These are Rule, Tips, Tricks and other such announcements that fall under the TNA section of the forum. These include the already established WZ Forums Rulebook which if you haven't read and familiarized yourselves with yet, you should. Because if you break a rule, get infracted and then you ask why, you'll be re-directed to the rules. Here's the link:
Thread creating etiquette:
Forum FAQ's:
Originally Posted by It's Damn Real This forum is my backyard , which means I'm responsible for it's upkeep. As a result, my job is to keep it tidy, neat and presentable. That means I keep it free of spoilers, free of spam and as legible and comprehensive as I can to anyone viewing it. While no one is asking you to write the novelesque essays that you might see other users tend to write when posting more in-depth threads, we do ask that you actually formulate a concise point when you post. While one-dimensional threads aren't necessarily against the rules, the more compelling and detailed your post, the better the quality of discussion it's likely to garner, so please keep that in mind before you post a new thread here. Another thing to note is that again while we're not asking you to be grammatical champions, spelling & grammar are an important aspect of the posting process with regard to just how compelling your thread can really be. If you post a thread about a topic, for example, that a lot of users would normally want to talk about but write the entire thing out as one long run-on sentence, never use punctuation or capitalization, etc. very few will actually read it, and far fewer will respond as a result. While I'm not discouraging you in any way from posting, I am asking that you actually formulate your thoughts in a cohesive manner that's presentable enough to be understood by the rest of us reading the forum. |
* This is a TNA exclusive section. Make sure that if you make a thread, it's primarily about TNA or TNA talent. Otherwise you may receive an infraction for posting in the wrong section.
* Stick to the topic. If the topic talks about Eric Young's title reign, talk about Eric Young's title reign. If the thread talks about TNA taping somewhere talk about where it's taping. Don't go on tangents about how to fix issues when that's clearly not what the thread is about. That's spamming.
* Threads or posts regarding potential foreclosure of TNA are strictly forbidden and will be dealt with an infraction.
Unless a moderator or administrator approves of it via PM first. Despite all the alleged corporate issues TNA has it still airs consistent, internationally televised content. So there is PLENTY of other topics worth discussing. Not to mention the pessimism the topic drags in. So we ask that you steer away from that dead horse.
* Fantasy Booking = NO. You think you're the first person to ask what would be your fantasy TNA roster? How you'd book an angle? How you'd fix TNA? Not to mention there's nothing worth discussing there at all. It's just a list. Go to the Book This section. Book it there.
Tips & Tricks:
* Be creative with your thread topics. Try to be more “outside the box” than asking for favorite TNA gimmick match or if they should do a tournament or something. Talk about a particular aspect of the company or a wrestler. Or a current feud and why you like it or how it's different from everything else on TV.
* Detail your opening post. Don't just ask “What do you think”? It's a discussion forum. Asking that is redundant. Instead you should give your own detailed opinion on your own question. It'll give other posters something more concrete to talk about and will generate more replies.
* When in doubt, ask the mods. I may act like a jerk at times, but I'm always open to honest question about what topics to post about and such. The staff is open and will direct you accordingly.
* Grammar. Come on. Show that all the time you spend in school isn't a waste. If you wanna be seen as a smart person, you gotta show you're a smart person. You can't do that by mangling the English language.
* Have fun. It's just a product after all. No reason to scream bloody murder over something you don't like. We're just here to discuss, debate and let our opinions out.
Originally Posted by It's Damn Real GENERAL COMPLAINTS If you have a complaint about the TNA product, believe me, you're in the right place – just make sure to voice it properly so as not to earn yourself any red marks, yeah? It's one thing to post a thread debating a particular aspect or two about what TNA isn't doing right at any given time (in your opinion), but it's something entirely different to derail threads with real direction otherwise just to get a few slights in against the company. That's what this thread is for – if you don't care to formulate your points into a more concise and debatable form so they fit the no-spam policies of this site, post them here, however please understand that this is still a no-spam thread, which means even if your complaints are generally directionless, you'll still need to back-up your points with at least one reason. For example, if your issue is TNA's booking... Post A Quote: Oh my god , TNA sucks. They have the worst fucking booking. This company should just fold. Post B Quote: Oh my god, TNA sucks. They have the worst fucking booking. This Sting deception angle is terrible – how am I supposed to support this as a fan? It makes no sense! Just let Sting be a face again like everyone wanst him to be and quit trying to force this crap of him as a heel on us, please? God, sometimes I think this company should just fold. In this case, a post like the one in Post A is SPAM, and the post in Post B is not. Anyone posting something like Post A will still receive a warning or infraction for it – whichever applies in your case. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are spoilers OK to post? A: No, they are not. Spoilers are forbidden on these forums – no ifs ands or buts about it. The definition of a spoiler is simple, too – anything you give away about a match, debut, hiring, firing, etc. that hasn't actually aired yet. This is typically for the taped episodes of iMPACT!, but is not limited to it as TNA has also added Xplosion (or will be) and ReAction of late. Bottom line – do not post spoilers, or you will be warned/infracted as a result. Q: Why is my thread title different? A: The title of your thread is what gets people to click on it or not – if it's confusing, misleading or not enticing enough, the thread suffers as a result. I will clean these titles up from time-to-time, and merged topics will take on the parent title, so please understand this if your title is adjusted. Think of it like cutting the grass or trimming the hedges for a more presentable look. -- Q: I don't see a thread about a match at the next TNA PPV, can I make one of my own? A: Yes you can. That is if you can beat Will or myself to it. For whatever reason, if a match is announced (and is not a spoiler), and there is no thread for it – you are more than welcome to post it yourself. Making a poll on the match outcome is optional, but not required. -- Q: "SO AND SO" debuted on iMPACT! – what's the protocol on making a thread about him or her? A: Encouraged practice, presuming you make the thread after iMPACT! airs, and provided you create a worthy discussion over it. General thoughts on a debut are OK, but the more you have behind the post, the better you make us look for it. |
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