vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Who did you think you saw?

You know how it is, you're going about your business when someone catches you eye and you think you either know them or they are someone from the media.

Yesterday I had such a feeling. We happened to be in Lidl of all places and don't laugh because three weeks ago, David Beckham was in our local Morrisons (see Dorset Echo report), and I saw someone that appeared to be from a 70's group. My wife passed it off with a "why would he be in here?" comment. Then on the bus home, we passed the marina with hundreds of boats moored up, and there walking between the many craft of all sizes in a restricted area, was that same person carrying his Lidl's bags. So maybe I was right after all, but I'm damned if I can remember his name, ah well, back to google,

Have you thought you'd seen someone but wasn't sure?.

(rubbish post, but it will pass away five minutes)

Who did you think you saw?

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