mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Should WWE be afraid of The Yes Movement?

For the last few months all the talk has been about who wins the Royal Rumble: Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns. Both men seemed poised to take that win with Bryan´s return being scheduled for December or January, perfect for a triumphant return to win the rumble and main event Mania, winning the title that was taken from him due to injury. On the other hand Roman seems poised to be the next hand picked GUY in WWE. with rumors suggesting a main event title match against Lesnar in his future.

Earlier this year we witnessed The Yes Movement turning Daniel Bryan face after merely 2 weeks. People can say they bitched and complained until they got their way or that they caused change cause WWE didn't give them what they wanted. End result was Daniel Bryan beating HHH, Batista and Orton to win the belt at the Main Event of WM. Unfortunately he went down with injury and had the title taken from him. During this time we've seen the rise of Roman Reigns but he also was taken down with injury a few days ago.

Now Bryan and Reigns seemed poised to return at around the same time. WWE might want Reigns as their poster boy but pushing Reigns over Bryan or at the expense of him might be a mistake. If the Yes movement feels like Reigns is being shoved down heir throat "not their choice" we could see Reign´s boos increase exponentially.

Reigns missing for 2-3 months (Actually missing any time) will kill some of his momentum so.... can he really compete in the cheers department against a returning Bryan? TBH i don't think so...

This is where WWE comes in. They need to make a decision. How badly do they wanna push Reigns and where do they want Bryan? Lately Bryan´s critics simply say Bryan will get his way because his fans only bitch and moan. True or False its irrelevant. They want to cheer for Bryan and boo whoever stands in his way. This could force WWE to scrap any plans they have in order to avoid being embarrassed for multiple shows once again....

Does WWE have to fear the Yes Movement?

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