jeudi 25 septembre 2014

One thing's for sure

When Daniel Bryan returns, he's going to have to either slow down in the ring and/or change up his in-ring repertoire. There's no denying his popularity but the question is what exactly was it that has made him so popular? Is it just the 'YES!' chant? His in-ring style? The fact that he's a small guy who fans can relate to aka the underdog story? His high-flying moves? If it's any of the above, then I don't see why people are so sure he's going to come back and be as popular as before he went out with his injuries. I'm not a huge fan of Bryan, but I am concerned that if whatever brought him to the main-event level is changed or completely gone, then with people already turning on Reigns, Brock Lesnar only showing up and fighting once in a blue moon, and no one else even remotely ready or close to being considered a main-event superstar (Rollins and Ambrose excepted, although that all still depends on how they come out of their feud) how are we ever going to see anyone but Randy Orton and John Cena involved in those main events/title matches? I hope I'm wrong, but I know I'm not the only one who is desperate to see just about anyone else in those spots.

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