mardi 14 octobre 2014

It's Coming?

So, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you've seen the Wyatt Family vignettes that have been alluding to both Luke Harper and Erick Rowan singles pushes. Now when I first witnessed the "It's Coming" message in Erick Rowan's vignette, I didn't think much about it. Seeing as we didn't see anything like that in the Luke Harper videos, I just assumed that it had something to do with an upgrade to Rowan's gimmick. Tonight however, we saw the first Bray Wyatt "set free" video and once again, the message "It's Coming" happened to pop up. Throw in the fact that Bray Wyatt recently said, "What comes next for Bray Wyatt will peel the skin back from everyone's forehead. This is nothing. It's a joke... Missing a PPV? Come on, you think I'd just miss a PPV for no reason? Come on..." and I think there's a BIG storyline on the way with these guys and possibly The Ascension, but I have absolutely no clue as to what it could be. Honestly... No clue.. I can't even speculate which is why I'll leave that up to you.

Long description for a simple question:

What is coming?

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