dimanche 25 mai 2014

Matches Should Finish With Less Finishers

Y'know, in every match, there's a formula: back and forth until one guy hits his finisher. If the guy who took the finisher is face, there's a 50/50 chance he'll kick out. Am I the only one who thinks there should be less finishers ending matches?

I think I would rather that most of the time, matches would end with a big spot, or a roll-up, or something. To have every match end with a finisher, in my opinion, doesn't make the finisher look good. I always thought it looked stupid every time someone does a move, then goes for a pin for a 2 count. With people rolling their eyes and thinking, "You're only gonna win without your finisher so why bother pinning?"

If they build the move more as a move the guy has to bring out in order to beat this guy, then it will mean more. Plus, when you have more matches end with a big move or roll-up, it means the match could end at any time. It just makes it more exciting for me.

Now it's far too late now for them to change that formula, but this is your question:

Would you rather have seen throughout the WWE a system of less finishers, or the system they have now?

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