jeudi 27 mars 2014

Why does the WWE value glamour and idiocy over worthy matches for Wrestlemania?

It's no secret that more often than not, in the last 5 years, the WWE have given us 3 garbage matches per Wrestlemania on an average . From John Cena vs The Miz, to Snooki match, to some John Morrison tag-teaming with a diva match, to Michael Cole(with Jack Swagger who won the MITB a year ago) vs Jerry Lawler. I could enlist more but you get my gist. The Intercontinental and US titles instead of being elevated have time and time again been diminished and detracted from and Wrestlemania is a big example of that heinous act. The last time I can remember the US title being featured in a prominent way at WM was John Cena and the Big Show at WM XX, Chris Benoit-MVP at WM 23, ...? I simply can't recall if it was even defended. The IC title? Last I checked, JBL lost to Rey Mysterio for the IC title in a few seconds at WM 25. Instead of giving us meaningful matches with some athleticism, the WWE would much rather give us "Beth Phoenix and Melina (with Santino Marella) Vs Maria and Ashley in a Playboy BunnyMania Lumberjill match" and Kane beating Chavo in an 11-second match.

Consider Wrestlemania XXX. Some of you say you're high on it. The others have been feeling it to not be that great. My opinion is that the WWE will deliberately choose the wrong way. Sure, they've done one thing right. The Authority-Orton-Batista storyline has been shaping up perfectly, and HHH-Bryan. The segments they've been doing are the best, in every way. But Taker-Brock sucks on account of Undertaker's total dominance ever since the get go and the total lack of credence when it comes to Brock being a "beast incarnate" and ending the streak because quite frankly, they're doing the same shctick with a much older Uncle Fester with the lame-ass caskets and druids.

But the problem goes beyond that. How is it justifiable that Sheamus ,Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, and Damien Sandow among others will be competing in a 30-man battle royal for a goddamn trophy of a deceased Gigantic wrestling legend from 30 years ago whereas a totally uncharismatic and lacklustre team of Ryback and Curtis Axel will have a match on the card? How can that be justified? Even Shield competing against three washed-up has-beens is a letdown IMO, and if that match indeed happen, then Elimination Chamber was the right ppv for it. Some of you may disagree with me but I think the total diminution of the US/IC titles on the WWE 's part, and 45+ wrestlers who were popular in 1998 being given a match is not right. IMO, they should've given us better stories. I could name a few:-

Cesaro, Jack Swagger and Big E could've wrestled for the IC title in a triple threat match.

The Shield could've done something better, and if they need to face a team, then it should've been something more credible, like the Wyatts.

The 30-man battle royal and Hulk Hogan as a guest host and all the nostalgic crap doesn't really make WM XXX special IMO and the card is practically lacklustre. I do look forward to the HHH-Bryan match and the WWE WHC match. But that's all.

Why does the WWE cherish and value glamour, and idiotic celebrity involvement, over worthy matches for Wrestlemania?

How can it be justified for the N number of crappy 3-minute divas matches with 10 minutes going in entrances, celebrity idiots like Snooki, idiotic few-second matches like Chavo-Kane, Mysterio-JBL, Bryan-Sheamus are always a part of Wrestlemania, and this year, the 30-man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal but the IC/US titles aren't featured at all?

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