mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Why did you stop watching TNA?

I came on this forum today to see what people here thought of Bound For Glory, only just realising that it must've aired now. To my surprise, nothing here whatsoever! It seems as though this section has been a lot less active lately, and I'm sure it's because of decline in the product.

Now I used to be a huge TNA fan! For many years I considered TNA the superior product especially so for the years 2011-12. I would defend much of what they did and I enjoyed their roster, matches and storylines. As well as all the little things they did, such as the way they filmed their backstage segments, concepts like the BFG Series, a more adult based product etc.

2013, also a great year in being entertained by TNA! However, towards the tail end is when things started to go downhill for me. There are three significant events I can think of that made me start to dislike TNA:

Chris Sabin Winning the Title

While a great moment, they really did nothing of note with it. Sabin's a good talent but nothing of note really happened post-win, you had the AMAZING Austin Aries-Suicide reveal which was setting up an Aries-Bully rematch but then Sabin ends up winning the shot. He was plagued by bad booking however, as something else ended up happening...

Tito Ortiz as "August1Warning"

This was real shitty. No reaction whatsoever when he arrived and he contributed nothing also. Rampage at least seemed interesting when he arrived but ultimately he ended up being pointless too just like King Mo. Storylines seemed to take a really shitty turn here, also I think this is when Bruce Prichard left creative but I could be wrong.

AJ Styles replacing a DUI'd Kurt Angle

The build with Styles was so damn good, a complete repackaging and his "No-One" persona was excellent! But they ruined some great build and decided to stick him in Angle's place and make him full fledged babyface again. This took away all of the mystique (and "Crow Sting" remarks I guess) from him. Now this of course is mainly Angle's fault for the DUI but it's very unfortunate they did this.

TNA never really seemed to be the high quality product it once was (in my eyes at least :lmao:) I still continued to watch however though not as nearly as enthusiastic. TNA would still have minor cool moments. Liked Magnus as champ, but was not keen on the Dixieland crap.

MVP when he arrived ended up being a really cool face GM and I did like what he did with the Joe and Magnus thing, but everything else was extremely poor. Then of course by then AJ and Bad Influence were gone. But the one event that made me call it quits on TNA was...

Eric Young becoming world champion

Having just watched Mania at the time, to completely copy what they did with Bryan and use it for EY was incredibly poor. And EY had zero main event build, doing his comedy stuff with Joseph Park mere months prior. He was not credible at all as a main eventer, or a world champion.

And so I never watched after that. It's possible that EY had a great run with the belt and put on amazing matches but I doubt it, considering the state TNA are in now. The product was just too shitty to carry on watching. This post was a lot longer than I expected it to be, but I'm interested to read everyone else's thoughts!

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