jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Believe it or not.

I thought this might be fun to do something unbelievable or surprising facts in wrestling. I'll start!

Terry Funk, Mil Mascaras & The Great Sasuke are on the same wrestling card.

What year is it?

Teddy Hart's "Hart attack" show?

Who's seen this?

This video below was disturbing though.. the first 20 minutes really made me feel sorry for him.

If this isn't a cry for help I dunno what is.

Vince Russo shoots on RAW 10-06-14


Vince Russo loves that damn word! Otherwise I totally agree with him on his perspective regarding this.

Vince is wearing a fire Russo shirt. lol

Another of GSB's Poorly Thought Out Gimmicks

Wrestling fans have no business insulting any other form of entertainment. However, that doesn't stop us from being highly critical of reality shows and reality based competition shows (e.g. Idol, Voice, Dancing with the Stars).

What of WWE debuted a tag team or group that came out before, after, or during either matches or promos and critiqued face performers on their work. Kind of thr same way someone on the internet is critical of anything and everything (except they should be coherent and have decent grammar). The group basically spews the same lame crap that judges spew on these shows. They can even carry paddles with number scores on them. There can be the stereotypical nice but repetitive judge, a dumb judge, and a mean foreign judge.

As time goes on, this group can get more involved interfering in matches and attacking others. For comedy sake they can critique their own beatings and give themselves 10's. They can use their paddles as weapons and give their moves horrible names like The Decider or In My Honest Opinion. They can go as far as sharing their opinions on the mic during their own matches.

I don't expect the gimmick to last long. One member may break away and keep it to some extent but like most over the top gimmicks now a days it won't last forever. This is just a way to find something to do or introduce some new blood.

I can envision Titus O'Neill, Heath Slater, and Adam Rose making this work. Maybe you add or replace one of those guys with a woman.

What do think WZ? Horrible? Worth giving a shot? Any changes that could make this work? Any other wrestlers who would work this gimmick well?

Dean Ambrose to Feud with Bray Wyatt?

Bray Wyatt has been notably absent from WWE for the past month since the week before Night of Champions, and promos have been playing for each member of the Wyatt's since. However the video on Raw seemed to indicate he would be back soon, so I'm guessing Hell in a Cell. Nut who does he feud with? The one name I keep coming back to is Dean Ambrose and here's a few reasons why:

The only 2 big matches at Hell in a Cell are Dean Ambrose v Seth Rollins and John Cena v Randy Orton

It will not be John Cena again

There are no signs of a face turn

Since he looks set to stay heel, Rollins and Orton are out of the question

This leaves Dean Ambrose. An argument could be made for Ziggler but I think that would be a step down too for all this hype. I see Ambrose finally about to get revenge on Rollins, Authority have been dealt with, when the lights go out (Wyatt/s under the ring) and they come back on for him/them to destroy Ambrose. There are subtle teases in his video promos on Raw, and the fact him and Ambrose has been a feud people have wanted for a while, it keeps Rollins strong by being the lucky heel again, and keeps Ambrose strong that he got screwed over once again. Thoughts?

What Was Their Moment 1

So this is the first of a series of threads I wanna do that ask what was the moment of a wrestlers career that stands out as the instance where they "Arrived". The break out moment or match where the world realized Okay this guy can go. He has IT, and is going to be a big time star in the industry. It could even be a series of matches if you wanted to go that route. An example would be when Stone Cold faced Bret Hart at WM13, at least that was his break out moment for me. You can put either the time when you personally realized that or when it seemed the rest of the world realized that, or both. Up to you.

For this thread the superstar at hand will be The Rock. One of the biggest stars of the attitude Era, and Stone Cold Steve Austins greatest in ring rival. So lets hear it, what was The Peoples Champ's breakout moment or match?

My choice may come later than most peoples. For me it was his match with Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 15. The Rock started to get hot and the people wanted him as a face and then just when they were gonna give the people The Rock as a face WWE Champ, BOOM they turn him and align him with the WWE Devil Himself, Mr. McMahon and the Corporation. However in the match with Austin at mania, you saw the crowd give some responses to the rock at times that showed they still really wanted to cheer him as a face. For me it was this match that showed me the rock could go with the top dogs in the ring, and could stand face to face with the top guy, Austin, and be seen as an equal challenger. I loved the match, and think him losing gave him just as much as it did Austin. It opened the door for his face turn and the rest is history.

Disappointment in Rusev vs Show

So I am thinking that no matter what the outcome of the Rusev vs. Big Show match at HIAC it will be disappointing.

If Rusev wins, which I think will happen, it will be extremely disappointing . One of the things that makes WWE popular is the big guys. People think, yeah its staged but someone that's 7 ft 400 lbs and can move well is not someone anyone wants to fight. Having Big Show put Rusev over would be almost silly. The Big show is valuable to the company because he is the guy that can beat anyone and it is believable. It will tarnish the Big Show legacy and take away from Rusevs run. After defeating Big Show, fans may think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV." It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down. You'd have a guy that can beat everyone who is better than average, but cant beat the top stars, or as they say, a long term mid carder.

Simply put, IMO, its far too soon to have these guys in a major PPV match. I think that the benefits of this rivalry done too soon are next to nothing. They should have saved this one for WrestleMania or at least until the Rumble. Right now I'd guess it'll be Cena that predictably beats him at RR or WM, a boresville match that most wouldn't even pay 9.99 to see.

New WWE Championship Title Belts!!

New WWE Championship Title Belts featuring the new WWE logo unveiled on Raw the night after SummerSlam are now available!!

So what do you WZers think!? I, myself, will be getting the current WWE Triple Crown Championship Title Belts (WWE, Intercontinental, and 2 WWE Tag Team), along with a 3rd Detolf display case as soon as I can.

Another of GSB's Poorly Thought Out Gimmicks

Wrestling fans have no business insulting any other form of entertainment. However, that doesn't stop us from being highly critical of reality shows and reality based competition shows (e.g. Idol, Voice, Dancing with the Stars).

What of WWE debuted a tag team or group that came out before, after, or during either matches or promos and critiqued face performers on their work. Kind of thr same way someone on the internet is critical of anything and everything (except they should be coherent and have decent grammar). The group basically spews the same lame crap that judges spew on these shows. They can even carry paddles with number scores on them. There can be the stereotypical nice but repetitive judge, a dumb judge, and a mean foreign judge.

As time goes on, this group can get more involved interfering in matches and attacking others. For comedy sake they can critique their own beatings and give themselves 10's. They can use their paddles as weapons and give their moves horrible names like The Decider or In My Honest Opinion. They can go as far as sharing their opinions on the mic during their own matches.

I don't expect the gimmick to last long. One member may break away and keep it to some extent but like most over the top gimmicks now a days it won't last forever. This is just a way to find something to do or introduce some new blood.

I can envision Titus O'Neill, Heath Slater, and Adam Rose making this work. Maybe you add or replace one of those guys with a woman.

What do think WZ? Horrible? Worth giving a shot? Any changes that could make this work? Any other wrestlers who would work this gimmick well?

Dean Ambrose to Feud with Bray Wyatt?

Bray Wyatt has been notably absent from WWE for the past month since the week before Night of Champions, and promos have been playing for each member of the Wyatt's since. However the video on Raw seemed to indicate he would be back soon, so I'm guessing Hell in a Cell. Nut who does he feud with? The one name I keep coming back to is Dean Ambrose and here's a few reasons why:

The only 2 big matches at Hell in a Cell are Dean Ambrose v Seth Rollins and John Cena v Randy Orton

It will not be John Cena again

There are no signs of a face turn

Since he looks set to stay heel, Rollins and Orton are out of the question

This leaves Dean Ambrose. An argument could be made for Ziggler but I think that would be a step down too for all this hype. I see Ambrose finally about to get revenge on Rollins, Authority have been dealt with, when the lights go out (Wyatt/s under the ring) and they come back on for him/them to destroy Ambrose. There are subtle teases in his video promos on Raw, and the fact him and Ambrose has been a feud people have wanted for a while, it keeps Rollins strong by being the lucky heel again, and keeps Ambrose strong that he got screwed over once again. Thoughts?

What Was Their Moment 1

So this is the first of a series of threads I wanna do that ask what was the moment of a wrestlers career that stands out as the instance where they "Arrived". The break out moment or match where the world realized Okay this guy can go. He has IT, and is going to be a big time star in the industry. It could even be a series of matches if you wanted to go that route. An example would be when Stone Cold faced Bret Hart at WM13, at least that was his break out moment for me. You can put either the time when you personally realized that or when it seemed the rest of the world realized that, or both. Up to you.

For this thread the superstar at hand will be The Rock. One of the biggest stars of the attitude Era, and Stone Cold Steve Austins greatest in ring rival. So lets hear it, what was The Peoples Champ's breakout moment or match?

My choice may come later than most peoples. For me it was his match with Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 15. The Rock started to get hot and the people wanted him as a face and then just when they were gonna give the people The Rock as a face WWE Champ, BOOM they turn him and align him with the WWE Devil Himself, Mr. McMahon and the Corporation. However in the match with Austin at mania, you saw the crowd give some responses to the rock at times that showed they still really wanted to cheer him as a face. For me it was this match that showed me the rock could go with the top dogs in the ring, and could stand face to face with the top guy, Austin, and be seen as an equal challenger. I loved the match, and think him losing gave him just as much as it did Austin. It opened the door for his face turn and the rest is history.

Disappointment in Rusev vs Show

So I am thinking that no matter what the outcome of the Rusev vs. Big Show match at HIAC it will be disappointing.

If Rusev wins, which I think will happen, it will be extremely disappointing . One of the things that makes WWE popular is the big guys. People think, yeah its staged but someone that's 7 ft 400 lbs and can move well is not someone anyone wants to fight. Having Big Show put Rusev over would be almost silly. The Big show is valuable to the company because he is the guy that can beat anyone and it is believable. It will tarnish the Big Show legacy and take away from Rusevs run. After defeating Big Show, fans may think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV." It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down. You'd have a guy that can beat everyone who is better than average, but cant beat the top stars, or as they say, a long term mid carder.

Simply put, IMO, its far too soon to have these guys in a major PPV match. I think that the benefits of this rivalry done too soon are next to nothing. They should have saved this one for WrestleMania or at least until the Rumble. Right now I'd guess it'll be Cena that predictably beats him at RR or WM, a boresville match that most wouldn't even pay 9.99 to see.

New WWE Championship Title Belts!!

New WWE Championship Title Belts featuring the new WWE logo unveiled on Raw the night after SummerSlam are now available!!

So what do you WZers think!? I, myself, will be getting the current WWE Triple Crown Championship Title Belts (WWE, Intercontinental, and 2 WWE Tag Team), along with a 3rd Detolf display case as soon as I can.

Wrestlers that were heels their whole career?

I've seen threads about which wrestlers never turned heel in their careers (example: Ricky Steamboat) but I've never seen a thread discussing the opposite question. So I thought to start one myself.

Post wrestlers who were always a heel with out ever turning face.

I'll go first..

"Rick Rude"

If You Could Add Gaming Notions To Wrestling Gimmicks

A) Whenever someone gets into a feud with Wyatt, just don't have him wrestle Wyatt. Make his cronies wrestle first and then Bray is the final boss a coupla months down the line. Make us wait to see Bray wrestle.

B) Orton should pull out a super RKO to beat the big dogs. Like Cena, or Brock or H or Rock. It has to be something devastating so we realize that the same move he beat Heath Slater with, needs to be added with more damage to beat a Lesnar. While a Shooting StaRKO is great, its wasted on an Evan Bourne.

Does anyone think Bret Hart was better than Shawn Michaels, and why?

Back in say, 2000, when they'd both retired (Shawn temporarily), the debate would probably be quite even, possibly in favour of Bret. Then Shawn came back and put in another 8 years of work, culminating in arguably the two greatest WrestleMania matches in history. Shawn was regarded as one of the best when he retired in 1998, but today it seems widely accepted that Shawn is the single greatest ever, while Bret has settled into that "one of the best" category.

Does anyone here and now, in 2014, think Bret was the better of the two? And why?

Remember it's all opinion, people...

Were The Challenges In NXT Fixed?

Somehow I found myself stumbling across old NXT footage(Season 3 I believe, the diva one) and there was a week: Name That Tune. Where they used wrestlers themes from mostly the present, and the 5 divas had an airhorn to buzz in so they could guess. (stupid way to build it, shows nothing of substance involving their wrestling skill...but I'm bored and hey it's AJ xD)

Anyway. 5 Divas and they did about 10-15 songs. Naomi guessed one correctly, none of the divas got one and AJ got all of the rest. I remember hearing she actually likes wrestling outside of the ring(seems like a model gig for some girls now) but I was just blown away. So I questioned, was it rigged?

Obviously AJ looked like a true fan then but all the other divas looked like idiots, surely the WWE wouldn't set up something for 4 girls to look that bad...especially when the girl who knew the answers lost. (speaking of which, where is Kaitlyn?)

The video, if you're curious to see what I mean

Then I was watching How Well Do You Know Your Pro from season 2? Some of the answers seemed so in character, yet somehow Daniel Bryan and Derrick Bateman were using telepathy or something, because Derrick always knew Daniel's weird answers(Tulsa Oklahoma? Am I missing something?) And this got me thinking that it's either rigged or that they knew each other from the indie circuit.

If you're curious about that one

So fixed? Or not?

Yo Fiance

Happy birthday. From a young pup to an old 23.

What is next for the IC belt?

Unfortunately, the Intercontinental Championship is currently in even worse shape than the United States championship. I felt Ziggler's reign has mostly sucked for a handful of reasons. The whole 'Ziggler Vs Miz' fiasco devalued the belts because they changed hands so often, but even worse, Ziggler is still being used as a jobber. Even though he's still a champ, he's been losing cleanly to Orton, Rusev and Rollins in underhyped (but mostly excellent) matches...yet none of those wins lead to any title shots, because WWE is telling us that the IC belt is for midcarders. I know that's the case, but I don't think the company should be so honest about that.

Ziggler's currently entering a feud with Cesaro, but is that any better? Cesaro has been on a losing streak, having twice attempted and failed to take the U.S belt from Sheamus. If Ziggler wins, it means nothing because Cesaro has been booked as a loser. If Cesaro wins, then the WWE is now telling us that the U.S Belt> IC Belt.

So...what can they do? Should Ziggler keep it? Will Cesaro make a good IC champ? There were rumors that Bray might feud with Ziggler for his gold, but that would not be good for his career. Bray was previously competing for the WHC and was last seen being dominated by the former WHC. Him going for the IC Belt is akin to him admitting he isn't good enough to compete with guys like Cena or Lesnar.

Whereas I think Rusev going after the U.S Belt would work on many levels, I don't know what can be done with the IC Belt. I wouldn't be against someone like Bo Dallas taking it from Ziggler.

Why Cena is still the #1 guy in the eyes of the company and the fans

Everybody on the internet complains whenever Cena is put over someone when he does not really need the victory. However, whether the internet likes it or not, Cena is more over with the crowd than any other superstar with the exception of maybe Daniel Bryan.

He has recently been paired with Ambrose in Tag Team matches and I've noticed that the crowds are always more interested in Cena than they are in Ambrose. You'll likely hear "Let's Go Cena/ Cena Sucks", but it's odd hearing that when Ambrose is starting the match. But it does suggest to me that people either like Cena more than Ambrose, wanting him in the ring instead. Or they hate Cena more than they like Ambrose. I remember Reigns, who seemed more over than Ambrose at the time, doing a promo and mentioning Cena. Immediately fans began the iconic Cena chants (although I think the emphasis was on 'Cena sucks'), causing Reigns to say something like "When Roman Reigns is in the house, you're damn right Cena sucks".

So people might not be thrilled whenever Cena takes the spotlight, but it almost seems understandable when he gets the biggest reactions- positive or negative. Oddly, the only person whom I think gets such a strong reaction is Rusev. The "USA" chants tend to be done to spite him more than anything. When Big Show/Henry were fighting the Wyatts, the crowd seemed mild until Rusev came out and stole the show by just standing there.

Did Adam Rose get squashed?

A few weeks back, I was surprised when Adam Rose came out to harass Stephanie. It made me wonder if after feuding with Titus and Slater, he was going to get some sort of push...Dumb logic on my part, as Sandow also had a bit with her, but that's what I thought at the time. Then she had him fight Kane, he was decimated. It wasn't even a match as much as it was a beatdown.

This means quite a lot as Kane hasn't beaten anyone relevant in a singles match for...months? Even after he got credit (in-story) for taking Daniel Bryan out of the picture, he continued to job in both matches and basic brawls. Corporate Kane somehow even loses more...and yet he was fed a wrestler who was undefeated (on TV). Since then, he's been MIA (on TV). Some had speculated that Rose was only being used to push the Bunny, but that doesn't make sense as the bunny fled- abandoning his friends- like a heel would.

So do you think this will lead to some sort of angle? Will Rose and the Bunny feud with Kane? Or did they decide to either axe the character or reduce him to a jobber (Big E style), while hoping to give Kane some credibility. I'm personally fine with squashing Rose because I find him to be annoying and I don't like how he gets away with certain heel moves. I feel Kane loses too often for someone so prominent.

mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Pillman - Alive and Well During Attitude

I did a quick search and didn't see anything about this, but apologies if this has been done before. Let's say Brian Pillman never mangled his leg and entered the WWF fresh and ready to go. It would have been the perfect time for him as when he passed, the Attitude Era was just about to go in full swing. What do you think he would have done during this time?

I think his Austin feud would have started later and that whole gun thing never would have happened. Maybe in 97 after Austin was a full face or maybe in 98 when Austin had the title and McMahon made Pillman a 'hired gun' to get the title back since he knew Austin better than anyone else. It would have been cool to see Pillman with the title (with corporation help), if only for a few weeks. His Loose Canon persona overshadowed his wrestling ability, as I thought he was just as good a wrestler as Shawn Michaels was. I would have loved to have seen that match. Anyways, what do you think Pillman would have done had he been around during that era?

The man to conquer Rusev

I think the best way to book Rusev is to continue having him destroy people who attempt to defend the honor of the US with each new person being slightly higher on the card... At the Royal Rumble this masked wrestler runs in (not an entrant, just a run in) and eliminates Rusev from the Rumble while he dominating the Rumble...

Over the build to wrestlemania this mysterious masked man keeps making life harder for a pissed Rusev, finally the match is signed for Wrestlemania Rusev vs. The Mystery Man....

At Mania Rusev makes his entrance and then we get a all out American Pride entrance for a returning unmasked mystery man named Kurt Angle the Ultimate American Hero comes back to defend the US...


Yours Truly,


Is Scarlett Johansson The Next Action Superstar?

Negations and talks for Margot Robbie (she's eying a role for David Ayer's Suicide Squad) taking the lead role in Ghost In The Shell, an upcoming action/sci-fi film based on the 1995 anime film of the same name and the magna series, fell apart, so DreamWorks offered Scarlett Johansson a reported $10 million to take the lead role instead. I'll admit, I'm not familiar with Ghost In The Shell, but if Johansson accepts the role, and if Ghost In The Shell is a success, we're talking about Johansson's career rising to an elite level.

With the success of The Avengers and other Marvel films, the anticipation for Age Of Ultron, and her role as Black Widow, there's no denying Johansson's star is on the rise, as an action heroine. Personally, I hated Lucy, but the film was a major box office success, with an overall worldwide gross of $415,031,900 off of a reported production budget of $40,000,000, and Lucy received its fair share of positive reviews. On top of that, Johansson was the voice of Samantha in Her, a popular front-runner to win major awards at the Oscars with five nominations.

Johansson has all the tools to be the next major action heroine. Name recognition, sex appeal, she's believable as a lethal threat, and she's a solid actress. And there's a very good chance we'll see Age Of Ultron on top as the #1 moneymaker in 2015. With all that said, if Johansson maintains her momentum, we're looking at the next legit action star, and someone, who's a bonified draw at the box office.

Does Scarlett Johansson have what it takes to be a true action star?

For Noglastia Reasons only is why I am looking forward to Cena/Orton

At Hell in a Cell we will witness more than likely the FINAL Cena vs. Orton match. Unless one retires against the other. One of the greatest all-time rivalries. This rivalry has made both men legends. At HIAC I say enjoy the match because it most likely will be the final match. Don't boo all match or chant stupid shit. Respect the legacies of these two legends for one night. So when we look back on it we have a legendary match.... that wasn't RUINED by the fans. If my memory serves me right at Royal Rumble was suppose to be their final PPV match and their Raw match after was suppose to be the final ones until fans shitted on it. I personally am watching Hell in a Cell. I am 16 and grew up with both. Even though my childhood started with Rock/Austin. Is anyone else lightweight looking forward to it as well.

Teacher allowed to keep her job after Wheel Of Misfortune incident


STEVENSON, Wash. -- A chemistry teacher at Stevenson High School in Skamania County has been placed on administrative leave after videos surfaced of students being pelted with plastic balls in her classroom.

The teacher, Kem Patteson, has been teaching at Stevenson High for almost 14 years. Students said the ball throwing was her way of punishing them for doing things like chewing gum in class.

Now Patteson has been placed on paid leave. KGW spoke with several students and some said they thought school administrators overreacted, while others were glad the teacher was pulled from class.

Video shared with KGW from May showed a boy holding up to protect his face from being hit. The most recent incident allegedly occurred last week. Sophomore Zoey Zapfe, 15, said she was pummeled with the plastic balls after she first had to spin the "Wheel of Misfortune" that the teacher keeps in her classroom.

The wheel landed on "Koosh firing squad." Then, about 30 students and the teacher lined up to throw the balls at her.

"I was chewing gum in class and she caught me and I had to spit it out and spin the wheel," Zapfe said. "When the guys throw it, it hurts. I had like, welts."

"I've gotten 'Kooshed' a couple times but never in the face or anything," said Hannah Young, a senior at Stevenson High. "I kinda think they're overreacting a little bit. She probably shouldn't have done it, but I don't know if it's cause to fire her."

Marina Levy, the Senior Class President, told KGW the teacher did give students the chance to "opt out" of the so-called firing squad. "Everything on 'the wheel' can be exchanged for a lunch detention so students are never forced to do anything," she said. "I don't think this is anything near what it's being made into."

KGW reached out to the school district, which said safety was its top priority. The superintendent also released a statement that said the district takes any matter of concern voiced by parents and students seriously.

When the high school initially became aware of the incident at hand, it was dealt with in a prompt manner by the school principal, the statement explained.

A third-party investigator is now looking into the complaint for the district.

The school recently sent a letter parents explaining the situation:

Click for Spoiler:


Dear Stevenson High School Parents:

As you may know, we’ve been working with a third-party investigator to review the details of a video that surfaced on social media last week. The situation called to light an inappropriate classroom management technique used by a Stevenson High School teacher. It involved giving students the choice of spinning a “Wheel of Misfortune” for low-level misconduct rather than getting lunch detention. The consequences on the wheel included allowing other students in the classroom to throw a soft rubber “Koosh” ball at the student. The videos circulating showed students throwing the ball at a student.

This is not a practice authorized or condoned by the District and it has been stopped. When the high school became aware of the details of how the controversial classroom management tool was being used, the prop was removed from the classroom. The teacher was placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

First and foremost, our District aims to make sure that only high quality instruction occurs in the classroom and that our students are treated with respect. Our primary goal is to provide students with optimal conditions for learning by maintaining a school environment where everyone is engaged and positive. We all have learned from this unfortunate circumstance and I want to assure you, it is our top priority to carefully review classroom management techniques and provide sensitivity training.

As required by the new Teacher Principal Evaluation Project, we evaluate all of our teachers’ classroom instructional practices using rigorous criteria. We expect the best of our teachers and that they model only the best practices and behaviors.

On Wednesday, October 15th, the results of the investigation were provided to us. After interviews with students, school staff and the teacher, the investigator recommended that the teacher be re-instated to the classroom with appropriate safeguards in place to ensure an appropriate classroom environment. The investigator concluded that the use of the wheel was inappropriate, but well-intentioned, and the teacher did not desire to embarrass, intimidate or harm any student. However, poor judgment by any teacher is concerning and we plan to work with the teacher on more positive and productive classroom management skills going forward.

We understand some parents may still have concerns, and we ask that you please contact us directly so we can address your questions and discuss options. I want to thank parents, staff and community members for their support, patience and understanding as we work through this challenge and work together in a positive, productive way.

The Wheel Of Misfortune was removed from the classroom, Patteson was allowed to keep her job after the Koosh ball punishment with Zapfe, and reports of Zapfe being bullied by other students surfaced after the story broke.

Without seeing it or knowing the details behind it, the Wheel Of Misfortune sounds like some diabolical torture device from a movie, and when you hear the term "firing squad" you can easily see why Patteson's wheel sparked some controversy. Choices on the wheel include the "Koosh ball firing squad", loosing your seat, winning a piece of candy, or you can simply spin the wheel again for another chance.

Considering all the choices on the wheel, and Patteson giving her students a chance to opt out of the Koosh ball punishment, the wheel doesn't strike me as a malicious form of punishment. This is going back to my elementary school days, but I remember a teacher, who used a Hangman style game to punish the class with extra homework. As a class, if we couldn't stop talking at her request, if someone was caught chewing gum, or if you had that the one person, who had to be the center of attention (the class clown), she would spell out "extra homework" on the board. Of course, if things got out of hand, she would just spell out extra homework after three or four letters to send a message.

As far as Zapfe goes, there's a good chance she chose to spin the wheel out of peer pressure, because she wanted to fit in. After the punishment, humiliation got the best of her, and she decided to speak out against the wheel. Patteson has her fair share of supporters, including students, but Zapfe is receiving the pariah treatment at school. A lot of people just see someone, who exaggerated her story to the news, and someone, who made a big fuss over nothing to get her fifteen minutes of fame. After all, according to reports, Patteson used the Wheel Of Misfortune for two years with no real complaints from students.

It's a mixed bag for me. Yes, you can say Patteson's wheel was a fun and creative idea for her classes, but on the other hand, you have to believe in others (past and present) choosing silence, because they don't want the label of a "snitch" or a "whiner." Whether you throw Koosh balls, balls of paper, or balls of cotton, you can't ignore the feeling of humiliation, while you stand in front of a laughing crowd. Maybe Zapfe had a hidden agenda in all of this, but something had to bother her emotionally, if she felt the need to speak up.

Although, I don't have a problem with Patteson keeping her job. It's a different story, IF Patteson was some sick and twisted person, who relished the idea of embarrassing and injuring high school kids. But I get the feeling she's someone, who made a poor judgment call with the wheel, and she never meant to intentionally hurt or embarrass her students.

All thoughts and discussion regarding this article are welcome.

Where was HBK at Wrestlemania 30?

I am big Shawn Michaels fan. HBK is known as Mr. Wrestlemania. But, he did not appear on tv at one of the biggest Wrestlemanias. This year's Wrestlemania celebrated 30 years. I find it weird that he didn't want to be on it or WWE didn't want to have him cut a quick promo. Heck, I thought it would be cool to see him come out with Austin, Rock, and Hogan. Maybe he just wanted to skip a Wrestlemania. But I think he should have atleast been involved in a little skit.

What Happened to Crimson?

I started watching TNA about 3 years ago and at that point Crimson was undefeated for something like 16 months and looking like a strong young wrestler for the future.

He then faced James Storm I think a BFG and lost which at the time are found weird as it was a weak way to end Crimson's undefeated especially when it came to nothing and Crimson disappeared from TNA all together!!!

So my question is what actually happened to Crimson???

IMPACT Wrestling LD for 10.22.14 — Roode/Lashley Showdown, Plus Tag Team Tournament!

Live Discussion for October 22nd, 2014


Tonight on IMPACT, TNA Executive Director Kurt Angle will oversee the contract

signingbetween Lashley and Bobby Roode, which will make their TNA World Heavyweight

Championship bout official. The match is scheduled for next week's IMPACT , but, with

the hostility between the two men, sparks are nearly guaranteed to fly.

Perhaps more importantly, Kurt Angle has promised to make an announcement that

will "change the complexion" of this match. Obviously, Angle wants to protect

the integrity of his World Title match so what could he have in mind? Will he

bar MVP and Kenny King from ringside or take an even more drastic approach?

While speculation is plentiful, the only way to find out will be to tune in

to IMPACT on Spike TV tonight at 9/8c.


"When we reunited in the middle of that TNA ring in the Manhattan Center, we

told the world that we would not stop until we were the TNA World Tag Team

Champions... So, Wolves, here we come! Creatures, mount up!"

Jeff Hardy had those words to say when he revealed to that

The Hardys contacted Kurt Angle Thursday night to enter the TNA Tag Team

Tournament, scheduled to kick off tonight on IMPACT . Just like that, the

tournament is off to a good start; The Hardys being the first team to

officially enter. There are 7 spots remaining and, tonight, 8 teams will

collide with the hopes of becoming the next challengers for TNA World Tag

Team Champions, The Wolves.

Matt Hardy echoed his brothers sentiments: "My brother and I are the best

we've ever been and we intend to prove that in this tournament. The Hardys are

ICONIC and, truly, one of the best tag teams to ever compete. The Wolves are a

great team and they have proved that time and time again, but we aren't

finished yet.... And we won't be until we're wearing TNA gold!"

The TNA Tag Team Tournament will kick off tonight at 9/8c on Spike TV!



Robbie E may be away at the moment, racing around the world with Brooke as part

of CBS' The Amazing Race, but his bros have decided to keep busy the best way

they know how. Jessie Godderz and DJZ have announced that they will enter the

Tag Team Tournament tonight on IMPACT .

Godderz is a 2-time TNA World Tag Team Champion who has been on the hunt for

revenge since the Bro Mans lost their belts earlier this year to the Wolves.

DJZ is a former X-Division Champion and one of the Division's finest high-flyers.

Together, they are 2/3 of the Bro Mans and they will do whatever it takes to

get the TNA World Tag Team Championships back around their wastes.

One question comes to mind though... Say Jessie and DJZ win the tournament and

become the #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles? What if they even capture the titles?

What happens when Robbie returns for The Amazing Race? For now, that thought

surely won't creep into Jessie and DJZ's minds. They have one focus and that

is tonight's tournament kick-off!

Who will they face in the first round? Find out and catch all the action -

including The Hardys and the team of EC3 & Tyrus - when IMPACT kicks off

tonight at 9/8c on Spike TV!


Last week, EC3 debuted his replacement for Rockstar Spud: Tyrus. Tyrus is a

monster and has a background of providing extraordinary protection, formerly

as a college football standbout and then an elite bodyguard to the stars,

including four years protecting multi-platinum rapper Snoop Dogg. With a new

enforcer in tow, EC3 is now in the hunt for TNA gold.

Ethan Carter III and Tyrus have just announced themselves for the TNA Tag Team

Tournament. They join the Hardys as the first two teams revealed for the

tournament, which kicks off tonight at 9/8c on Spike TV. Six more teams will

join the hunt, with the winner becoming the new #1 contenders for The Wolves

and their TNA World Tag Team Championships.


All this and so much more on Thursday’s must-see IMPACT broadcast on

Spike TV at 9/8c, from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania!

Why I hate Jim Cornette

Basically Stephanie did an interview and "broke" kayfabe giving some details about how wrestling works. The self proclaimed savior of wrestling then tweets:


@TheJimCornette: Stephanie McMahon completely exposes wrestling as fake in interview--possibly reason why WWE has lost 1/3 of worth in stockmarket #STUPID

This is coming from the same guy who does 18 shoot interviews a year for the past 5 years exposing the business. This is coming from a guy who runs a podcast talking about the inner workings of the business. Since when does the stock market have anything to do with kayfabe?

Go fuck yourself Cornette :)

1997-98 WWE MVP

This one should be interesting as there are multiple choices out there that strong cases can be made for. This is also one of the best years for in ring product so that just adds to the significance of the performers called out here for MVP because not only are they doing great work but there doing it around other great work.

I believe it comes down to one of the four between Austin, Hart, Michaels and Taker. While I would say that Bret probably had the best work of anyone at anytime during this year the fact that he was not there from post Survivor Series to Mania keeps me from choosing him. Same goes for Michaels with all the time he missed during the year. While Austin missed some time as well he was kept on camera between SummerSlam and Survivor Series so it really didn't effect him. No doubt it was a huge year for Austin who made the seamless transition from mid card to main event during this year.

That withstanding, my pick for MVP would go to Undertaker. Having just rewatched this time period I forgot just how over Taker was. The fans where truly behind him and he was really the top face until Austin took over towards the end of the year. While Taker didn't have great feuds during his title reigns he put on some great matches with Mankind, Austin and Bret while he was champ. Then you add in his near year long feud with Bearer and than Kane once he debuted that lead to there match at Mania 14 and that seals the deal for me. Throw in 3 matches with Shawn one of which was the classic 1st HIAC match and you have the icing on the cake for why Taker was the MVP for 97-98.

mardi 21 octobre 2014

The 12th Doctor

from Doctor Who. It's been 10 or so episodes thus far with the new incarnation. How are you guys liking him?

He's starting to grow on me. His dark, humorous personality feels like a breath of fresh air compared to the last 3 Doctors.

KC6 Hype Sigs

Get 'em, kids. Don't be afraid to make your own and post.

Daniel Bryan vs. ??? at WM 31

I read a lot of posts here, but very rarely post anything. I want to change that by starting a series here and it's on who will *Insert Superstar* face at WrestleMania 31? WM will be here before we know it, and for the first time in awhile, I feel that this card is very unpredictable. Lets start the series off with last years Main Event winner, Daniel Bryan

The leader of the YES! Movement has been sidelined since the start of the summer after winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship over Randy Orton and Batista at WrestleMania XXX, and beating Triple H to get into that match earlier in the night. So lets go over his potential candidates:

Brock Lesnar: The Reigning, Defending, Undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World will more than likely headline WM 31 after ending The Streak last year. Daniel Bryan never lost his championship, and this could be his chance to regain that title and have an excellent match with Lesnar. For those saying that it doesn't seem realistic for somebody Bryan's size to beat Lesnar, remember that CM Punk had the MOTY in 2013 against Lesnar and took Lesnar to the limit, if you will. The redemption story could write itself very easily

Triple H: Yes, I know he faced him at WM 30, but he is the leader of The Authority, and that is who Bryan was essentially feuding with when he surrendered the title. Again, this could write itself

Seth Rollins: Mr. Money in the Bank could easily start a feud with Daniel Bryan, costing Daniel Bryan either the championship, or a shot at the championship for Triple H. This continues his feud with The Authority without having to face Triple H for the 2nd year in a row, and these two could put on the MOTN

Kane: Daniel Bryan was "injured" by Kane, and they never finished their feud. They could finish the feud once and for all at WM, but I hope this doesn't happen

Other: I can't really think of anybody else fitting in a feud with Daniel Bryan at WM, as there isn't a reason for other Main Eventers (John Cena, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton assuming he turns face) to feud with him. Maybe a returning heel CM Punk in a similar fashion as Seth Rollins, but that's a very, very, very big IF

So what do y'all think? Who does Daniel Bryan face at WrestleMania 31?

Is Cena/Orton the most "played out" feud in WWE history?

This is my first thread since February. I very rarely check this website anymore but ironically, the last time I did, Orton had just defended his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena on ppv. This thread is not strictly about their matchup this Sunday, so moderators please don't get confused but it is about how often Cena and Orton have fought inside the squared circle.

I don't have any real stats or numbers but let's get serious, anyone who watched WWE from 2006 would be able to tell you that Cena/Orton is WWE's "GO-TO" feud. They have faced off in almost every type of match WWE has ever offered, and even innovated concepts for them (them vs the RAW roster, a No DQ Ironman match, etc.). Today, in 2014, this feud is treated like Bret/HBK or Rock/Austin but I don't think there's a single member of the WWE Universe that feels that way. After 7 years of countless PPV and RAW main events, I don't think Cena/Orton has ever given us a 5 star match. I won't say it was never a hot feud, because that it is untrue:

2007 - Randy Orton punting John Cena Sr. was great, the crowd ate it up, and the build for the Last Man Standing Match at No Mercy (that never happened) was highly anticipated.

2008 - John Cena's miraculous return from injury was great, his desire to take his title back was logical, and after many Orton/Cena matches they added people like Triple H, HBK, JBL, and Edge into the mix for fatal 4-ways to hide the fact that it was still just a Orton/Cena feud

2009 - Probably the best year for this feud because Orton was pretty much the top heel in the WWE (maybe Edge it's really a matter of opinion) and Cena was its top face (Jeff Hardy was very very close). This is really when they let them fight in every match they could think of, from "I Quit" to Hell in a Cell, Ironman match in between. Very hot throughout, each title change seemed to shift the momentum of the feud each month.

2010 - With Orton's massive face turn and subsequent top face run, it once again was logical to have him feud with Cena who was comfortably atop the WWE's food chain. Once again adding people like Wade Barrett and the Nexus into the mix, the WWE felt like it did a good job of hiding the fact that this was simply the fourth straight year that Orton/Cena matches were dominating the ppv and title scenes.

2011 - As they had Orton cemented as the very over champion, and Cena still in place as the over former champion, WWE thought this was their Rock/Austin money feud and tried to cash in with a tease at this year's Royal Rumble. The crowd was SILENT, most likely due to their exhaustion from all the Cena/Orton matches that took place the four years prior. Took the belt off of Orton, sent him to Smackdown and they let Cena slay the Miz.

2012 - With Orton still on SD, WWE did a fairly good job convincing people that this drawn out feud was FINALLY over, and that each man would resume their hall of fame careers on their own

2013 - WWE's big LOL moment - they turn Orton into a top heel again so who do they feed him to after his decent feud with Daniel Bryan!?!? Top guy and "longtime rival" John Cena. Only this time it's "different", now they're unifying the belt! They're fighting for legacies. (Meanwhile the WWE Universe:suspic:)

2014 - In October, we will see Orton and Cena compete in their third PPV match together of the year, and their second hell in a cell match :banghead:. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this marks the first "rematch" in hell in a cell history. This feud has not been hot since 2009, why are they still fighting!? On RAW alone, they have legitimately fought each week whether it be in tag team action or singles since Night of Champions.

Just why!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm obviously frustrated and over this feud but are you? Is there another feud that has been "over played"? It sounded like the WWE Universe didn't care too much when Kane betrayed Undertaker yet again in 2010 and they had their little hell in a cell match with Paul Bearer. I've seen on other sites people try to say HHH/Rock have faced off more times than Orton/Cena but I really have to disagree with their sentiments.

I will end this very long tirade by saying that not only have Orton/Cena faced each other in more televised (and PPV) matches than any other duo, but they're the only overplayed duo to never produce a 5 star match in the process of their rivalry. Who is your pick?

WWE Changes Wellness/Domestic Violence Policies

I just read that WWE is again revising it's policies on Wellness and Moral Terpitude to cover Domestic Violence with Steph being quoted as saying.

“We have a zero tolerance policy for domestic abuse. Upon arrest for such misconduct, our Superstars are immediately suspended and should there be a conviction, that Superstar or Diva would be terminated.”

It's an interesting move considering several of their superstars have had these issues in the past. Most notably of course Steve Austin, who is allegedly coming back to our screens. I can see the reasoning behind it but it's surely setting up an issue... If a talent IS suspended for such a violation while Austin is being used it would no doubt cause as much "stink" as the recent ADR and Emma cases did.

From WWE's perspective I guess, they don't want another Benoit... and this is something they have always frowned on, look at what happened to Drew McIntyre and his wife was doing the beating. But by putting it out there, they are drawing a BIG line which someone is bound to cross at some point.

Or is this a sign that there is some real bad publicity about to come their way? Remember the reports a while back that there were plans to reopen the Snuka case from 1983. If that is close to happening and some VERY bad stuff is about to come out, then WWE putting this into force now might be part of a plan to combat the negative publicity... It's bad enough if one of your superstars has killed their wife and child, but most of Joe Public don't even know about the Snuka case... if it does get reopened and criminal charges are filed then suddenly you have Benoit AND Snuka who killed partners (Snuka lost a civil case on this... same as OJ) and Austin as a focal point of your legacy, a convicted wife beater... that equals bad times.

What do you think, are WWE right to exercise that kind of clause? For the record if you disagree with it it doesn't mean you advocate spousal abuse... some may feel that what goes on in private should stay private and thats cool... could it work against a partner/wife of a WWE superstar if they were being abused, knowing if they call the cops that their lifestyle is "gone" as the job would be?

Look at some of the stories of the past from this perspective... with this rule in force, Randy Savage might have found himself terminated for his well documented treatment of Elizabeth for example.

Ox Baker

I woke up this morning to read that the legendary Ox Baker has passed away, aged 80.

Ox Baker is the reason I love professional wrestling. In the mid 1970s here in Australia he was a central part of our World Championship Wrestling promotion. He teamed with the likes of Brute Bernard and Butcher Brannigan and was just so damn scary to me as a little kid. He was the very definition of a heel.

Nearly 40 years later, I can still find a spot in my all time top ten for Ox.

He will be sorely missed.

I look forward to hearing some of the older members' memories.


Final Poll Open

Closes in six days. Go vote for either the Steiner Brothers or the Hart Foundation.

The Interim WWE Championship

The booking on RAW, although making sense in an end-run, don't push Ambrose/Rollins past where they're ready kind of way.... doesn't seem to make much sense. You're taking two people, Cena and Orton, one of whom just lost to Ambrose and the other insisting on fighting "the other guy", and giving them a guaranteed title shot against Brock Lesnar. Meanwhile, Ambrose and Rollins... just fight.

In terms of setting up a Royal Rumble main event, yes, you do want to finish the Cena/Lesnar business. Isn't there a better way of doing that? Specifically, by ripping a page from the MMA book?

In MMA, when a champion will be out for an extended absence (usually due to injury, sometimes due to temporary 'retirement' a la Randy Couture but not Georges St. Pierre), the organization creates an Interim Championship, and reunifies the belts when the 'true' champion returns. Championship matches put asses in seats; I'm a big believer in titles being props, but they're props that work. In bygone days, there used to be a 30-day title defense stipulation, which was adhered to when it suited the stories.

Stripping the belt from Brock Lesnar doesn't make much sense; you don't put a build behind a guy like his B/U/V dismantling of John Cena only to drop the whole issue for when he's ready to return. However, we're looking at three pay-per-views now where the WWE goes without a champion. Creating an Interim Champion would be simple; have a 4-man tournament, have The Authority declare that a match will be for an Interim Championship, or hell- just create heel heat by handing it to Randy Orton, and John Cena can beat him in December.

In this way, you can later sell a "Champion vs. Champion" match, while having the MitB briefcase retain its meaning (how does someone cash it in if the champion is never around?) Props need to have meaning, and people do love the idea that someone could cash in that briefcase at any time.

What do you think? Would an Interim Championship be a good idea or a bad one?

Week of 10/13/2014 - 10/19/2014


Monday Night Raw

Date: October 13, 2014

Location: Phillips Arena, Atlanta, Georgia

Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

We had cancer week last week, so this time it's REALITY WEEK! Tonight there are two reality stars appearing on the show with Nene Leakes of the Real Housewives of Atlanta and Todd Chrisley of Chrisley Knows Best. Why I'm supposed to care about either of these people is beyond me, but you and I both know they can't top HODA'S CRAZY DANCE! Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the Authority making Ambrose vs. Cena for the right to face Rollins inside the Cell.

Here's Ambrose to get things going. Dean says there's nothing he'd like more than being locked inside the Cell with Seth Rollins. To be locked inside there with all that metal and steel so he can hurt Seth Rollins so bad that he wishes he never met Ambrose. But first there's a certain fifteen time WWE Champion to deal with and here's Cena to respond.

Cena says Ambrose needs to relax because the match is made and it's in two weeks in Dallas. The people want to see it though because they know both guys have a chance to get their hands on Rollins. Cena offers a little advice: shut up until the pay per view and use the two weeks to get ready for the biggest match of his career when Cena breaks him.

Dean says thanks bit brother but he was born ready. Ambrose wants to drop Cena right now but John tells him to drop it because Ambrose is in way over his head. Dean drops the mic and cracks his knuckles but here's the Authority. Short version: the match is on the Network in two weeks, it costs $9.99, they're in a tag match against the Usos and the Dusts. The Authority even make a bet on if they'll fight each other or not.

Goldust/Stardust vs. Usos vs. Dean Ambrose/John Cena

Dean and Jimmy get things going with Ambrose cranking on the arm. Off to Cena to stay on the armbar as the fans aren't pleased with John. Jimmy slips over and tags in his brother who eats a clothesline for two. Cena and Ambrose keep working well together and don't seem to have many issues with each other.

Jey slips out of the AA and grabs a top wristlock, only to get dropkicked back down. The slow arm work continues as the fans want Stardust. Ambrose finally gets in off the tag and hammers on Jimmy with right hands and the ReBound Clothesline to send him outside. Stardust gets in a shot of his own and we take a break.

Back with Stardust raking Jimmy's back and tagging off to his corner for a double stomp in the corner. Stardust quickly comes back in and cranks on Jimmy's arms. Jimmy finally sends the Dusts into each other but Goldust pulls Jey off the apron just in time. Ambrose goes after Goldust but Jey is able to tag in Cena.

John cleans house but Stardust flips out of the AA. Goldust comes in with a powerslam but Goldust eats a superkick. The double dive takes out the Dusts and Cena dives on all four of them. Ambrose won't be left out and dives on all five for an even bigger crash. He throws Cena and Goldust inside where the makeshift team hits stereo finishers for the pin at 14:50.

Post match the Authority comes out so HHH can pay off the bet ($1) to Stephanie. HHH thinks Ambrose and Cena really want to get at each other, so why not just do the contract match tonight? Cena and Ambrose stare each other down and the match is official.

We look at Big Show knocking Rusev out last month.

AJ Lee/Layla vs. Paige/Alicia Fox

AJ says she doesn't like any of the Divas but she dislikes Layla the least. They can get along for one night at least. Alicia nails AJ with a quick tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before it's off to Paige for some skipping. AJ chases her around but it's quickly off to Alicia to miss a boot in the corner. Layla walks out on a tag attempt so AJ hits a quick Shining Wizard to pin Alicia at 1:51.

Layla gets beaten up for good measure.

We see Big Show ripping down the Russian flag.

Orton comes in to see the Authority and says he wants the loser of Ambrose and Cena. The bosses approve.

Rowan is free video.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton

Non-title and Cesaro is on commentary. Ziggler knocks him out to the floor to start and sends Orton face first into the steps. Back in and Orton gets two off a slam but walks into a dropkick. Orton knocks him back to the apron but gets pulled outside and sent into the barricade. They head back in again but Orton takes too long to gloat and gets dropkicked off the apron. Rollins comes out to the ramp with the briefcase for some reason and we take a break.

Back with Ziggler in a headlock and actually not fighting out immediately. A catapult sends Ziggler into the buckle for two and Orton puts him on the top rope for some headbutts. Dolph fights out of a superplex attempt but gets crotched before he can follow up. Now the superplex connects for two but Orton can barely follow up. Dolph makes his comeback with right hands and a running neckbreaker followed by an elbow drop for two.

Randy blocks a superkick and gets another two count off the snap powerslam. Ziggler counters the RKO (which was set up to a face pop), can't hit the Fameasser and counters another RKO into the superkick for two. The Zig Zag is countered so Dolph tries the Fameasser, only to get countered into a powerbomb position. Orton throws him into the air and pulls him down into the RKO for the pin at 19:25. Rollins never was a factor.

Post match Rollins gives Ziggler a Curb Stomp, likely setting up Ziggler's third straight loss on Smackdown.

Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger

Rollins flips over Swagger's shoulder to start and we're already at a standoff. He misses a clothesline though and bails to the floor as we've barely had any contact yet. Swagger goes after Seth and gets his neck snapped across the top rope to finally get things going. Seth starts working on the arm and cranks on it a bit until Jack fights up with a clothesline. They head outside for another clothesline to Rollins but he gets in a shot of his own. Orton comes out to watch as Seth goes inside for a suicide dive to drop Swagger.

Back from a break with Rollins hitting a great looking enziguri for two and dropping some knees to the ribs. A kick to the back has Swagger in trouble but Rollins stops to yell at Orton. Seth cranks on the arm again but gets caught in a wheelbarrow suplex out of the corner for two. Swagger gets two more off the Vader Bomb before catching Rollins in the powerslam for another two count.

Jack takes out the knee and puts on the Patriot Lock, only to get rolled into the corner. Another Patriot Lock attempt is countered and the low superkick puts Jack down. The Curb Stomp is countered into another Patriot Lock but Seth makes the ropes. Seth is sent into the post but he counters a suplex into a rollup with a handful of tights for the pin at 15:05.

Orton RKOs Swagger post match and gets in Rollins face. They talk trash but no violence comes.

Ambrose says don't expect him to be a nice guy tonight because that's not his style. He's bringing it to Cena and going off to get Rollins.

Big Show talks about how he's going to fight for America tonight and how the weight of America is on his shoulders. That's fine, because he has the biggest shoulders around.

Rusev vs. Big Show

Before the match Lana rips on America for celebrating Columbus Day and gets cheap heat off the Atlanta Braves. Rusev promises to crush Big Show and we're ready to go. Show kicks him in the face to start and the USA chants begin. They head outside with Rusev being whipped into the barricade as it's one sided so far. Some chops send Rusev back to the floor and Show steps on his head.

More chops (complete with the Braves' Tomhawk Chop) start a USA chant until Rusev busts out a dropkick to stop Big Show cold. He nailed him right in the jaw too. Rusev stomps on the back and clotheslines Big Show out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Big Show slowly fighting out of a side choke but missing a middle rope elbow. Rusev puts on another choke but gets dropped by a slam. The KO Punch misses and Rusev kicks him in the ribs. The Accolade goes on and here's Mark Henry. Mark gets knocked off the apron to break the hold but Rusev puts it right back on, drawing in Henry for the DQ at 14:09.

Show seems to forgive Henry for what he did as the Russian flag comes down. Henry and Show surround the Russians so Rusev comes out swinging against Henry, only to get dropped by the KO Punch.

Sheamus hasn't been feeling good since last week. The solution: two Brogue Kicks.

Ad for Chrisley Knows Best. The family is in the front row tonight and say how awesome it is to be here. They hype the new season and that's about it. Simple and inoffensive plug for a show and nowhere near as bad as I was expecting.

Sheamus vs. The Miz

Non-title. Miz's entrance now has the lights go out for a much better effect. Miz runs to start but decks Sheamus as they get back inside. Sheamus easily fights back and throws Miz onto Mizdow, who mimics everything Miz does, even throwing punches (albeit with the wrong arm). Miz cranks on a chinlock as the fans want Mizdow.

The pale one makes a comeback and hammers away in the corner but misses a knee in the corner. Miz kicks the knee out an dhits the short DDT for two. Sheamus knocks him out to the floor and Mizdow runs over and falls down and hold his knee right along with Miz. Both guys go under the ring and Sheamus pulls out the wrong one, giving Miz a countout win at 5:16.

The Total Divas go up to see the Real Housewife of Atlanta when the evil Total Divas show up. Cameron and the reality chick have a Diva off and that's about it. I'm sure we'll see more.

Nikki Bella/Cameron/Summer Rae vs. Brie Bella/Natalya/Naomi

Rosa is in the latter team's corner and Nene Leakes comes out to join her. Natalya shoves Cameron into the corner to start as Cole recaps Total Divas from last night. The heels take over on Natalya with Nikki cranking on a front facelock. Summer misses a legdrop and Brie comes in off the ice cold tag. Everything breaks down and Brie flips out of the Rack and gets the pin off the Bella 3:41.

Cena gives his usual fired up promo talking about how the showdown with Ambrose is going to be violent and against the Authority's wishes.

New Wyatt video with the Family disappearing and Bray talking about how she told him he'd never be alone. He's going to leave a path of smoke and destruction throughout the world. He says it's coming and smoke fills the barn as he sits in his rocking chair.

The Authority comes out to watch.

John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose

Contract on a pole and the Authority, Rollins, Orton and Kane are all at ringside. Ambrose stomps away in the corner to start but Cena easily stops his climb. Four straight suplexes drop Ambrose but he blocks Cena's bulldog. Dean has a chance at the contract but goes outside to slug it out with Cena. He suplexes Cena on the stage but messes up his own back, allowing Cena to get down to the ring for an electric chair save.

Both finishers are countered and Cena puts on the STF. Ambrose finally figures out to bite the hand to escape and dropkicks Cena to the floor. He still doesn't climb and launches a suicide dive instead but goes over to nail Kane for some reason. The Authority is about to fight Ambrose but Cena nails Dean and throws him into the Authority. Orton comes in and goes after Cena (no DQ remember) as everyone gets inside. Ambrose sends Rollins outside and Kane eats an AA, allowing Dan to grab the contract for the win at 6:27.

The two matches stare each other down to end the show.


John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Usos and Goldust/Stardust – AA to Goldust

AJ Lee/Layla b. Alicia Fox/Paige – Shining Wizard to Fox

Randy Orton b. Dolph Ziggler – RKO

Seth Rollins b. Jack Swagger – Rollup with a handful of tights

Rusev b. Big Show via DQ when Mark Henry interfered

Miz b. Sheamus via DQ when Mark Henry interfered

Brie Bella/Naomi/Natalya b. Nikki Bella/Cameron/Summer Rae – Bella Buster to Nikki Bella

Dean Ambrose b. John Cena – Ambrose pulled down the contract


Justin Roberts has been released.


Raw got a 2.73, up from last week.

Impact Wrestling

Date: October 15, 2014

Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

So after nothing of importance happened this week, we're ready to get back to some actual wrestling business. The main story is Bobby Roode earning a shot at Lashley's world title at some point in the future. Other than that we're a mere five months from the next scheduled PPV, but at the moment we only have twelve weeks of TV to go as there's still no new deal announced. Let's get to it.

Here's Angle to open things up. The roster is great right now but last week the playing field got manipulated and that's not cool. He asks Lashley to come out for a chat and asks him why he turned down Roode's challenge. Lashley gives the obvious answer: Roode had his shot and lost. He gets in Kurt's face and asks if the boss wants a shot. Angle says they'll fight one day, but not tonight. Instead, tonight there's a #1 contenders match between Eric Young, Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries and Bobby Roode. Angle knows Bobby has beaten all of them, but the winner gets another shot.

Team 3D Hall of Fame package.

Magnus cuts off Matt Hardy talking about his brother. They introduce themselves and a match is made for later. It's as basic as it sounds.

Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Havok

Before the match, Madison says she doesn't care what Taryn Terrell thinks of her running last week. We actually get stills from Bound For Glory of Havok beating Velvet. I'm surprised they actually referenced the show. Havok shoves her around to start and easily catches a cross body into a slam. She hooks a lifting full nelson followed by a backbreaker for good measure. The dominance continues with another backbreaker and then a third backbreaker just to mix things up.

They finally mix things up with Havok loading up that arm crusher that hurt Gail but Hebner won't let it happen. Madison nails a baseball slide to the back and avoids a charge into the post. Back in and Havok blocks a suplex and we get an evil laugh. Madison blocks some charges in the corner and gets two off a middle rope dropkick. Havok will have none of this side roll stuff from Rayne and a chokeslam (Harlot Slayer) retains the title at 6:18.

Angle congratulates D-Von and they suck up to each other a bit.

Eric Young likes his odds of winning tonight.

Matt Hardy vs. Magnus

Matt comes out to the song starting with Jeff's voice. Magnus takes him into the corner to start and rudely smacks his jaw. Matt responds by getting run over with a shoulder but he comes back with a swinging neckbreaker. An early Twist of Fate attempt sends Magnus running out to the floor and we get a breather. Hardy follows him out and is lifted up into a powerbomb, sending him back first into the post and then the apron.

Back in and Magnus gets two off a suplex and starts working on the spine. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Matt avoids a middle rope elbow. Hardy nails some clotheslines and a bulldog gets two. There's the Side Effect and a moonsault is good for two more. Another Twist is countered and a victory roll gets the same treatment, giving Magnus two. Magnus goes up but dives into an RKO (called the Twist of Fate here even though it was missing a twist) for the pin at 5:54.

We get Ethan's promo from Sunday, saying his new bodyguard will be here tonight.

BroMans/Angelina Love vs. Menagerie

It's DJZ/Jesse and Steve/Knux/Rebel here. DJZ gets in a quick smack to Rebel's trunks before nailing knux to take over. Knux cartwheels away and nails DJZ with some right hands and a splash in the corner. He slams Steve onto DJZ for two but the heels take over with Jesse coming in to hammer away. DJZ hits a pair of running knees in the corner for two. Jesse misses a charge into the post and it's off to the girls.

Rebel starts cleaning house but hits a horrible looking dropkick. DJZ spanks her again, earning him a big boot from Knux. A double clothesline puts both girls down until it's off to Steve for an attempted kiss on Angelina. Jesse makes the save with a gorilla press but Steve slides down and hooks a tornado DDT for the pin at 5:14.

Roode and Aries are all serious about who wins tonight. Respect is out the window when they fight.

Brodus Clay comes out as EC3's new body guard. The reveal is really weak due to Clay's debut actually taking place on last week's show but being edited out for some reason. Ethan says trouble follows him around and names Clay as Tyrus, which he says about five times. That brings Carter to current issues, like Bully Ray going into the Hall of Fame. After what Ray did to his aunt, Ethan thinks Ray should be thrown out of the Hall of Fame immediately.

He's beaten every member of the Hall of Fame but we have to stop for the dueling chants with the fans. This brings out D-Von for an interruption. I'm the only Hall of Famer you haven't beaten, I'm not scared of your bodyguard, you're going through a table, etc. Bram jumps D-Von with a trashcan lid as D-Von is coming to the ring and the beating is on.

After a break, Carter and Tyrus are still in the ring with Ethan being thankful of Bram. Ethan thinks that counts as a win, so he's now beaten all four members of the Hall of Fame. They don't feel like leaving yet so why not give Tyrus a match of his own right now so he can be undefeated too.

Tyrus vs. Shark Boy

And there's no Shark Boy. We go to the back and find Shark Boy eating doughnuts on a couch. I guess this is a joke about him being fat a few weeks ago. Shark Boy hammers away but starts feeling tired. He drinks some water and gets nailed by a headbutt to the chest. There's the overhead suplex and a Tongan Death Grip slam is enough for the pin at 1:50.

Video from the bigger matches from Sunday.

Jeff Hardy says it's time to get the title back.

Bram tells the interviewer to keep his nose out of what he did.

Recap of the Tag Team Title series, leading to a video on the Wolves being a team for a long time. They mention facing the winners of a tournament we haven't heard about yet.

Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy

The winner gets a title shot at some point. Young cleans house to start but gets caught by Hardy in a lockup. Roode shoves Aries into Hardy for a collision before missing a dive onto Young. Aries telegraphs a suicide dive and gets nailed by Young, allowing Hardy to hit Poetry In Motion onto the Canadians. Aries is the only man standing and he wants a three way count but Young slides back in. Hardy kicks Aries down but misses a slingshot dropkick in the corner as we take a break.

Back with Roode chopping Young and planting him with a spinebuster. We get the first reference I've heard that this is an elimination match, though TNA making this up as they go wouldn't surprise me. Aries nails Young with a discus forearm for two as Hardy gets back in. Young plants Aries with a DDT and goes up but Roode breaks up the elbow drop. Aries and Roode load up a double superplex on Young but Hardy makes it the required Tower of Doom spot.

Jeff covers all three guys for two each and takes his shirt off, only to have Aries break up the Swanton. Young knocks Roode off the top but misses a moonsault and Hardy does the same with a Swanton attempt. A Roode Bomb to Young and a brainbuster to Hardy give us a double elimination at 15:15, leaving us with Aries vs. Roode for the title shot.

They slug it out with forearms in the middle of the ring and Aries gets the better of it. Roode kicks him in the ribs and both guys counter finisher attempts. Aries is sent to the apron but he nails some more forearms. He goes up top but the Roode Bomb is countered into a rollup which is countered into a Crossface. Aries is in trouble but he rolls back into the Last Chancery, only to have Roode make the ropes. A neckbreaker snaps Roode's neck off the top rope and a missile dropkick sends him down again. The brainbuster is countered with a knee to the head, setting up the Roode Bomb for the pin at 19:50.

Hardy and Young come back out to pose with the other two.


Havok b. Madison Rayne – Harlot Slayer

Matt Hardy b. Magnus – Twist of Fate

Menagerie b. BroMans/Angelina Love – Tornado DDT to Jesse

Tyrus b. Shark Boy – Tongan Death Grip slam

Bobby Roode b. Austin Aries, Jeff Hardy and Eric Young – Roode Bomb to Aries



Date: October 16, 2014

Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida

Commentators: Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, Renee Young

The road to whatever the next big show is called continues and apparently we're now in the land of Titus O'Neil, who pinned Sami Zayn in last week's main event. Adrian Neville made the save and is likely going to be Titus' next opponent. It's always hard to guess where things are going with NXT week to week so it's likely something totally unrelated to last week. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

Baron Corbin vs. Elias Sampson

End of Days, 18 seconds.

Here's Sami Zayn with something to say. Last week he lost to Titus O'Neil and that's not ok because he's better than that. It's time to refocus and go after the NXT Title (crowd ERUPTS for that) but Tyson Kidd has other thoughts. Tyson says it's time to face facts and is wearing an InZayn shirt for some reason. He talks about how Sami is lying to the people because everyone knows he's going to blow it like he always does.

Sami cuts him off at the knees by asking if Kidd has Natalya's permission to be out here. Crowd: “YOU GOT SERVED!” Kidd laughs him off but Sami says it's the start of his road to redemption. He's good enough to be here and he's good enough to beat Kidd, which he'll prove tonight. Sami suggests to go find Breeze's phone and call Nattie to make sure it's ok. Kidd: “Why would Breeze have Natalya's number?” Anyway the match is on for later.

Lucha Dragons vs. Wesley Blake/Buddy Murphy

Non-title. Murphy and Blake are now known as Team Thick. Cara backdrops Blake down and it's off to Murphy early on. Sin tries a springboard DDT but gets muscled up into a suplex for two. Cool counter. The Thick guys take over on Cara with some power stuff, including a slam and chinlock from Murphy. Cara kicks away and makes the tag so Kalisto can clean house. Everything breaks down and Cara takes Murphy to the top for a superplex but jumps up for a victory roll and the pin at 3:21.

We see Tyler Breeze beating Mojo last week.

Rawley says he's out for awhile because of the shoulder but it's just taking one step back to take several forward. He tries to make this serious and intense and it just doesn't work. The time off is a good thing for him though as he really needs to be repackaged.

Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte

Non-title. Becky takes her down with a quick armdrag and keeps Charlotte in trouble on the mat, only to charge into a backbreaker out of the corner. Charlotte puts on a figure four headlock and drives Becky's face into the mat a few times for good measure. A double clothesline puts both girls down but it's Lynch up first and in control. Some legdrops get two for Lynch but Charlotte comes back with a suplex for two of her own. Charlotte gets in a shot to the ribs and Natural Selection is good for the pin at 4:07.

We see Itami and Funaki getting beaten down last week.

Ascension says Itami is in for the same treatment as Funaki if he doesn't back off.

Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady vs. Legionnaires

Cass throws Sylvester around to start and it's off to Marcus, who goes nuts on LeFort over his bald head. We'll call it a no contest at 30 seconds.

Carmella vs. Old Blue Pants

The fans and announcers have no idea who the jobber is so they name her after her pants. Carmella takes her down and puts on something like a Crossface with her legs for the submission at 32 seconds. I believe Blue Pants was a girl who wrestles under the name Leva Bates.

Sasha Banks and Becky argue over who is going to be the next Women's Champion. Banks asks her what she'll do to make it to the top.

Neville is defending against Titus O'Neil next week and is tired of all these Raw and Smackdown guys coming after his title.

Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd

Sami talks a lot of trash to start before cranking on a headlock. He throws Kidd's coat at him in the corner and you know it's on now. Tyson tries to speed things up into a monkey flip but Zayn rolls to the side and is staring at Kidd when he gets up. Some more armdrags put Kidd on the floor and Sami teases a dive to mess with him. Kidd stalls on the floor and gets Zayn to chase him, only to jump to the apron for a kick to the face as we take a break.

Back with Kidd choking in the corner and driving an elbow into Sami's head. A neckbreaker gets two and we hit the chinlock. Zayn fights up and nails a dropkick but misses the Helluva Kick. Instead a cross body is good for two and the Blue Thunder Bomb gets the same. Kidd comes back with a hard elbow to the face and a Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza for two of his own. The Sharpshooter goes on but Sami crawls over to the ropes. Sami suplexes him into the corner and the Helluva Kick is good for the pin at 10:30.


Baron Corbin b. Elias Sampson – End of Days

Lucha Dragons b. Wesley Blake/Buddy Murphy – Victory Roll to Murphy

Charlotte b. Becky Lynch – Natural Selection

Carmella b. Old Blue Pants – Leg choke

Sami Zayn b. Tyson Kidd – Helluva Kick



Date: October 17, 2014

Location: Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center, Birmingham, Alabama

Commentators: Tom Phillips, Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

We now have the obvious PPV main events set and for some reason the question is which match goes on last. I can defend a lot of what they do with Cena but there is almost no justification for Rollins vs. Ambrose not going on last. It has a story and the constant interference makes the Cell appropriate. Orton vs. Cena is happening because of history that people are tired of, Orton wanting a match and the calendar saying it's time for the Cell. Let's get to it.

We open with the now standard long recap of the main stories from Raw.

Here's Rollins to get things going. The fans greet him with a YOU SOLD OUT chant and he seems to agree by shouting I SOLD OUT. Yeah he used to have honor, but that's not going to pay his bills. Anyone here would sell out their parents, dog, grandparents, brothers and friends for an opportunity to be like him. The problem though is you'll never be like him because selling out is the best thing you could ever do in your life.

That brings him to his match with Ambrose inside the Cell. Ambrose doesn't belong inside the Cell because he belongs in a straitjacket. Dean may walk into the Cell but he's going to be carried out and left as a hot smelly mess. Rollins has sold out, but at the pay per view, he's going to put Dean out.

Cue Dolph Ziggler to a big ovation. Ziggler says that sound was what you hear when people want to see you. Granted Rollins wouldn't know what a pop sounds like because Ambrose isn't out here. Dolph talks about how you get everything when you sell out, but when you earn it, you get all that plus self respect. Seth laughs it off and says self respect got Ziggler curb stomped on Monday. Dolph dropkicks him to the floor and wants to start their match right now.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins

A clothesline puts Dolph on the floor and we take a very early break. Back with Ziggler in trouble and Seth pounding away with right hands. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Seth sends him face first into the buckle for two. Rollins drives some knees into the ribs and talks trash to him about self respect. Back up and Dolph sidesteps a charge to send Seth outisde. Rollins comes up limping a bit so Dolph loads up a Figure Four around the post, only to get sent face first into the steel instead.

Rollins tries to come back in off the top but gets pulled down into a faceplant as we take another break. Back again with Seth missing a charge into the corner to put both guys down. Dolph pops up and hits ten very fast punches in the corner but Seth snaps his throat across the top. He heads up top again but this time is able to block the faceplant. Ziggler's jumping DDT gets two and the Zig Zag and Curb Stomp are both countered. The Fameasser is countered into the buckle bomb though and a Curb Stomp gives Dolph his third straight loss at 15:22.

Here's Ambrose after the match with his contract. Rollins runs so Dean lets us know how happy he is to get his hands on Rollins inside the Cell. He can't even say everything he's going to do to Rollins on this show but here's Kane to cut him off. Kane wants a match of his own because the screams of pain make him sleep better at night. Ambrose vs. Kane later tonight.

Erick Rowan is free.

Layla vs. AJ Lee

Paige and Fox are on commentary. We get an inset interview where AJ says the Divas Title is the only friend she needs and it will never betray her. A quick spinwheel kick gets two on Layla and a pair of rolling neckbreakers gets the same. Layla makes a comeback with some kicks and a headlock, only to miss a cross body and get Black Widowed for the submission at 2:00.

Fox is easily dispatched but Paige lays out AJ with the Rampaige.

Seth comes in to ask Kane to save him a piece of Ambrose but Kane goes into the annual “the Cell is evil” speech. Kane throws out that it's himself/Rollins/Orton vs. Cena/Ambrose in a street fight on Raw.

Sandow dressed up as Sheamus on Main Event and got beaten up.

Sheamus and the Usos are ready for their six man tonight. We get lots of talk about kicking heads off and twin references are made.

Sheamus/Usos vs. Miz/Stardust/Goldust

Goldust actually takes Sheamus down to start but the pale one comes back with a shoulder block. Off to Stardust who takes a few elbows from the twins and a double elbow drop gets two. Miz comes in and actually takes his glasses off, only to get slammed down by Jimmy for two. Jimmy misses a charge and falls out to the floor, followed by a baseball slide from Jimmy for good measure.

Back from a break with Jey getting caught in a Goldust spinebuster for two. Off to Stardust but Sheamus chases Miz up the ramp. This goes nowhere but gets us away from the match going on in the ring. Goldust goes over to punch Jimmy off the apron but walks into a Samoan drop from Jey. The hot tag brings in Sheamus to clean house, including pulling the top rope down so Jimmy can dive on Stardust. Miz gets knocked off the apron and into the announce table but Goldust catches Sheamus in a powerslam for two. Everything breaks down as the Usos kick Stardust, setting up a Brogue Kick to Goldust for the pin at 11:42.

Video on WWE in Malaysia.

Here's Big Show with something to talk about how he sticks out in a crowd. We hear the same stats we've heard about Big Show for years as he talks about having more weight on his shoulders. He's knocked Rusev out twice now and is going to do it again at the PPV. Right now though, he'd like Mark Henry to come out here. Here's Mark, complete with Big Show dancing to his music.

Show tells a story about he and Henry flipping a car over because it cut them off at Waffle House. They're family, which means it's ok for them to take the weight on each others' shoulders in the battles against Rusev. Show gave Henry the space he needed to fight Rusev and now he needs Henry to do the same for him. Henry says that Rusev isn't human but it's going to be hard to see Big Show beat Rusev when he couldn't. He'll give Show what he wants though. The Russians come out for some fat jokes and insult trading between Show and Rusev. Nothing we haven't heard before.

We get a clip from after Raw with the Bellas getting in an argument over being fat. The loser of their match will be the winner's assistant, which I'm sure will be HILARIOUS.

Nikki Bella vs. Naomi

Nikki shoves her around to start and puts on a very early chinlock. Back up and Naomi scores with a few dropkicks followed by a Rear View for two. That goes nowhere and the Rack ends Naomi at 2:11.

Wyatt is alone video.

Ambrose says he can give Kane all the screams he wants to put him to sleep.

Kane vs. Dean Ambrose

Kane throws him around to start but Dean fires off right hands and clotheslines Kane out to the floor. Back in and a big boot drops Ambrose and they head right back to the floor. Kane rams Dean's hand into the steps before sending the hand into the corner back inside. Dean comes back with a top rope dropkick and a bulldog for two. He starts the comeback and loads up the Rebound Clothesline but Rollins drags him to the floor for the DQ at 5:44.

Rollins and Kane go after Dean but he fights them off with a chair to end the show.


Seth Rollins b. Dolph Ziggler – Curb Stomp

AJ Lee b. Layla – Black Widow

Sheamus/Usos b. Goldust/Stardust/Miz – Brogue Kick to Goldust

Nikki Bella b. Naomi – Rack

Dean Ambrose b. Kane via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered





Quick Results

Monday Night Raw

John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Usos and Goldust/Stardust – AA to Goldust

AJ Lee/Layla b. Alicia Fox/Paige – Shining Wizard to Fox

Randy Orton b. Dolph Ziggler – RKO

Seth Rollins b. Jack Swagger – Rollup with a handful of tights

Rusev b. Big Show via DQ when Mark Henry interfered

Miz b. Sheamus via DQ when Mark Henry interfered

Brie Bella/Naomi/Natalya b. Nikki Bella/Cameron/Summer Rae – Bella Buster to Nikki Bella

Dean Ambrose b. John Cena – Ambrose pulled down the contract

Impact Wrestling

Havok b. Madison Rayne – Harlot Slayer

Matt Hardy b. Magnus – Twist of Fate

Menagerie b. BroMans/Angelina Love – Tornado DDT to Jesse

Tyrus b. Shark Boy – Tongan Death Grip slam

Bobby Roode b. Austin Aries, Jeff Hardy and Eric Young – Roode Bomb to Aries


Seth Rollins b. Dolph Ziggler – Curb Stomp

AJ Lee b. Layla – Black Widow

Sheamus/Usos b. Goldust/Stardust/Miz – Brogue Kick to Goldust

Nikki Bella b. Naomi – Rack

Dean Ambrose b. Kane via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered


Seth Rollins b. Dolph Ziggler – Curb Stomp

AJ Lee b. Layla – Black Widow

Sheamus/Usos b. Goldust/Stardust/Miz – Brogue Kick to Goldust

Nikki Bella b. Naomi – Rack

Dean Ambrose b. Kane via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered