dimanche 1 juin 2014

At least their theme song was good

I have an interesting question that came to mind while watching some wrasslin' recently. What are some past and present superstars who didn't do much or weren't that big at all, but had an awesome theme song. We can talk all day about the awesome theme songs that the greats like Austin and The Rock had, but talk for a second about the guys who sucked, or at least accomplished very little, but still had an awesome theme song. I have a few picks that come to mind for myself:

Alex Riley - I'm talking about his Say it to My Face theme song. I liked that theme song. Sadly I can't tell you if I really liked him, because by the time he was let loose as a singles guy on the main roster he poof disappeared, and now just does stuff for the WWE Network pre/post show panels

The Miz- Don't get me wrong, he's accomplished alot, more than he should have in my opinion, but I think he's a mediocre talent at best. However he's always had one of my favorite theme songs.

The Brood - For the most part, the Brood did nothing except give us Edge, and Christian, who didn't become big until they broke away from the Brood. that said, There theme song was cool and creepy at the same time.

The Real Americans - I think both Cesaro and Swagger are talented. I actually think Cesaro is EXTREMELY talented, but they fall into the didn't do much category, as the WWE never got as much out of them as they could. I do though personally love their(now just swaggers) theme song. I don't know why. It just comes across bad ass to me.

Chuck Palumbo - You will remember meeeeee!!! Not really chuck, but I do remember you're theme song.

Honorable Mention:

Scott Stiener - From a WWE standpoint he was a flop, but I dug his theme song, full with the siren and everything. He was succesful in WCW but I was never a fan.

I'm sure there is a lot more, but my mind is drawing a blank. So maybe you guys can help refresh it. What are your choices?

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