mercredi 28 mai 2014

Should Roman lose the spear?

Title is pretty self explanatory. Roman Reigns currently uses the spear as his finishing move. Ranking his spear (giggity) has been talked to death on these forums, I believe Roman does it well, but I also believe he should stop using it as his finisher for several reasons.

1. Everyone and their mom had used the spear. From Goldberg and Rhino to Edge and Kaitlyn; the spear is a move that has been over used.

2. It's not really a finisher anymore. Not to say that it's not devastating, but I'm starting to view the spear the way I do the ddt. A great move, but so commonly performed. Can it really be someone's signature at this point?

3. He has a better move in his arsenal. The Superman Punch is a lot more over than the spear is for Roman. They're very similar in the set up and the effect. The main difference is the punch looks cooler, he has an awesome set up for it, the crowd loves it and most importantly, it's unique. Having both seems redundant to me.

So sound off, interwebs. Do you agree with me? Should Roman drop the spear or am I making mountains out of mole hills?

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