mardi 23 septembre 2014

A Wrestlemania 30 Twist

At Wrestlemania 30, like a lot of people, I was annoyed by two results; Brock breaking The Streak & Cena beating Bray Wyatt. In retrospect, Brock winning made sense with his victory at Summerslam & what his title run could do for the company now & in the long term.

Regardless of all that, here's a scenario. What if Brock had destroyed Cena at Mania & Bray had broken the Streak? Brock could have used the momentum of toppling the 'face of the company' on the biggest stage possible while Bray could have been set up as Taker's successor, instead of being buried by Cena & lost in the rubble.

Feel free to slaughter all this, but it's just a theory...

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