear on Cesaro, setting up the Triple Bomb through the table. Shield poses but Kane and the Outlaws (all in suits) come to the stage. Kane announces the six man tag at Wrestlemania. The Outlaws just do not work for me in this role at all. Shield just tore the house down with two very talented guys. I'm not buying into seeing the Outlaws do their little shortcuts and the same jokes we've heard on a million reunion shows.
It just doesn't work for me and the minute I saw them come out on Smackdown I lost most of my interest in this story. What does Shield get out of this feud? A rub from a former World Champion? They've gotten that from far bigger stars than Kane. A match against former Tag Team Champions? They've destroyed every team they've fought and had a better match at Elimination Chamber than the Outlaws could ever dream of. This is a BIG step down for Shield and it doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Here are Heyman and Lesnar to close the show. Paul talks about how the Streak is the most impressive thing in WWE history, which is why Brock (sporting an Eat, Sleep, Break the Streak shirt) is going to end it. That doesn't take away from the 21 victories that Undertaker has and his legacy will still be great. John Cena couldn't go 21-0, Andre the Giant couldn't go 21-0 and even Brock Lesnar will never be able to be 21-0 at Wrestlemania.
Paul goes on about how important Wrestlemania is but Brock takes the mic. He says he's here to fight and since he and Undertaker are both here, let's do it right now. There's no gong but we've got druids. They bring a casket to ringside as the chanting plays through the arena. The druids stand in the aisle and Brock is starting to look a bit nervous as he stares at the casket. Brock kicks at the lid as the chanting continues. He finally opens it but the casket is empty. Heyman isn't pleased as Brock asks if this is some kind of joke.
Brock goes to yell at the druids who start to walk away. He slowly stalks them but they get most of the way up the ramp. Brock walks back to the ring and closes the casket, drawing an Undertaker chant. Lesnar says he's not here to play games and Paul starts to talk, but Brock says he's leaving.
Heyman stops him because that's what Undertaker wants. Paul rants about Undertaker being a coward and says all Undertaker can do is an empty casket, so of course the casket opens up to reveal Undertaker. He sits up and Paul PANICS. The lights come on and Brock looks scared but doesn't bail. The fight is on with Undertaker hammering away and clotheslining Brock onto the casket. Paul says it's not worth it and begs Lesnar to leave. Lesnar points to the sign as Undertaker does the throat slit to end the show.
Christian b. Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch to Ziggler
Sin Cara b. Damien Sandow – Swanton Bomb
Los Matadores b. Curtis Axel/Sin Cara – Rollup to Axel
Cody Rhodes b. Fandango – Disaster Kick
Big Show b. Titus O'Neil – WMD
John Cena vs. Luke Harper went to a no contest
Naomi b. AJ Lee via countout
Shield b. Real Americans – Peace of Mind to Swagger
Christian suffered a concussion on Raw and will be replaced in the Intercontinental Title match on Main Event. A new challenger will be determined via a triple threat match between Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus.
Raw got a 3.07, up from last week.
WWE Network Idea: Alternate Commentary!
What if WWE got two different legends to record alternate commentaries for every new WWE PPV??
For example, what if they got Rock and Austin to record live commentary for WrestleMania 30???
Or Joey Styles and Tommy Dreamer for Extreme Rules??
Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart for Survivor Series!!
Edge and Christian for TLC!
This would be sweet, and the more alternate commentaries for each show instantly gives the show some replay value. I'll definitely watch WrestleMania 30 more than once, if they have one Austin and Rock recording, and another Foley and Heyman recording. It would just be spectacular.
Do you like the idea??
For example, what if they got Rock and Austin to record live commentary for WrestleMania 30???
Or Joey Styles and Tommy Dreamer for Extreme Rules??
Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart for Survivor Series!!
Edge and Christian for TLC!
This would be sweet, and the more alternate commentaries for each show instantly gives the show some replay value. I'll definitely watch WrestleMania 30 more than once, if they have one Austin and Rock recording, and another Foley and Heyman recording. It would just be spectacular.
Do you like the idea??
Attending RAW in Birmingham, AL on 4/14
Haven't posted in awhile, but wanted to check in and see if anybody else was attending the Raw in Birmingham, Alabama on April 14th. If anybody lives in Alabama or knows of any good places to take a family of 5 with small children, I'd love some feedback.
Also if anybody knows any good eateries in Birmingham, we'd love to take the family out to eat right before RAW. Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance!
Also if anybody knows any good eateries in Birmingham, we'd love to take the family out to eat right before RAW. Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance!
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Which Match?
Which would you chose as the better?
Survivor Series '96:
Their initial Battle. Stone Cold called and Begged Bret out of 'Retirement' to face him, continously taunting and berating him. Eventually Bret accepts the challenge stating that he "Came back to wrestle, who I feel, is the greatest wrestler in WWF today" Referring to Stone Cold.
Lasting 28:36 and being placed third from last on that card,The match was an instant classic. Battling was back and forth, with the outcome unclear until the end. Bret hart was caught in the "Million Dollar Dream" (One of Austins finishers at that time) Hart, facing the ring corner, walked up the ropes, pushing backwards and rolling on top of Austin. Austin still had Hart locked in the Dream as the ref counted The 1-2-3! For the Hitman.
Wrestlemania 13:
An excellent follow up match, 4 months in the making. This one was a "Submission" Match with Special Guest referee Ken Shamrock. I'll be honest as say up front, I am a little biased here. I consider this one of only a handful of 5 star matches I have ever seen.
Again, Placed third from the bottom on the card. This match was a tad bit shorter lasting 22:05. Hart entered as the babyface, Austin as a Popular heel. Austin attacked Hart early, as Hart had yet to take off his glasses/Jacket. By the time this match ended, we observed probably the perfect double turn.
Hart and Austin again battled ferociously back and forth. You could see the Hitman growing Increasingly frustrated with his inability, at this point, to submit Austin and using tactics that were out of charectar (Chair, Ringbell, etc). Finally, after cutting austing forehead open, with the above mentioned tactics, Hart locked in the Sharpshooter on a profusely bleeding Austin. Hart would Win as Austin, refusing to submit, passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.
Survivor Series '96:
Their initial Battle. Stone Cold called and Begged Bret out of 'Retirement' to face him, continously taunting and berating him. Eventually Bret accepts the challenge stating that he "Came back to wrestle, who I feel, is the greatest wrestler in WWF today" Referring to Stone Cold.
Lasting 28:36 and being placed third from last on that card,The match was an instant classic. Battling was back and forth, with the outcome unclear until the end. Bret hart was caught in the "Million Dollar Dream" (One of Austins finishers at that time) Hart, facing the ring corner, walked up the ropes, pushing backwards and rolling on top of Austin. Austin still had Hart locked in the Dream as the ref counted The 1-2-3! For the Hitman.
Wrestlemania 13:
An excellent follow up match, 4 months in the making. This one was a "Submission" Match with Special Guest referee Ken Shamrock. I'll be honest as say up front, I am a little biased here. I consider this one of only a handful of 5 star matches I have ever seen.
Again, Placed third from the bottom on the card. This match was a tad bit shorter lasting 22:05. Hart entered as the babyface, Austin as a Popular heel. Austin attacked Hart early, as Hart had yet to take off his glasses/Jacket. By the time this match ended, we observed probably the perfect double turn.
Hart and Austin again battled ferociously back and forth. You could see the Hitman growing Increasingly frustrated with his inability, at this point, to submit Austin and using tactics that were out of charectar (Chair, Ringbell, etc). Finally, after cutting austing forehead open, with the above mentioned tactics, Hart locked in the Sharpshooter on a profusely bleeding Austin. Hart would Win as Austin, refusing to submit, passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.
March 31st Raw 2014 - Wrestlemania Go-Home Show
Can't be assed making it pretty.
I think this'll be a final push for storylines and a few random matches. Nothing too spectacular tonight gents.
I think this'll be a final push for storylines and a few random matches. Nothing too spectacular tonight gents.
Bo Dallas? Is he finished? Revamping? Or just heading up?
Bo Dallas. The one who beat Big E for the NXT Title, losing it a matter of weeks ago to Adrian Neville. I don't understand his booking at all. He has never been a fan favorite (Even when he WAS a face) and his heel act seems forced. His in ring style (mostly mat based) doesn't match his persona at all. WWE Apparently thought that this was worthy of a short/unfinished feud with Barrett in early 2013. They realized quickly that there was little interest.
Now, it would seem, that he MAY be headed up to the main roster. I hope I am wrong, but his feud with the new champ is essentially over and where does an organization such as NXT go with their former champions? Answer: Main Roster.
My question is this. Given that he comes from a wrestling family (Rotundos, IRS-Bray Wyatt), is he the black sheep who "Doesn't get it"? I understand that he was sacked with unfavorable gimmicks, but DO something to make it work. Or revamp it, much like his brother Husky "Bray Wyatt" Harris was able to accomplish and continues to improve. Dallas gets NO fan reaction what so ever, unless his opponent is a favorite, his mat style wrestling isn't the exciting type, but peppered with "wear down" holds and his promo style seems like he is detached from it.
Or do I just not get it? Very real possibility that there is something I am not seeing here. Any NXT Fans want to offer their take?
Now, it would seem, that he MAY be headed up to the main roster. I hope I am wrong, but his feud with the new champ is essentially over and where does an organization such as NXT go with their former champions? Answer: Main Roster.
My question is this. Given that he comes from a wrestling family (Rotundos, IRS-Bray Wyatt), is he the black sheep who "Doesn't get it"? I understand that he was sacked with unfavorable gimmicks, but DO something to make it work. Or revamp it, much like his brother Husky "Bray Wyatt" Harris was able to accomplish and continues to improve. Dallas gets NO fan reaction what so ever, unless his opponent is a favorite, his mat style wrestling isn't the exciting type, but peppered with "wear down" holds and his promo style seems like he is detached from it.
Or do I just not get it? Very real possibility that there is something I am not seeing here. Any NXT Fans want to offer their take?
WWE.Com's 30 Greatest WrestleMania Matches
Earlier today, WWE.com ran an article listing the top 30 matches in the history of "The Showcase of the Immortals." All in all, it's a pretty good list and, just as with me, I'm sure there'll be many disagreements as to which matches made the cut, which didn't and where those that made the cut ultimately landed.
#30 - #21
30. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper - WrestleMania VIII
29. Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WrestleMania XXIII
28. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WrestleMania XV
27. The Undertaker vs. Edge - WrestleMania XXIV
26. Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WrestleMania XXI
25. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania XX
24. Mick Foley vs. Edge - WrestleMania XXII
23. The Undertaker vs. Triple H III - WrestleMania XXVIII
22. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - WrestleMania XIX
21. The Undertaker vs. CM Punk - WrestleMania XXIX
#20 - #1
20. John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania XXIII
19. The Undertaker vs. Triple H II - WrestleMania XXVII
18. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho - WrestleMania XIX
17. Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair - WrestleMania XXIV
16. The Ultimate Warrior vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - WrestleMania VII
15. Hulk Hogan vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - WrestleMania V
14. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair - WrestleMania VIII
13. The Rock vs. "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania XVIII
12. Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WrestleMania VI
11. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian TLC Match - WrestleMania XVII
The Top 10
10. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania XXI
9. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Ladder Match - WrestleMania X
8. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Owen Hart - WrestleMania X
7. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Shawn Michaels Iron Man Match - WrestleMania XII
6. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant - WrestleMania XXX
5. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels II - WrestleMania XXVI
4. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - WrestleMania XIII
3. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WrestleMania XVII
2. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat - WrestleMania III
1. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels I - WrestleMania XXV
All in all, as I said, a pretty damn good list. HBK & Taker made the list 7 and 6 times respectively, Hogan, Hart & Savage each had a total of 4 matches on the list and Austin & The Rock both had 3 matches make the list. One of the biggest oversights was the triple threat match at WrestleMania XX featuring Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit, though I'm not surprised. Benoit's name isn't gonna be dropped for obvious reasons. My biggest disagreement was Hulk vs. Andre. The match might be iconic but, in my opinion, I thought it downright sucked ass. It was amazingly dull and consisted of mostly a punch fest from Hogan, Andre holding Hogan in a bear hug for about 10 minutes, the body slam and the leg drop. Personally, I think the match was rated so high because of the iconic image of Hogan slamming Andre.
#30 - #21
30. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper - WrestleMania VIII
29. Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WrestleMania XXIII
28. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WrestleMania XV
27. The Undertaker vs. Edge - WrestleMania XXIV
26. Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WrestleMania XXI
25. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania XX
24. Mick Foley vs. Edge - WrestleMania XXII
23. The Undertaker vs. Triple H III - WrestleMania XXVIII
22. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - WrestleMania XIX
21. The Undertaker vs. CM Punk - WrestleMania XXIX
#20 - #1
20. John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania XXIII
19. The Undertaker vs. Triple H II - WrestleMania XXVII
18. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho - WrestleMania XIX
17. Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair - WrestleMania XXIV
16. The Ultimate Warrior vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - WrestleMania VII
15. Hulk Hogan vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - WrestleMania V
14. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair - WrestleMania VIII
13. The Rock vs. "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania XVIII
12. Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WrestleMania VI
11. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian TLC Match - WrestleMania XVII
The Top 10
10. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania XXI
9. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Ladder Match - WrestleMania X
8. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Owen Hart - WrestleMania X
7. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Shawn Michaels Iron Man Match - WrestleMania XII
6. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant - WrestleMania XXX
5. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels II - WrestleMania XXVI
4. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - WrestleMania XIII
3. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WrestleMania XVII
2. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat - WrestleMania III
1. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels I - WrestleMania XXV
All in all, as I said, a pretty damn good list. HBK & Taker made the list 7 and 6 times respectively, Hogan, Hart & Savage each had a total of 4 matches on the list and Austin & The Rock both had 3 matches make the list. One of the biggest oversights was the triple threat match at WrestleMania XX featuring Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit, though I'm not surprised. Benoit's name isn't gonna be dropped for obvious reasons. My biggest disagreement was Hulk vs. Andre. The match might be iconic but, in my opinion, I thought it downright sucked ass. It was amazingly dull and consisted of mostly a punch fest from Hogan, Andre holding Hogan in a bear hug for about 10 minutes, the body slam and the leg drop. Personally, I think the match was rated so high because of the iconic image of Hogan slamming Andre.
The Rock / Stone Cold at WrestleMania XXX ?
Source: F4WOnline
When I think of the biggest draws in wrestling in the last 30 years: I think The Rock, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan.
Hogan is already the host of WrestleMania which leaves the question for the other two.
First, let's see the possibility of each of these two megastars.

Steve Austin noted on his latest podcast that he will be in New Orleans for the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.
Chances of him being at WMXXX: 99%
Austin was at the last 2 WrestleMania anniversary: WMXX and WM25 and I have no doubt he'll be at this year's WrestleMania.

The Rock just finished his movie Hercules and the shooting for his next movie San Andreas starts in mid-April.

Chances of him being at WMXXX: 50%
You can't really know if The Rock will be there or not, he does have enough free days and can make an appearance if he wanted to.
It all depends on if WWE has contacted him and they could make him show up for this big WMXXX.
GOAT Take: :
WrestleMania XXX won't be that special if either Rock or Austin won't appear.
WWE is trying to make WMXXX the "biggest WrestleMania of all time" and honestly you can't do that if those two icons don't appear.
I think I'm more intrigued to see The Rock than Austin.
We haven't seen Austin in a while but he's pretty much confirmed for WrestleMania. Rock appearing would be the biggest surprise.
I'm also intrigued to see the reaction The Rock would get if he was to show up.
I've bought my ticket thinking WWE was going to eventually do Rock vs Brock at the last minute but they didn't.
I was thinking of selling it on Stubhub last month but Bryan being added to the WWE title match changed my mind.
As much as WMXXX is looking to be great, I'll be a little bit disappointed if Rock didn't at least make an appearance.

What do you guys think? Will Austin and Rock show up? Will it be the same if they didn't show up?
- WWE has reportedly contacted several major names for cameo appearances at WrestleMania XXX, including "every megadraw" of the last three decades that is still alive. |
When I think of the biggest draws in wrestling in the last 30 years: I think The Rock, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan.
Hogan is already the host of WrestleMania which leaves the question for the other two.
First, let's see the possibility of each of these two megastars.
Steve Austin noted on his latest podcast that he will be in New Orleans for the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.
Chances of him being at WMXXX: 99%
Austin was at the last 2 WrestleMania anniversary: WMXX and WM25 and I have no doubt he'll be at this year's WrestleMania.
The Rock just finished his movie Hercules and the shooting for his next movie San Andreas starts in mid-April.
Chances of him being at WMXXX: 50%
You can't really know if The Rock will be there or not, he does have enough free days and can make an appearance if he wanted to.
It all depends on if WWE has contacted him and they could make him show up for this big WMXXX.
GOAT Take: :
WrestleMania XXX won't be that special if either Rock or Austin won't appear.
WWE is trying to make WMXXX the "biggest WrestleMania of all time" and honestly you can't do that if those two icons don't appear.
I think I'm more intrigued to see The Rock than Austin.
We haven't seen Austin in a while but he's pretty much confirmed for WrestleMania. Rock appearing would be the biggest surprise.
I'm also intrigued to see the reaction The Rock would get if he was to show up.
I've bought my ticket thinking WWE was going to eventually do Rock vs Brock at the last minute but they didn't.
I was thinking of selling it on Stubhub last month but Bryan being added to the WWE title match changed my mind.
As much as WMXXX is looking to be great, I'll be a little bit disappointed if Rock didn't at least make an appearance.
What do you guys think? Will Austin and Rock show up? Will it be the same if they didn't show up?
New Feuds You'd Like To See
This thread is pretty self-explanatory, but nevertheless, here it goes:
What is a feud, that hasn't been done before, that you would like to see in the WWE? And how would you book the feud?
One feud that comes to mind for me is Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler. I think the WWE would get a series of great matches out of these guys, and the angle pretty much writes itself. Dolph Ziggler feels like he's being held down by the Authority, and Randy Orton is a guy that represents the Authority. I think Dolph even made some remarks in an interview he did about Orton continually getting opportunities.
This also would've been a cool feud back when Orton was face and Ziggler had the World Title as a heel. They could play up Ziggler being "afraid" of the psychotic Randy Orton, and hiding behind his enforcer Big E. Ziggler was also with AJ at the time so they could play up an angle where AJ becomes obsessed with Randy Orton and like starts to mimic his mannerisms during matches or something.This would all end up being a ploy by Ziggler to try and get into Orton's head before their match. I think its a feud that had a lot of potential.
What is a feud, that hasn't been done before, that you would like to see in the WWE? And how would you book the feud?
One feud that comes to mind for me is Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler. I think the WWE would get a series of great matches out of these guys, and the angle pretty much writes itself. Dolph Ziggler feels like he's being held down by the Authority, and Randy Orton is a guy that represents the Authority. I think Dolph even made some remarks in an interview he did about Orton continually getting opportunities.
This also would've been a cool feud back when Orton was face and Ziggler had the World Title as a heel. They could play up Ziggler being "afraid" of the psychotic Randy Orton, and hiding behind his enforcer Big E. Ziggler was also with AJ at the time so they could play up an angle where AJ becomes obsessed with Randy Orton and like starts to mimic his mannerisms during matches or something.This would all end up being a ploy by Ziggler to try and get into Orton's head before their match. I think its a feud that had a lot of potential.
Irradiated Terrain: Ask Fallout Questions
I can jump on bandwagons too!
Ask me about anything fed, forum or IRL related here. Mostly fed though because I can control what you guys ask me :icon_smile:
Ask me about anything fed, forum or IRL related here. Mostly fed though because I can control what you guys ask me :icon_smile:
The Wrestlezone Fantasy WWE League!
Welcome everyone, to the Wrestlezone Fantasy League where, much like "Fantasy Football", you'll put together your own "Roster" of Wrestlers gain (and lose) points through their appearances, wins & losses. You'll be putting together a Roster of 8 wrestlers from the WWE, but first, here's the rules!
Rules are pretty simple & here is how you gain points!
Win by Pinfall - 5 Points
Win by Submission - 7 Points
Win by Countout or DQ - 3 Points
Loss by DQ - Minus 5 Points
Wins a Title - 10 Points
Wins at a PPV - 10 Points (Pinfall, Submission, DQ or Countout - Other "win" points are not counted under this circumstance)
So there we have it, 6 ways to gain points & a 4 Month league starting this Sunday!
If you wanna sign up, post your 10-Person Roster in here & you're in! Any applications after Friday Night Smackdown has aired (IN THE UK) will NOT be accepted.
So, let's get signing up & good luck!
- Your Roster must consist of 2 Main Eventers, 4 Mid/Lower Carders, 2 Tag Teams & 2 Diva's.
- Points will be gained from Raw, Smackdown & PPV's
- Once a month, on a random day (picked by myself), "Substitutions" will be open for 24 hours. You'll be able to swap TWO wrestlers over should you wish, or you can stay as normal.
- The League Table will be updated after each show/
- A Season will run for around 4 months, the first running from Wrestlemania (Sunday 6th) up to Summerslam (August)
Rules are pretty simple & here is how you gain points!
Win by Pinfall - 5 Points
Win by Submission - 7 Points
Win by Countout or DQ - 3 Points
Loss by DQ - Minus 5 Points
Wins a Title - 10 Points
Wins at a PPV - 10 Points (Pinfall, Submission, DQ or Countout - Other "win" points are not counted under this circumstance)
So there we have it, 6 ways to gain points & a 4 Month league starting this Sunday!
If you wanna sign up, post your 10-Person Roster in here & you're in! Any applications after Friday Night Smackdown has aired (IN THE UK) will NOT be accepted.
So, let's get signing up & good luck!
Wrestler with the most headlined PPV's (WWF/E)
I went and tallied the "Headliner" Status for all WWE PPV's from 1/1994 to current. Most later PPV's had dual headliners. I thought maybe the results would surprise me........They Didn't. Here are the numbers.
1. Triple H - 85 PPV's (Crazy when you think of his production the last few years!)
2- John Cena - 74 PPV's .......and Counting
3. Taker - 66 PPV's (Very clear when you go back and look at the cards, that whenever there was a transition or injury, Taker ran with that ball)
The other notables: HBK - 53, Rock - 47, SCSA - 42, Punk - 25
1. Triple H - 85 PPV's (Crazy when you think of his production the last few years!)
2- John Cena - 74 PPV's .......and Counting
3. Taker - 66 PPV's (Very clear when you go back and look at the cards, that whenever there was a transition or injury, Taker ran with that ball)
The other notables: HBK - 53, Rock - 47, SCSA - 42, Punk - 25
Does Triple H not like The Miz?
The Miz had a rocket strapped to his ass after WrestleMania 25 when he split from John Morrison and started his singles career in a feud with John Cena. After that, he became US Champion and became a huge favorite with the higher-ups as he would get tons of publicity from his media appearances with the US title. At one point, when R-Truth was US Champion, they had him drop the title to The Miz just so Miz can keep wearing the title in his public appearances. After a great feud with Daniel Bryan on NXT, Miz won the Money in the Bank, dropped the midcard title to Bryan, and became WWE Champion. He wore that title for over 3 months and main evented WrestleMania where he got to feud with John Cena and The Rock. He was on top of the world.
At the time, Triple H wasn't yet in charge of Talent Relations. This all changed during the Summer of Punk, when Triple H started getting more backstage duties along with a new on-screen authority role. This is when Miz's stock started to fall. He started a tag team with R-Truth that saw him face CM Punk and Triple H at Vengeance, and John Cena and The Rock at Survivor Series. But before that happened, Miz got some huge heat after a 6-man-tag on Raw.
The Wrestling Observer also chimed in on the issue:
And of course, we all remember the infamous "Miz's fault" issue in 2011. For those who don't know, Miz took the sole blame for the low buyrate for Survivor Series, despite the fact that all the marketing was about The Rock's in-ring return.
Now, being blamed for something that was obviously not his fault seems completely ridiculous, but this coincidentally happened at the time Triple H took over creative. After one last main event at TLC 2011, The Miz was moved way down the card, staying on the midcard and spending all of 2012 and 2013 either jobbing or swapping midcard titles with Wade and Kofi.
I for one am a big fan of The Miz, despite the fact that the internet fans have seemingly turned on him the same way they turn on everybody who gets de-pushe. Once an internet favorite gets unceremoniously shoved down the card, people start bagging on him saying he didn't cut it despite the fact he was over and id absolutely nothing wrong (Kofi, Miz, Morrison, Dolph, Ryder, etc.).
I thought Miz was the perfect guy to join The Authority and feud with Daniel Bryan on the way to WrestleMania, but of course, it doesn't look like Miz has any place in a faction led by Triple H.
So do you guys agree and think Miz's fall from grace has been Triple H's doing?
If so, why do you think Triple H dislikes him? And most importantly, do you agree?
At the time, Triple H wasn't yet in charge of Talent Relations. This all changed during the Summer of Punk, when Triple H started getting more backstage duties along with a new on-screen authority role. This is when Miz's stock started to fall. He started a tag team with R-Truth that saw him face CM Punk and Triple H at Vengeance, and John Cena and The Rock at Survivor Series. But before that happened, Miz got some huge heat after a 6-man-tag on Raw.
During the Six-Pack Challenge on Monday's RAW SuperShow, R-Truth attempted a slingshot somersault onto The Miz but his fall was not absorbed due to the former WWE Champion being out-of-position. R-Truth ended up falling back-first onto the floor, causing his head to whip back. At that point, the referee decided R-Truth was no longer able to compete and personnel assisted him to the locker room area. The Miz is being blamed for the errant spot and there was a ton of heat on him from company officials, including Triple H, backstage after the show. The WWE Executive Vice President of Talent "loudly disciplined" The Miz in front of wrestlers as soon as he returned to the back. |
The Wrestling Observer also chimed in on the issue:
Dave Meltzer: "HHH gave Miz a tongue lashing backstage about not catching him. Miz was a big favorite of management a year ago because his notoriety was such from "Real World" that they got so much publicity when he won the title that nobody else in the company could have gotten. But the feeling now is that he's regressed, both in the ring and on promos. Certainly, he's booked a lot lower than a year ago but the feeling is when he was in the same position before he was hungry and forced them to make him a headliner. Now, he's mid-card and he's doing no such thing, and this mess up can't have helped him." |
Mike Aldren"One person specifically used the opportunity to politic and bury Miz for the botch, a scenario I fully expected given that the exact same thing happened when the soon to be fired Mr. Kennedy, now TNA's Mr. Anderson, botched a back suplex on Randy Orton's previously injured shoulder in May 2009." |
And of course, we all remember the infamous "Miz's fault" issue in 2011. For those who don't know, Miz took the sole blame for the low buyrate for Survivor Series, despite the fact that all the marketing was about The Rock's in-ring return.
Now, being blamed for something that was obviously not his fault seems completely ridiculous, but this coincidentally happened at the time Triple H took over creative. After one last main event at TLC 2011, The Miz was moved way down the card, staying on the midcard and spending all of 2012 and 2013 either jobbing or swapping midcard titles with Wade and Kofi.
I for one am a big fan of The Miz, despite the fact that the internet fans have seemingly turned on him the same way they turn on everybody who gets de-pushe. Once an internet favorite gets unceremoniously shoved down the card, people start bagging on him saying he didn't cut it despite the fact he was over and id absolutely nothing wrong (Kofi, Miz, Morrison, Dolph, Ryder, etc.).
I thought Miz was the perfect guy to join The Authority and feud with Daniel Bryan on the way to WrestleMania, but of course, it doesn't look like Miz has any place in a faction led by Triple H.
So do you guys agree and think Miz's fall from grace has been Triple H's doing?
If so, why do you think Triple H dislikes him? And most importantly, do you agree?
How to improve WWE Revenue
I consider myself a pretty good business man and I have some ideas to improve their revenue:
WWE Shop-Expand this to no more than five stores in what I would call wrestling hotbeds Places like Boston,Philly,NYC,and Chicago Unlike their last store venture you must have other entertainment merchandise So not just wrestling and I would include comic book related merchandise especially Marvel stuff
WWE DVD's-Despite what some may say anthology sets are still huge in the industry Keep in mind when it comes to archives its about the fans and what they want The main PPV's for WCW should all be in a anthology set If you sell in volumes you will make more money in the end Mick Foley's last dvd did no better than 50,000 units and I guarantee each volume for Starrcade and GAB could at the minimal do 70,000 units
WWE Apparel-Strike a deal with either Nike,Adidas, or Reebok and take the WWE logo off of clothing Many shoppers throughout the years have liked certain designs but then they see the wrestling logo and they become very turned off
WWE Films-Do away with the name and the logo on all promos Partnership with a studio and WWE be creative and come up with your own name thats not associated with wrestling
Build Your Own DVD-This is a concept alot of fans have liked at the events I go to We all complain about what should or shouldn't be a dvd but put into the hands of the fans This concept would be a first of its kind in all of entertainment No this isn't like Smash Up You build your own dvd by selecting in its original format the archives of your choosing
WWE Shop-Expand this to no more than five stores in what I would call wrestling hotbeds Places like Boston,Philly,NYC,and Chicago Unlike their last store venture you must have other entertainment merchandise So not just wrestling and I would include comic book related merchandise especially Marvel stuff
WWE DVD's-Despite what some may say anthology sets are still huge in the industry Keep in mind when it comes to archives its about the fans and what they want The main PPV's for WCW should all be in a anthology set If you sell in volumes you will make more money in the end Mick Foley's last dvd did no better than 50,000 units and I guarantee each volume for Starrcade and GAB could at the minimal do 70,000 units
WWE Apparel-Strike a deal with either Nike,Adidas, or Reebok and take the WWE logo off of clothing Many shoppers throughout the years have liked certain designs but then they see the wrestling logo and they become very turned off
WWE Films-Do away with the name and the logo on all promos Partnership with a studio and WWE be creative and come up with your own name thats not associated with wrestling
Build Your Own DVD-This is a concept alot of fans have liked at the events I go to We all complain about what should or shouldn't be a dvd but put into the hands of the fans This concept would be a first of its kind in all of entertainment No this isn't like Smash Up You build your own dvd by selecting in its original format the archives of your choosing
When Does HHH Get His Bryan Rematch?
Bryan will beat Triple H, that much seems clear. So you'd assume The Game will get a rematch at some point so he can get a victory back. My guess would be SummerSlam, because I'm a lazy booker too.
WWE TV rights: Which do you prefer?
This news has been making the rounds on the dirtsheets for months:
So my question to you guys is: Where do you want to see WWE programming end up?
I'm hoping for AMC.
Raw = AMC
Smackdown = IFC
Total Divas = We TV.
Now the problem is that those channels have way less reach than the NBCU networks. WeTV and IFC are in ~65% of households, while SyFy and E! are in 85%. That's going to lead to a reduction in ratings. But then again, WWE could use that as leverage for them to have rebroadcasting rights on the WWE Network.
If WWE can get their shows to be replayed on the Network, it will be a huge win for them and will definitely offset the lower ratings.
I think it's likely that they will all stay at USA, SyFy and E though. Supposedly, NBCU has the rights to match any outside offer before WWE takes a deal. That means that all WWE has to do is get someone willing to pay what they're asking so they can get that money from NBC. It's very likely everything stays where it is.
WWE’s discussions for their television rights package has as of late included AMC Networks, Viacom, Time Warner and 21st Century Fox. The talks with Viacom, if they pan out, would be for Spike TV which would leave TNA without a TV contract. Viacom has reportedly not yet renewed their deal with TNA, which expires around the time that WWE’s contract with NBC/Universal is done. Time Warner’s talks would likely be for TBS and/or TNT, while the 21st Century Fox discussions would put them on FOX Sports 1 in an attempt to grow that channel. It would see WWE and UFC have all their cable content on the same channel. The new deal should be announced at the end of April or early May. |
So my question to you guys is: Where do you want to see WWE programming end up?
I'm hoping for AMC.
Raw = AMC
Smackdown = IFC
Total Divas = We TV.
Now the problem is that those channels have way less reach than the NBCU networks. WeTV and IFC are in ~65% of households, while SyFy and E! are in 85%. That's going to lead to a reduction in ratings. But then again, WWE could use that as leverage for them to have rebroadcasting rights on the WWE Network.
If WWE can get their shows to be replayed on the Network, it will be a huge win for them and will definitely offset the lower ratings.
I think it's likely that they will all stay at USA, SyFy and E though. Supposedly, NBCU has the rights to match any outside offer before WWE takes a deal. That means that all WWE has to do is get someone willing to pay what they're asking so they can get that money from NBC. It's very likely everything stays where it is.
Who do you prefer-SCSA or Daniel Bryan?
With Daniel Bryan getting the biggest cheers since "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who do you prefer? Who is your favourite?
If WWE give you Daniel Bryan as champion...
....at WMXXX, what will you give them in return?
People have moaned and carried on, and threatened what they will do if Bryan ISN'T WWE World Champion at the end of WMXXX, but what WILL you give the WWE for doing what you wanted?
-A "thank you"
-Watch their shows and buy the WWE Network?
-Start watching PPV's again?
-Buying tickets to their shows?
Or are you all going to take full credit for Daniel Bryan being champion yourselves?
You see, if the WWE give to you, it is only fair that you give back to them.
So, if they kowtow to your wish of making Bryan champion, what is in it for WWE? They have to see some benefit from the fans who they gave them what they want?
So, what will you do as a "thank you" when WWE give you what you want as Wrestlemania XXX?
People have moaned and carried on, and threatened what they will do if Bryan ISN'T WWE World Champion at the end of WMXXX, but what WILL you give the WWE for doing what you wanted?
-A "thank you"
-Watch their shows and buy the WWE Network?
-Start watching PPV's again?
-Buying tickets to their shows?
Or are you all going to take full credit for Daniel Bryan being champion yourselves?
You see, if the WWE give to you, it is only fair that you give back to them.
So, if they kowtow to your wish of making Bryan champion, what is in it for WWE? They have to see some benefit from the fans who they gave them what they want?
So, what will you do as a "thank you" when WWE give you what you want as Wrestlemania XXX?
Wrestlemania 28: A Retrospective Look
This is the 28th of 29 threads looking back on previous Wrestlemania events. Every couple of days I have been submitting a new one and will continue until all of the past Wrestlemania events have been discussed, leading up to the big day in April where Wrestlemania 30 will take place. We are almost there!
In this thread we will be discussing.... Wrestlemania 28!
Wrestlemania 28 took place on April 1, 2012. It was held at Sun Life Stadium in Miami, Florida. There were 78,363 fans there that attended the event. Here are the results of the matches from the show:
0. Primo and Epico (c) (with Rosa Mendes) defeated Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd and The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso) in a three-way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship during the Pre-Show (05:11)
1. Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan (c) (with AJ Lee) in a singles match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (00:18)
2. Kane defeated Randy Orton in a singles match (10:56)
3. Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes (c) in a singles match to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (05:18)
4. Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos defeated Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres in a tag team match (06:49)
5. The Undertaker defeated Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee (30:50)
6. Team Johnny (David Otunga, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with John Laurinaitis, Vickie Guerrero, and Brie Bella) defeated Team Teddy (Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Theodore Long, Hornswoggle, Eve Torres, Nikki Bella, and Aksana) in a Twelve-man tag team match to determine the General Manager of both the Raw and SmackDown brands (10:38)
7. CM Punk (c) defeated Chris Jericho by submission in a singles match to retain the WWE Championship where if Punk had been disqualified he would have lost the championship (22:21)
8. The Rock defeated John Cena in a singles match (33:34)
Now, here are some discussion questions concerning the event:
What was your favorite match on this show, and why did you like it the most? What about the worst match of this show, why did you like it the least?
If you could change a few things about Wrestlemania 28, what would it be and why?
You may only use wrestlers who were available at the roster at that time or make changes that could have realistically taken place in April 2012. Please keep in mind the situations going into the show such as who could actually have been pushed into a title match, or what songs existed back then if you wanted to change the show's theme music, and so forth.
You may only discuss Wrestlemania 28 in this thread. The remaining Wrestlemania events will be getting their own retrospective threads shortly, any posts regarding other events will be considered spam and you risk getting an infraction.
Discuss! :)
In this thread we will be discussing.... Wrestlemania 28!
Wrestlemania 28 took place on April 1, 2012. It was held at Sun Life Stadium in Miami, Florida. There were 78,363 fans there that attended the event. Here are the results of the matches from the show:
0. Primo and Epico (c) (with Rosa Mendes) defeated Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd and The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso) in a three-way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship during the Pre-Show (05:11)
1. Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan (c) (with AJ Lee) in a singles match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (00:18)
2. Kane defeated Randy Orton in a singles match (10:56)
3. Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes (c) in a singles match to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (05:18)
4. Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos defeated Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres in a tag team match (06:49)
5. The Undertaker defeated Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee (30:50)
6. Team Johnny (David Otunga, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with John Laurinaitis, Vickie Guerrero, and Brie Bella) defeated Team Teddy (Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Theodore Long, Hornswoggle, Eve Torres, Nikki Bella, and Aksana) in a Twelve-man tag team match to determine the General Manager of both the Raw and SmackDown brands (10:38)
7. CM Punk (c) defeated Chris Jericho by submission in a singles match to retain the WWE Championship where if Punk had been disqualified he would have lost the championship (22:21)
8. The Rock defeated John Cena in a singles match (33:34)
Now, here are some discussion questions concerning the event:
What was your favorite match on this show, and why did you like it the most? What about the worst match of this show, why did you like it the least?
If you could change a few things about Wrestlemania 28, what would it be and why?
You may only use wrestlers who were available at the roster at that time or make changes that could have realistically taken place in April 2012. Please keep in mind the situations going into the show such as who could actually have been pushed into a title match, or what songs existed back then if you wanted to change the show's theme music, and so forth.
You may only discuss Wrestlemania 28 in this thread. The remaining Wrestlemania events will be getting their own retrospective threads shortly, any posts regarding other events will be considered spam and you risk getting an infraction.
Discuss! :)
dimanche 30 mars 2014
Seth Rollins or Dolph Ziggler
Hello World,
I have an interesting question about Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler. I want to know who is really the real show off or show stealer.
The way I feel is like this, both men pride themselves on giving their best, and leaving the fans with the best match that can possibly give.
With Dolph Ziggler, we all know he's a great wrestler. One of the greatest technical wrestlers in the business. In my opinion he has a mixture of Mr. Perfect and a little Shawn Michaels in him. And he knows his way around the ring really well. He knows and reminds us in his passionate promos that he's the show off and show stealer, and a match with Ziggler is worth watching.
As for Seth Rollins. He really don't brag too much on his accomplishments and him being a show stealer. He just does it. His matches with against the Wyatts, and especially against the Real Americans were beyond satisfaction. He really came into his own and showed he's really in the WWE to be the best.
So in your Opinion who do you consider the true showoff of WWE Seth Rollins or Dolph Ziggler.
Although Dolph coined himself the Showoff, I will have to go with Seth Rollins.
I have an interesting question about Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler. I want to know who is really the real show off or show stealer.
The way I feel is like this, both men pride themselves on giving their best, and leaving the fans with the best match that can possibly give.
With Dolph Ziggler, we all know he's a great wrestler. One of the greatest technical wrestlers in the business. In my opinion he has a mixture of Mr. Perfect and a little Shawn Michaels in him. And he knows his way around the ring really well. He knows and reminds us in his passionate promos that he's the show off and show stealer, and a match with Ziggler is worth watching.
As for Seth Rollins. He really don't brag too much on his accomplishments and him being a show stealer. He just does it. His matches with against the Wyatts, and especially against the Real Americans were beyond satisfaction. He really came into his own and showed he's really in the WWE to be the best.
So in your Opinion who do you consider the true showoff of WWE Seth Rollins or Dolph Ziggler.
Although Dolph coined himself the Showoff, I will have to go with Seth Rollins.
A long-term Shield scenario.
With all the talk about the Shield breaking up, then being back together, to Reigns becomes the "Next big thing" and so on, it begs the question as to what could be done with the Shield members, so that all of them get a great moment and become THE main event guys. Here is my suggestion:
They defeat Kane and the Outlaws at WMXXX. They have a solid run as faces, being together for the next 5-6 months. Afterwards, they decide to focus more on their solo careers, chasing after titles (not the WWEWHC yet), or having some solo feuds against other big names (preferrably Bryan, Cena, Orton etc). After having those solo feuds, the agree on not appearing together anymore, or at least being alone most of the time. No breaks, no face-heel turns, just a mutual agreement. This will happen around September. As time goes on, WM31 comes up. Each one of these guys gets a regular one on one match OR something happens and they have to team up all of them to face three other guys, in some sort of winner-takes-all match.
Time passes, at the MitB match, all 3 members are inserted, but Rollins wins the briefcase. No breaks between the Shield, BUT at that point, it seems like they are not so close together, as if they have completely gone solo, but they are still friends. Rollins keeps his briefcase. The other two can probably get a WWEWHC shot at some PPV, and lose. Royal Rumble (year 2016) comes up, Ambrose wins it and gets to headline Mania. At the Elimination Chamber, Reigns is inserted into the EC WWEWHC match and wins it.
Next monday on Raw, Reigns comes out and is introduced as the new WWEWHC. Talks about his win and all, until Ambrose comes out. REMEMBER. At this point, the Shield members have gone on a "I have forgotten about our past" kinda thing, so this gathering-up would be kind of a big deal. They both talk about how they started from the bottom and now they are headlining Mania. Then, Rollins comes out and says that it is not coincidence that we are all here, because we are the best, we are the Shield. Place erupts. And he will also go on to say that he will cash in his MitB contract for a match at WM, making the WWEWHC match a triple threat match.
They started together, they separated, and now the road on leads to the same place/target: the WM32 main event for the WWEWHC.
I can't say what the best outcome would be, but no matter what, in the end, they all leave as the Shield, the winner and champion in the middle, with the other two on his right and left and doing the fist-symbol to close the night.
They defeat Kane and the Outlaws at WMXXX. They have a solid run as faces, being together for the next 5-6 months. Afterwards, they decide to focus more on their solo careers, chasing after titles (not the WWEWHC yet), or having some solo feuds against other big names (preferrably Bryan, Cena, Orton etc). After having those solo feuds, the agree on not appearing together anymore, or at least being alone most of the time. No breaks, no face-heel turns, just a mutual agreement. This will happen around September. As time goes on, WM31 comes up. Each one of these guys gets a regular one on one match OR something happens and they have to team up all of them to face three other guys, in some sort of winner-takes-all match.
Time passes, at the MitB match, all 3 members are inserted, but Rollins wins the briefcase. No breaks between the Shield, BUT at that point, it seems like they are not so close together, as if they have completely gone solo, but they are still friends. Rollins keeps his briefcase. The other two can probably get a WWEWHC shot at some PPV, and lose. Royal Rumble (year 2016) comes up, Ambrose wins it and gets to headline Mania. At the Elimination Chamber, Reigns is inserted into the EC WWEWHC match and wins it.
Next monday on Raw, Reigns comes out and is introduced as the new WWEWHC. Talks about his win and all, until Ambrose comes out. REMEMBER. At this point, the Shield members have gone on a "I have forgotten about our past" kinda thing, so this gathering-up would be kind of a big deal. They both talk about how they started from the bottom and now they are headlining Mania. Then, Rollins comes out and says that it is not coincidence that we are all here, because we are the best, we are the Shield. Place erupts. And he will also go on to say that he will cash in his MitB contract for a match at WM, making the WWEWHC match a triple threat match.
They started together, they separated, and now the road on leads to the same place/target: the WM32 main event for the WWEWHC.
I can't say what the best outcome would be, but no matter what, in the end, they all leave as the Shield, the winner and champion in the middle, with the other two on his right and left and doing the fist-symbol to close the night.
Mania 30 ;( What if!?
Being the 30th Anniversary, which feels like a much much bigger deal to me than it seems to to WWE. I would have liked to see them do an "Old School Headliners vs todays talent" type deal. Now, I'm normally NOT in favor of the part timers. However, I think that WM 30 fell in a unique point it the spectrum where they would have been able to pull it off.
My 12 Card 4 hour PPV would have been:
Diesel (w/Scott Hall) vs Randy Orton
Warrior vs Batista
Y2J vs Seth Rollins
Rikishi vs Big E
Triple H (With Vince) vs (w/Hogan)Sheamus
Taker vs Sheamus
Brock vs Roman Reigns
Rock vs Dean Ambrose
Steamboat vs Cesaro
Goldberg vs John Cena
HBK vs Daniel Bryan
Austin vs Punk
My 12 Card 4 hour PPV would have been:
Diesel (w/Scott Hall) vs Randy Orton
Warrior vs Batista
Y2J vs Seth Rollins
Rikishi vs Big E
Triple H (With Vince) vs (w/Hogan)Sheamus
Taker vs Sheamus
Brock vs Roman Reigns
Rock vs Dean Ambrose
Steamboat vs Cesaro
Goldberg vs John Cena
HBK vs Daniel Bryan
Austin vs Punk
WM 31, the card of the decade? Book it.
I say WM31 already looks better than almost any PPV this year has. I think by the time next March greets us, we will be looking back and wondering how this is the same PPV. Although WWE has made strides that last few weeks for projected Mania content, I feel like they completely neglected the 30th Anniversary of the very thiing that helped make Vince.
With the young crop of wrestlers, alot of whom have wowed in the ring and killed it on the stick, I honestly think they would have to thoroughly try to screw this up next year. We should see Bray, Cessaro, Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins taking up a number of matches on the card. Also, if you follow NXT, there are a number of good looking talents who very well could be brought up after SummerSlam (Graves, The Ascension and Sami Zayn to name a few). Add to that the Obligatory Triple H and Taker appearances and the potential for a Rock/Y2J, Sting, Punk, Angle or Austin bout, WM 31 is almost fool proof..................Almost. Lets see those storylines. Take any wrestler you like and give a 12 month booking on him!
With the young crop of wrestlers, alot of whom have wowed in the ring and killed it on the stick, I honestly think they would have to thoroughly try to screw this up next year. We should see Bray, Cessaro, Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins taking up a number of matches on the card. Also, if you follow NXT, there are a number of good looking talents who very well could be brought up after SummerSlam (Graves, The Ascension and Sami Zayn to name a few). Add to that the Obligatory Triple H and Taker appearances and the potential for a Rock/Y2J, Sting, Punk, Angle or Austin bout, WM 31 is almost fool proof..................Almost. Lets see those storylines. Take any wrestler you like and give a 12 month booking on him!
TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion, First Round: (5) Harley Race vs. (28) Cesaro
This is a first round match in the TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under TNA Rules. It will be held at the Shanghai Indoor Stadium in Shanghai, China.

#5. Harley Race

#28. Cesaro
#5. Harley Race
#28. Cesaro
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion, First Round: (12) Billy Graham vs. (21) Bobo Brazil
This is a first round match in the TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under TNA Rules. It will be held at the Shanghai Indoor Stadium in Shanghai, China.

#12. Billy Graham

#21. Bobo Brazil
#12. Billy Graham
#21. Bobo Brazil
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion, First Round: (13) Barry Windham vs. (20) Hawk
This is a first round match in the TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under TNA Rules. It will be held at the Shanghai Indoor Stadium in Shanghai, China.

#13. Barry Windham

#20. Hawk
#13. Barry Windham
#20. Hawk
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion, First Round: (4) Bruno Sammartino vs. (29)Bobby Roode
This is a first round match in the TNA Region, Shanghai Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under TNA Rules. It will be held at the Shanghai Indoor Stadium in Shanghai, China.

#4. Bruno Sammartino

#29. Bobby Roode
#4. Bruno Sammartino
#29. Bobby Roode
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
WWE Region, Providence Subregion, First Round: (5) CM Punk vs. (28) Sabu
This is a first round match in the WWE Region, Providence Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under WWE Rules. It will be held at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island.

#5. CM Punk

#28. Sabu
#5. CM Punk
#28. Sabu
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
WWE Region, Providence Subregion, First Round: (12) Brock Lesnar vs. (21) Lex Luger
This is a first round match in the WWE Region, Providence Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under WWE Rules. It will be held at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island.

#12. Brock Lesnar

#21. Lex Luger
#12. Brock Lesnar
#21. Lex Luger
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
WWE Region, Providence Subregion, First Round:(13)Stan Hansen vs. (20)Kerry Von Erich
This is a first round match in the WWE Region, Providence Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under WWE Rules. It will be held at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island.

#13. Stan Hansen

#20. Kerry Von Erich
#13. Stan Hansen
#20. Kerry Von Erich
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
WWE Region, Providence Subregion, First Round: (4) Dusty Rhodes vs. (29) Taz
This is a first round match in the WWE Region, Providence Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under WWE Rules. It will be held at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island.

#4. Dusty Rhodes

#29. Taz
#4. Dusty Rhodes
#29. Taz
Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.
Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
The Jerry Jarrett "First 26 PPVs" Overview
I just finished reading "The Story of the Development of the NWATNA" by Jerry Jarrett (a book I highly recommend anyone interested in the business side of the "business" pick up thanks to a few e-mails full of advice that he shares along with a long interview about his past). It occurred to me that there was some information in the book that might enhance a re-viewing (or perhaps even a first viewing) of the earlier TNA Pay-Per-View events. I don't believe I'm giving away any crucial information that would prevent someone from purchasing the book, if anything I'm hoping this will inspire increased interest in it, but I do hope this encourages some new debate about the early days of TNA.
I have taken the limited commentary he gave on each of the first 26 PPV shows and separated them into a list that will give you an idea of his feelings about each one. I have also included a very brief mention of major events that occurred, including times when Russo's involvement was heaviest or nonexistent so that the quality of his input into the earlier shows can be assessed. I hope this gives a little more insight into the early days of TNA and the ups/downs as perceived by the man writing the shows: Jerry Jarrett.
Show #1 - It was good considering everything that fell through and all that needed to happen to make it work
Show #2 - Thought that it was great except for Cheex and the female battle royal
Show #3 - The main event was excellent but the rest of the show was a mixed bag
Show #4 - Thought the show was good and the Titans segment would increase buys
-> learned Jay Haussman had been actively trying to ruin the company, not setting up deals, not advertising, and forging documents that could have killed TNA
-> Jeff Jarrett wanted to bring Russo in, hired due to lack of available help
Show #5 - Thought it was bad with too many missed spots, too much sexual content, and too much profanity, hated Brian Christopher segment, heavy Russo influence
Show #6 - Production was bad and Sabu/Shamrock was a terrible mixture of styles, felt the show had a bad feel
Show #7 - Impressed by huge improvement over the previous week, thought the matches were great and was happy with the show
Show #8 - Dupps segment was terrible, some excellent matches but an overall weak show
Show #9 - Again felt the Dupps weren't working, thought the main event under-delivered, and realized they needed to do a better job of distinguishing faces and heels
Show #10 - Russo destroyed the show by re-writing it forcing a lot of fixes which muddied what he initially thought was a good show
Show #11 - An injury to Truth caused last second card changes, no specific opinion given, too focused on trying to save the company from certain doom on the business end
-> Dixie Carter began talks with her father about saving TNA from catastrophy due to their original backers, HealthSouth, pulling out of the deal
Show #12 - Thought the show was good despite the action portion of the Dustin Diamond section not working
Show #13 - Also felt it was good with the boost of extra star power on the show
Show #14 - First show since show #4 that Jarrett wrote alone, this after completely rejecting a filth filled show from Russo, it was their first "full house" and he felt it was great compared to the past few shows
Show #15 - Thought the matches were good, that the show was perhaps "too traditional", feels the X-Division needs to start growing away from being spotfests, was overall happy with the show
Show #16 - Other than a few production issues he felt it was the best show to date
-> Deal with Panda Energy was finalized
Show #17 - A big change in format that he had mixed feelings about, perhaps a bit too heavy on recaps and interviews
Show #18 - The best show they produced despite a disappointing Truth/Hennig match
Show #19 - Numerous last second problems led to a lot of rewrites, Russo pushed him too far on the writing end and was removed from those duties, thought the first hour was slow but the second hour was excellent
Show #20 - Felt the quality was similar to show #19
Show #21 - A last minute re-write due to a Sean Waltman no-show caused some stress but the show still ended up being good
Show #22 - Felt it was a great main event, which received a backstage ovation, and the show was good
Show #23 - The two main matches of the show were great and the Russo segment was up for interpretation in terms of how people might respond
Show #24 - Heavy influence from Jeff and Vince Russo making the show far different from any previous shows, felt there was organized chaos but the involvement of Piper and Pringle was great
Show #25 - A typical show that came off well
Show #26 - Angry that 3 out of 6 surprises he had planned ended up on the website but it was still a great show, the last show of the year
-> Book ends
I have taken the limited commentary he gave on each of the first 26 PPV shows and separated them into a list that will give you an idea of his feelings about each one. I have also included a very brief mention of major events that occurred, including times when Russo's involvement was heaviest or nonexistent so that the quality of his input into the earlier shows can be assessed. I hope this gives a little more insight into the early days of TNA and the ups/downs as perceived by the man writing the shows: Jerry Jarrett.
Show #1 - It was good considering everything that fell through and all that needed to happen to make it work
Show #2 - Thought that it was great except for Cheex and the female battle royal
Show #3 - The main event was excellent but the rest of the show was a mixed bag
Show #4 - Thought the show was good and the Titans segment would increase buys
-> learned Jay Haussman had been actively trying to ruin the company, not setting up deals, not advertising, and forging documents that could have killed TNA
-> Jeff Jarrett wanted to bring Russo in, hired due to lack of available help
Show #5 - Thought it was bad with too many missed spots, too much sexual content, and too much profanity, hated Brian Christopher segment, heavy Russo influence
Show #6 - Production was bad and Sabu/Shamrock was a terrible mixture of styles, felt the show had a bad feel
Show #7 - Impressed by huge improvement over the previous week, thought the matches were great and was happy with the show
Show #8 - Dupps segment was terrible, some excellent matches but an overall weak show
Show #9 - Again felt the Dupps weren't working, thought the main event under-delivered, and realized they needed to do a better job of distinguishing faces and heels
Show #10 - Russo destroyed the show by re-writing it forcing a lot of fixes which muddied what he initially thought was a good show
Show #11 - An injury to Truth caused last second card changes, no specific opinion given, too focused on trying to save the company from certain doom on the business end
-> Dixie Carter began talks with her father about saving TNA from catastrophy due to their original backers, HealthSouth, pulling out of the deal
Show #12 - Thought the show was good despite the action portion of the Dustin Diamond section not working
Show #13 - Also felt it was good with the boost of extra star power on the show
Show #14 - First show since show #4 that Jarrett wrote alone, this after completely rejecting a filth filled show from Russo, it was their first "full house" and he felt it was great compared to the past few shows
Show #15 - Thought the matches were good, that the show was perhaps "too traditional", feels the X-Division needs to start growing away from being spotfests, was overall happy with the show
Show #16 - Other than a few production issues he felt it was the best show to date
-> Deal with Panda Energy was finalized
Show #17 - A big change in format that he had mixed feelings about, perhaps a bit too heavy on recaps and interviews
Show #18 - The best show they produced despite a disappointing Truth/Hennig match
Show #19 - Numerous last second problems led to a lot of rewrites, Russo pushed him too far on the writing end and was removed from those duties, thought the first hour was slow but the second hour was excellent
Show #20 - Felt the quality was similar to show #19
Show #21 - A last minute re-write due to a Sean Waltman no-show caused some stress but the show still ended up being good
Show #22 - Felt it was a great main event, which received a backstage ovation, and the show was good
Show #23 - The two main matches of the show were great and the Russo segment was up for interpretation in terms of how people might respond
Show #24 - Heavy influence from Jeff and Vince Russo making the show far different from any previous shows, felt there was organized chaos but the involvement of Piper and Pringle was great
Show #25 - A typical show that came off well
Show #26 - Angry that 3 out of 6 surprises he had planned ended up on the website but it was still a great show, the last show of the year
-> Book ends
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