lundi 2 juin 2014

Here's why Cesaro LOSING the match against Sheamus was a good thing....

So Payback last night... was actually really good. On paper it looked like it was going to suck, but even Cena's match wasn't bad! The one thing I've been seeing around is people complaining Cesaro's roll-up was bull and that he was buried, bla'h, bla'h, bla'h... Look, the finishe to that match was perfect and here's the reasons why:

1) Having a roll-up pin on Cesaro doesn't make him look weak. I know what you're thinking "But if he lost with a simple roll-up, that makes him look like he can lose to anything!" I disagree, a roll-up makes it look like a momentary lapse of judgement, which looks a LOT better than him laying there selling a Brogue Kick for the 3 minutes post match. At the end of the match, he and Heyman were in the ring looking mad. Did he look weak there? Or would you rather he roll around on the floor as Sheamus panders to the crowd?

2) He doesn't NEED the US Championship. Look at the people who have won the title before? When was the last time the title had anything to do with them being pushed to the top? Because the last one I remember was The Miz and that was years ago, so why do you want Cesaro to hold onto this anchor? He's the winner of the Andre Battle Royal AND has Paul Heyman in his corner. I don't want Cesaro to start being greedy, he's already got more than enough going for him to get to the top.

3) Him winning, would mean no main events for Cesaro. Seriously think about it, when was the last time a IC or US Champion had a fight for the world championship? If Ultimate Warrior just popped into your head first than you've just proven my point. If he won the title, he would have been stuck in the midcard and he would NOT be having a good reign. If he won the title, all he'd be doing for the next few months is WWE's way of trying to make people look good... fighting jobbers! I guarentee it would have been R-Truth vs. Cesaro for the title at MitB, do you guys want to see that? I sure as hell don't! Failing that Mark Henry. As long as he doesn't have a midcard title there's a chance he can still challenge for the world championship. See Elimination Chamber for details. Who's to say there won't be a match for the vacant title at MitB with say 5 guys and Cesaro earns a spot in that match? I know I'd much rather the chance of that happening than Cesaro defending the US title against face jobber #27.

And here's a couple of personal reasons why I liked the ending:

1) It didn't end with a finisher. On one of my previous threads I talked about how having every match end with a finisher was predictable and lame. It's just people waiting around, rolling their eyes at every pin attempt just waiting for someone to hit their finisher. This match was refreshing.

2) There's sill the possibility of Sheamus and Barrett unifying the titles! Now I'm not going to spark that debate again, but this match I really want to see, hence why I want Sheamus to hold out for a while.

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