lundi 22 septembre 2014

WWE booking

Sorry for the vague title, but I couldn't find anything better.

I was wandering yesterday, how come (squash matches bearing) while in WWE losing against Cena or whoever (let's say Rusev, since he basically had Henry job to him) always makes the loser look terible, killing all of its momentum, and, while NXT (and a lot of indie promotion) manage to have matches where despite of the result everyone still comes out well (especially thinking about the crowd chanting "we want breeze" at last nxt, and he was the one booked to come out "worst" from the fatal 4 way)?

Is there a difference in the booking itself, or it is just the performers? Cena itself to me always seemed like a guy that can make himself look amazing and the opponent terrible or, like with lesnar, the opposite, without halfways.

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