mercredi 30 avril 2014

Where's Her Ceiling?

The HER I am talking about is Brie Bella. For the past two weeks WWE has decided to make Brie and Bryan appear on TV together and after this past RAW I just got to wondering how where the ceiling is for Brie. For those wondering she is the Bella twin with real boobs. Not that theres anthing wrong with juiced up puppies. Not being perverted its just really the easiest way for me to tell them apart when there standing next to each other with out Cena or Bryan.

Aaaaaaaanyways back to the thread. People could say i'm full of B.S. but I have noticed an improvement in her in ring work over the past year or so. Not saying its all Bryan, but she has stated in interviews that she has been helping her. She obviously has a look WWE would like and her being Bryans wife does help some with the fans (not bringing up backstage politics cause i'm not back there so I have no clue). Her match with Paige was short, but when she was in the trainers room and yelled at Stephanie " Get Out! You Bitch! " I actually was like damn okay. To me it points to some kind of rivalry between the ladies somewhere down the road. We all know that the Divas Division is what it what it could or used to be at times. But maybe the addition of Brie into some top level storylines with Bryan and the Authority will trickle down to the Divas Division and give it some life. My hopes are not high, but at least I have have hopes right?:shrug:

Either way i could see this giving Brie Bella a nice push a maybe lead to her being Divas champ somewhere down the line. So the question simply is where is the ceiling for Brie Bella? And How High do you think she could go now that she's getting some spotlight in main event angles?


Gimmick Name: M.

Announced As: “The (insert random, changing every time, adjective beginning with “m” here, e.g. “Majestic”) Mr. M”

Height: 187cm

Weight: 243.7 pounds.

Hometown: The Super Secret Underground Lair Beneath That Restaurant With The Cute But Not Cute Waitress Who Sometimes Gives You Too Much Sugar In Your Coffee But You Don’t Complain Because You Kinda Fancy Her And Can’t Figure Out Whether Or Not To Make A Move On It. Yes That Is A Hometown, Both The Lair And The Restaurant Are Freaking Huge.

Billed From: The Secret Underground Lair.

Alignment: Heel

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from the secret underground lair, weighing in at precisely 243.7 pounds, The (insert random, changing every time, adjective beginning with “m” here, e.g. “Marvellous”) Mr. M!

Appearance: Same as the picture in every way, except that the cape is taken off when in the actual ring.

Sample Pic of Wrestler: If the picture is messed up or ends up unlinked somehow it’s the character Albedo from Xenosaga.

there's a better quality photo but it's like the size of an A3 piece of paper so i'll edit it later :)

( is the link for the massive version)

Main Gimmick: Supervillain trying to achieve world domination.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

He’s a playful little supervillain with quite the bouncy personality. This comes to surface in many of his weird minor mannerisms like skipping for the sake of skipping, explaining his world domination plans to fans mid-match and stopping mid-sentence to appreciate the cuteness of passing wildlife such as the many fluffy bunnies that for some unexplained reason frequent his hometown.

M happens to have a particular fondness for the letter of which his name happens to be composed entirely of, A.K.A. the letter “M”. M will use any opportunity to use this mighty letter, sometimes even sacrificing the entire flow of his speech just to magnificently magnify the magnitude of the maniacal madness of his words. M will often alliterate these words during his speeches, and also alliterate words with other letters as much as possible.

Brief Bio/History:

Not much is known about The M, mainly because nobody asks. He grew up on the outskirts of the giant restaurant’s outdoor eating area, living off leftover food, before burrowing deep underneath the restaurant because he thought it would be fun to go visit the molepeople he thought lived there. After finding no molepeople he decided that the hole he had dug was actually a suitable location for a lair, and thus the gigantic lair was born.

He also got arrested for trying to take over the world once, and because of it he has been under a form of house arrest where he cannot move more than 300 metres away from a certain officer from an unnamed entity who M refers to as “General Green” or sometimes just “Green”.

Entrance Music: “Laser Cannon Deth Sentence” by Dethklok

Entrance Description: The lights go out. The music begins. A lone spotlight is seen shining down on a figure standing on the ramp in a dramatic pose. Upon the word “fire” the music kicks in the full gear and so do the lights, flashing around the arena in many different colours as M walks down the ramp laughing a maniacal laugh which only he could pull off whilst the general follows uninterested in the whole show. M gets into the ring, spins while throwing off his cape into the crowd, and poses again in what may or may not be a painful position but M’s too busy being magical to care. Meanwhile the general walks around to ringside, sits on a chair and begins reading a newspaper.

Fighting Style: Moderately high flyer, kinda like Jeff Hardy used to be in his last WWE run but with a lot more throws, I dunno - he’s got variety.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: No previous injuries. Extremely theatrical with his actions, adds theatrics to every move with overdramatic-ness. He’ll end up in a kinda power-y mode by the end if he’s aiming to lock in the M Special. To prepare for the possibility of having to go into power mode he concentrates on the head and neck of the opponent, softening them up for an M Special.

Finishing Moves (2 max):

M Special – Submission hold which is pretty much a reverse DDT grip with a bodyscissors rolling around the canvas until the opponent submits

Mega M Slam – M drags his opponent off the top turnbuckle into a super backslide slam/pin combination, sometimes with feet on the ropes if M’s feeling a little dirty ;)

Signature Moves (3 max):

Mega M Kick – Jeff Hardy’s corner slingshot dropkick but delayed whilst in the handstand position for extra theatrics and general messing about.

Mega M Punch – Coast to coast flying uppercut to opponent sitting in opposite corner’s face.

Mega M Flip – Front flip chocolate rain from the top rope

12 Most Used Moves:

Corner enziguri


Spinning throat chop

German suplex

Jumping knee to the back of the head


Standing moonsault

Choking STO

Choking Thesz press

Springboard European uppercut


Frontflip knee drop to throat

Sample RP.

The scene opens with The M inside a supermarket, searching the many isles for the much needed mangoes to use in his Monday margarita, when he comes across a squeaky toy with his face on it.

Intrigued, The M squeaks the squeaky toy…

“Sheep go baaaaaa

Cows go moooooo

Cats go purrrrrrrrr

Ms go mmmmmm”

Understandably angry from being mocked by a squeaky toy – already the third time this week – The M throws down the squeaky toy in a truly mesmerising fashion that only one as majestic as he would do.

the toy bounces off the shelf towards a small child who picks it up. M turns towards the small child and is met with childish laughter as the child recognises who this majestic man is.

The M squints suspiciously at the child, who squints suspiciously back. The M then leans a little towards the child, who leans a little back.

M: Why were you laughing at me?

Child: Because you’re that guy from the TV aren’t you? The one who tried to-

-yes, yes I am the guy from the TV… But why were you laughing?

Because you’re silly!

The M’s eyes widen as he jumps back in a maniacal manner as he seems to be very offended by the notion of being silly.

Silly? Silly?!?!!? I am many things, but I am certainly not silly!! Mad? Yes. Maniacal? Maybe. Murderous?... Well that’s for the courts to decide, but silly?? Not in your wildest dreams!! How dare you even think of thinking about considering maybe calling me silly???!?

Hey man chill I’m just a child, don”t expect me to use all your fancy “M” words, and yes, you are silly.

Whoa that’s an awfully odd speaking pattern for a child, what sort of child speaks like that?

A child who’s about to kick your ass!


The child throws the squeaky toy at The M, who catches it with his magical reflex powers, but his magical reflex powers were too slow to dodge the flying roundhouse kick the child used to send The M flying across the isle.

While M is trying to pick himself up from the rubble, The General arrives at the scene.

General: Hey M I found those mangoes you were loo-hahahahaha oh wow did you just get kicked across the room by a child?

M dusts himself off before turning dramatically towards The General to reply.

Yes… Gah dammit Green this isn’t the best time, can you just go somewhere you can’t see me so your “General Powers” don’t activate and you save this kid from what I’m about to do to him?

Oh what now? You’re gonna make me “feel your wrath”? Hahahaha you’re even sillier than I thought!!


Sillysillysillysillysilly hahaha well? Where’s the wrath?

Yeahhhhh… I don’t think I like this kid, go nuts M, I’ll wait in the car, try not to make too much of a mess..

The General walks away, mangoes in tow, as The M turns towards the child with a maniacal grin on his face.

Magnificent… Mwahahahaha “wrath”? you thought I was gonna make you feel wrath?

Well yeah, kinda.

Nope, no wrath for you, but there’s something better I’m gonna do to you and it begins with the letter “M” mwahaha…

The child’s eyes widen with fear as M approaches, squeezing the squeaky toy with an inhuman grip, we slowly fade to black as M reaches out to the child…

“Sheep go baaaa

Cows go moooo

Cast go purrrrr

Ms go mmmmmmmmurderrrrrrrrrr

A squishing noise is heard as we fade back in to see the child’s face covered in what appears to be meringue pie.

You just got meringue’d mwahahahaha!!

M jumps up, turns and sprints out to the car with The General as the scene ends with the child crying for his mother.

All Round 4 Polls Open

Go vote in all 8 matchups. They close May 5.

I hate Rob Van Dam

RVD has always been pretty over with the net fans. Am I the only one who's sick of him? In shoot interviews he sounds arrogant as hell. In the ring he's a spot monkey who hasn't come up with anything new in 15 years, so he's not even a good spot monkey. On top of it all, he NEVER jobs clean. Seriously, I'll give rep points to whoever can name the last time RVD has jobbed cleanly because I can't think of it.

In a nutshell, he's everything "smart" fans claim to hate. However, he doesn't get much hate on here. What do you think? Is it just me, or is RVD severely overrated.

Heel or Face?

For the following wrestlers,

1) Did you like them better as heel or face? And

2) Were they most effective as heel or face?

I ask these as separate questions because in today’s world a lot of people tend to get tired of faces and gravitate to liking the heels. So by asking the separate questions we can see what you like and what you think worked best. For example, I liked it when Stone Cold joined Vince and HHH to be the 2 man Power Trip. I thought SCSA Appreciation Day and him playing the ukulele to impress Vince were classics. But Austin is clearly most effective as the anti-authority, ass kicking brawler who plays up to the fans. Heel CM Punk? He wore on me. I liked him much better as a face and I think we see from the pops he is better as a face.



Steve Austin

Hulk Hogan

Daniel Bryan

CM Punk

Shawn Michaels



Dolph Ziggler

John Cena


Evolution's New T-Shirt Is Awesome

Not like The Miz is awesome - actually awesome:

NXT Cuts - 4/30

I put the date in there just in case this is only the beginning. 4 names were released from NXT, according to the article on the main page.

Mason Ryan - He had a cup of coffee on the main roster, but had nothing going for him besides his look.

Raquel Diaz - The daughter of Eddie and Vickie Guerrero had just returned not too long ago from choosing to leave NXT/FCW herself. I haven't seen her work since she was never on NXT TV, but I've heard nothing but good things. This one surprised me.

Oliver Grey - This one also surprised me. He just returned to NXT TV a week or two ago after being sidelined for nearly a year with a major knee injury. He seemed talented and, along with Adrian Neville, was an original NXT Tag Team Champion.

Danny Burch - He was just a jobber on NXT, but seemed to be capable. Don't know enough about him to comment.

Here's the news story, for those who care:


The Money in the Bank Chatter match will be returning this June and I'm hoping to change it up from last time when we all decide that it was too mean to simply attack one another. I haven't come up with a definitive way of solving this issue therefore I'll put it out there to anyone and everyone who participated or is thinking of participating on how to improve it.

A few of my ideas which I've been circulating are:

1) First round is one big thread with a week limit where it's fair game the entire week followed by a vote on who were the best 4 which would be your semis.

2) Picking a wrestler and having your rants only be based off of the promo style your wrestler would give.

3) Picking a superhero or villain and going the same route as Number 2.

4) Having a discussion topic and attacking each other's opinion without using real facts.

Just ideas for discussion, expect some set-up threads throughout May.

delete links from sig

guys i need help im trying to remove a link from my signature

What is WWE Doing Right?

Over the past few years WWE has really pulled up their socks and started putting on some really entertaining television, at least imo. We've seen a new crop of Superstars with an amount of talent that we haven't seen in a very long time, if ever and there is a good mix of veterans and part-timers that the young crop can really benefit from. We've seen a shift in management with Vince nearly handing over the reigns to HHH and Stephanie, the Divas's division is becoming revitalized along with the tag division, and we've been able to see some dream matches such as Cena-Rock, HHH-Brock, Cena-Brock and so on.

However I have been on this forum for a while now and I realize that some people may not have the same frame of mind that I do and actually may be of the opinion that WWE has improved very little or not at all. Some fans can't stand the new talent, the new management or the booking and I've seen some call WWE a "joke".

So my question to you is what is it about WWE specifically that you love, hate or love to hate? It can be a specific superstar, the booking of a title, a certain angle, PG, etc.

Also how does WWE today match up to your favorite time period in wrestling?

Report: Huge Japanese Star *POSSIBLY* Signing With WWE

According to, there are rumors circulating about the future of one of the biggest stars in Japan. The sight announced that, as of this morning, Kenta Kobayashi will be leaving Pro Wrestling Noah on May 17th. This has led to rumors circulating that Kenta MIGHT be heading to WWE for a couple of reasons:

1. Kenta has been with Pro Wrestling Noah from the beginning - Kenta began wrestling with All Japan Pro Wrestling as a junior heavyweight but left when Mitsuharu Misawa left the company to form Pro Wrestling Noah. Allegedly, Kenta left because AJPW didn't consider or treat the junior heavyweight division with any degree of relevance in the early 2000s. Misawa stated that it would be a big deal in his, so that's where Kenta's been since 2000. In Pro Wrestling Noah, Kenta has been GHC Heavyweight Champion 1 time, GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion 3 times, GHC Tag Team Champion 1 time and GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion 3 times.

2. Kenta received an "informal tryout" earlier this year with WWE - I'd forgotten about this, but Kenta spent a week at the WWE Performance Center training with some of the NXT talents. Upon his return to Japan, he downplayed his time there, but wrote a blog stating that he'd always wanted a spot in WWE. He informed the media that he wasn't seeking a deal with WWE but he'd be interested if one was offered.

This doesn't automatically mean that he intends to sign or already has signed with WWE. Kenta's been extremely loyal to Pro Wrestling Noah and I'd imagine that he's done pretty well for himself financially. Loyalty is one thing, but you don't stay with a company for nearly 14 years if you're not making a good amount of money. So, one would assume that he's either retiring, though unlikely since he's only turned 33 last month, or someone has made him a big money offer that he just can't say no to.

IF he does sign or already has signed with WWE, however, I'm not sure how happy he'll be. If he left AJPW over dissatisfaction of how they were using their junior heavyweights circa 2000, it couldn't have been any worse than what WWE has done. While a hefty portion of WWE's roster can fit into the Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight/Junior Heavyweight division, WWE doesn't have one and that's not too likely to change. Even if they did, it's no secret that WWE hasn't exactly treated it as a priority the handful of times the division has been reinstated over the decades.

Mick Foley criticizes John Cena's character and asks for change

Not change as in, "change, anybody got some spare change?" But actual change in presentation and attitude. While I like Cena and think like most knowledgeable fans who have a clue about wrestling, that he is a great wrestler capable of having great matches, I will say that from time to time his character is irritating. This week on RAW after that creepy Wyatt segment, he shouldn't have made that ass/donkey joke backstage, it was silly and downplayed what Wyatt was trying to achieve with the opening segment.

Anyway, have a read of Foley's opinions.



How good was that ‪#‎BrayWyatt‬/children's choir creepy sing-along last night on ‪#‎RAW‬? So good that I wish I'd thought of it back during my original ‪#‎WWE‬ feud with The Undertaker. I have become a HUGE Bray Wyatt fan, and consider any comparison between Bray and anything I did in my career as a big compliment.

As many of you know, I have also been a vocal supporter of John Cena. I genuinely like John as a person, and have defended him many times as a wrestler. It's easy to defend Cena against the looping haymakers thrown by most detractors: he can't wrestle, he has only three moves, he's been carried by great opponents. But there's this one knock on Cena for which I have no defense. It's not a looping haymaker, that can be seen, countered and sent right back at the claimant. No, it's more like a stiff jab that sneaks through even the best pro-Cena defense. A stiff jab of honesty from which there is no countering, avoiding or evading. A stiff jab that continually states that the Cena character is stale. I agree, It's time for a change.

Bray Wyatt has a chance to be the initiator of that change. A chance to show the world a different Cena; a desperate, dangerous, angry Cena. He's half-way there. Cena's blaming of the WWE Universe for putting him in an impossible situation was a good start. His look of disbelief and defeat as Bray Wyatt gently rocked that mask-wearing child was powerful in its believability and subtlety. But, as good as it was, I could not fully enjoy the brilliant, chilling segment - one of the most memorable things I've seen on Raw in years, because of ...because of...because of those WRISTBANDS! Because of those wristbands...and the HAT! Because of those wristbands, and the hat...and the bright green FLOURESCENT SHIRT!

I LIKE John Cena - but everytime he raised his hand and put it to his head last night, I couldn't help but feel "he's trying to sell me something". Every time he waved his cap, I thought, "he's trying to sell me a hat." Every time he walks through that curtain, I get the feeling he's trying to sell me something. I could not, and can not completely enjoy this amazing groundwork that Bray Wyatt is in the process of laying down, unless I'm convinced that it is bringing out a different side...a change.. in John Cena. In order for John Cena to start completely SELLING ME on a change in his character, he's got to be willing to stop SELLING ME his merchandise every time he raises his hand.

In the short run, it will cost both John Cena and the WWE some money in merchandise. In the long run, its going to give Cena a much needed twist to his character, and more importantly, allow Bray Wyatt to make WWE some serious money by putting butts in seats, and eyeballs in fron of the WWE Network for a long time to come.

That's change I can believe in.

Where are we heading this summer?

Or you know, what will headline Summerslam lads?

Which match main events Extreme Rules?

Which match do you guys think is going to main event extreme rules?

I would go with title match since the title is supposed to be the most important thing and because shield vs evolution can be the match of the night in the mid ppv, they don't neccessary have to main event. I mean Wyatt vs shield didn't main event elimination chamber and it was a bigger dream match then shield vs evolution. Unfortunately, I think they are going to have shield vs evolution main event,

sig size

i need someone to check if my sig follows the guidelines of the message boards

Wrasslin' Tapes

Anybody still holding onto their old VHS tapes? I for some reason still have not gotten rid of my old wrestling tapes, simply because I spent so much time when I was younger taping all kinds of stuff off the early days of the WWE 24/7 package, plus all the old masters I convinced my parents to buy for me as a kid when I we'd go to a Coconuts or Sam Goody. Yeah, remember those stores?

I bring this up just because I wanted to watch a particular episode of RAW with an old Vader/Austin match on it and was pleasantly surprised to find I still had it on VHS. And I may be one of the few people who still has a VCR hooked up and working fine. Fuckin' Sanyo bro.

Anyone else still holding onto some old wrasslin' tapes, or even still watch them? I pop em in from time to time if I don't have another copy of a certain show.

Oklahoma Execution Botched

Short version: Oklahoma tried to execute two people but the first one went badly and the man had a seizure. They tried to get him to a hospital but he died about an hour later. The second execution has been postponed.

This kind of stuff makes my head hurt. Not that there are executions or anything like that, but why would you try to save him IF YOU WERE GOING TO KILL HIM ANYWAY??? If you're going to end someone's life, it's pretty clear that you don't mind doing them harm, so what difference does it make if the person isn't nice and comfy when they're dying? Save some money and cut the guy's head off with a guillotine already, but stop acting like this is some horrible tragedy that a man who you were going going to be kill anyway in like an hour didn't die the way you planned. It's ok to leave someone on death row for years and years, but it's not ok that this final part went badly? That doesn't make sense.

Prison Rules Summer 2014

The King of the Prison is back until Aug 24th on these forums and there's no better place to start my first thread on my millionth run on these forums than my very own Prison. The Prison is currently like John Cena: Stale. Prisoners don't stay, or they're stupider than ever. That's unacceptable if you ask me. Therefore I've created the Second Ever Prison Rules, those with a good memory will remember the first one invoked alligators. Here's the new rules for this summer.

1) I've taken this place over, if you're sent in here you'll deal with me, if you bitch in here you'll deal with me, I'm moderating this section now even though m name is not bold.

2) I report directly to the people of the forums. When you're in here be on your best behavior, you will be judged by the Greatest Ex Prisoner of all time.

3) We are going to break the trend of Prison Bingo together. Us prisoners are too obvious together we will change that.

4) You get sent here you are obliged to watch Shawshank Redemption and do a report on it. It explains a lot believe me.

5) if you create discussion I will respond, if you don't create discussion I will.

6) The Money in the Bank Chatter Match will be happening in June. Winner will get an actual prize that's already been created.

7) Don't drop the soap.

8) This place isn't meant for pussies. I'm restoring this place to it's former glory, I want you all to be mean and nasty. Create positive discussion but with new Prisoners give them hell

8a) prisoners you are forced to take their shit and fling none back

9) Don't take this place too seriously. Be on here to enjoy yourself, in real life we are all different and would surprise one another, on here you can be who you want to be and if people judge you so be it.

10) This is my playground

need sig made

i am new to the wrestlezone forums and i'm looking for someone to make me a sig with randy orton triple h and jake the snake roberts that reads THE CEREBRAL Viper 1986

mardi 29 avril 2014

Int. Region, Fourth Round, Hell in a Cell: (2) The Rock vs. (3) Andre the Giant

This is a fourth round match in the International Region. It is a Hell in a Cell match, held at the 02 Arena in London, England. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: The ring is surrounded by a cage with space between the ring and the cage. Anything goes and the match is won by pinfall or submission.

#2. The Rock


#3. Andre the Giant

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

Int. Region, Fourth Round, 3 Stages of Hell: (1) Ric Flair vs. (20) Mitsuharu Misawa

This is a fourth round match in the International Region. It is a 3 Stages of Hell match, held at the 02 Arena in London, England. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: This is a two out of three falls match. Each round has a different gimmick. The first fall is a tables match, the second fall is a street fight won by pin or submission, the third fall is a cage match, won by pin, submission or escape.

#1. Ric Flair


#20. Mitsuharu Misawa

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

TNA Region, Fourth Round, 3 Stages of Hell: (2) Sting vs. (3) Bret Hart

This is a fourth round match in the TNA Region. It is a 3 Stages of Hell match, held at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: This is a two out of three falls match. Each round has a different gimmick. The first fall is a tables match, the second fall is a street fight won by pin or submission, the third fall is a cage match, won by pin, submission or escape.

#2. Sting


#3. Bret Hart

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

TNA Region, Fourth Round, 60 Minute Iron Man: (1) John Cena vs. (4) Bruno Sammartino

This is a fourth round match in the TNA Region. It is a 60 Minute Iron Man match, held at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: The match will last 60 minutes and the man with the most falls win. A fall is earned by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification.

#1. John Cena


#4. Bruno Sammartino

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

WCW Region, Fourth Round, 60 Minute Iron Man: (2) Undertaker vs. (6) Lou Thesz

This is a fourth round match in the WCW Region. It is a 60 Minute Iron Man match, held at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: The match will last 60 minutes and the man with the most falls win. A fall is earned by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification.

#2. Undertaker


#6. Lou Thesz

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

WCW Region, Fourth Round, TLC: (1) Steve Austin vs. (4) Kurt Angle

This is a fourth round match in the WCW Region. It is a Tables Ladders and Chairs match, held at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: A briefcase is suspended above the ring. The first person to climb a ladder and pull it down is the winner. A supply of tables, ladders and chairs are available for use, as well as anything else the wrestlers can find.

#1. Steve Austin


#4. Kurt Angle

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

WWE Region, Fourth Round, TLC: (2) Triple H vs. (3) Shawn Michaels

This is a fourth round match in the WWE Region. It is a Tables Ladders and Chairs match, held at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: A briefcase is suspended above the ring. The first person to climb a ladder and pull it down is the winner. A supply of tables, ladders and chairs are available for use, as well as anything else the wrestlers can find.

#2. Triple H


#3. Shawn Michaels

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

WWE Region, Fourth Round, Hell in a Cell: (1) Hulk Hogan vs. (12) Brock Lesnar

This is a fourth round match in the WWE Region. It is a Hell in a Cell match, held at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.

Rules: The ring is surrounded by a cage with space between the ring and the cage. Anything goes and the match is won by pinfall or submission.

#1. Hulk Hogan


#12. Brock Lesnar

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.

Once in a Lifetime!

Once in a Lifetime was an amazing match was it not? Is Cena not one of the greatest "Big main event" match workers of all time?

A little backstory: Cena and The Rock two of the faces on WWE's Mt. Rushmore had real life beef a while back. Just like in the world of pro wrestling real life beef turns into cash. WM 27 The Rock made his return home to the WWE and took some verbal jabs at Cena. This ended up leading to them making the main event of WrestleMania 28 one year in advance. There it was in the history books April 1, 2012, WrestleMania 28, one of the greatest attractions of all time and I will make the case one of the greatest matches of all time, the world witnessed John Cena vs The Rock in the main event with the Tagline: Once in a Lifetime.

I got the urge to rewatch the match and the preceding video packages last night. At this point I was in more of a wrestling mind frame than I usually am and I really picked up on some things I hadn't previously. The first time I watched this match as it was happening I admit I was rooting for Cena because I felt his sentiments of how The Rock had left us. I was a huge Rocky fan for a long time. When I watched it last night though, not to sound weird, but I felt that connection with The Rock like I had all those times so many years ago. When he came out, it was as if he had never left and it was amazing the connection from the people to the people's champion.

That brings me to one of the reasons why I love the match. It has such a huge fight feel. Cena damn near always brings that dynamic to his matches and The Rock does as well. When you add that into the crowd doing their thing, all the anticipation leading to this match for over a year prior, the feud and build itself you'll see that the match just seems like a major deal. As much as I was annoyed by the singing when I watched it live, I hate to admit that all of that helped add to the atmosphere of one of the greatest attractions ever.

I love the story of this match. I've heard people bring up how Cena came out not acting very serious but I argue that was intentional and a way to add to the story that was being told. Leading up to the match they had Cena out talking The Rock the majority of the time, and looking like Cena was a sure thing to win. Cena came out to an arena full of boos exuding confidence. That's why he wasn't being serious when he came out because he was playing the confident, borderline arrogant guy who knows he has the match won. This arrogance would be his downfall in the end. The Rock also came out showing confidence but it was the smoother kind of confidence that shows that he knows what he had to do to win the match and that's what he was going to do.

Another reason why I like this match ties into the previous paragraph. It's one of the few times during Cena's top guy run that they've let him work more as a heel in the match. Cena was showing great psychology by working on the ribs of The Rock and The Rock was selling like Cena was killing him. That was beautiful IMO. Cena worked all of the rest holds as well. He attacked the ribs early in the match and stayed on them for the rest of it. He also played the subtle confident heel during the match with his facial expressions and his demeanor. That is until they kicked it up another notch it was the "Maybe I bit off more than I can chew" look that we got from Cena and The Rock at certain points in the match. In the end Cena's overconfidence would be his downfall when he tried to attempt The Rock's finisher and was countered and pinned for the 3 count. They worked the match perfectly with that same dynamic that was there throughout the first half of the feud.

The way this match ended perfectly and logically led into the sequel. Cena's confidence had gotten the better of him and he suffered the worst loss of his career. The Rock had gotten the job done just like he set out to do. This made it so for the rematch the roles were slightly reversed. The Rock was the one with the confidence while Cena was the one that had been humbled. Cena ended up learning from his prior mistake and outsmarted The Rock to pick up the victory and the WWE title in the rematch of Once in a Lifetime.

I think when you look at everything that goes into a match, especially the main event of a WrestleMania objectively, this is one of the greatest matches of all time. Now I'm not saying that solely based on in ring work but based on that combined with every other aspect of the match it's one of the greatest ever. :worship: to The Rock and John Cena for putting on such an amazing match.

I'd like to hear some of you guy's thoughts on this but I'd like to hear them in some what detail. Sorry if I went on a little long :shrug:but these are just some thoughts I had while watching the match again early this morning/last nght. TL;DR is The Rock vs Cena at WM 28 was an amazing match and if you look at it in every way it's one of the greatest. I then go on to explain why I think so. Thoughts?

(Well the rumors are true) Bray Wyatt on RAW

you all heard the rumors, if you have not, well you at least heard the speculation. i swear this isnt trolling....

supposedly there was an incident live on RAW where bray has an inappropriate incident and numerous fan reports claim bray may have "caught wood" on national TV with his child on a lap. (some people claim it was his belt buckle and it made the child uncomfortable) i do not know how to word this any other way. also there was a huge incident with 20+ security and bray and the family reported during the 3rd commercial. the whole segment just ended awkwardly while watching it live.

im not here to ask if this is true or false because its basically been confirmed on numerous other sites according to fans attending live.

not sure if we can even discuss this here, but WTF? is this end the end of bray as we know it? limited details are coming in on other sites, but people live are claiming it was a big fiasco and this kind of pub would absolutely kill WWE right now.

Evolution vs The Shield

Just wanted to hear your thaughts. I think this wasn't a good send off for the Extreme Rules match.

Yesterday when I was watching the whole segment (BTW There is no reason that we saw them for the first time in the last 20 minutes of the show if they are going to treat this as your main event feud) and it seemed botched.

Flair looked bad, and when he left I was like WTF was that, what did he say? Why? Is he with Evolution or Shield? You had Cole and JBL selling the shit out of a Shield endorsement by Flair but it wasn't freakin clear.

The match started, and the crowd seemed to be behind Orton, at least a good 30-40% of it. The match was good but the interference was cheap, I mean I didn't feel a lot of work went into that segment.

Even worst, they beat down the Shield for a good 6-7 minutes, and out of no where Rollins comes in and saves the day, did he eat spinach on the outside? That wasn't believable for me.

The spear was also botched, Trips sold it like it was 1 million bucks but it was poorly executed.

I don't know what they will do with that story, but to be quite honest, my interest in the Shield is weaken every week of that feud.

I just want to know if I'm the only one who's interest in that feud is less today than it was the RAW after Mania.


So, Let's Talk About How John Cena Buries People

.... We still on that, right?

John Cena was unequivocally awesome last night, and made Bray Wyatt look like an absolute monster. He sold Bray perfectly. And now, Bray Wyatt looks like an absolute monster, coming into Extreme Rules.

John Cena looked like someone shot his dog last night. In fact, Vince McMahon may have actually shot John Cena's dog to get that reaction. I'm reporting it now.

Breaking News: Vince McMahon kills Cena's Dog

But yes, let's all discuss in this thread how fake Cena is, and how he buries talent.

Extreme Rules 2014 - Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

On the Raw post-show last night, a triple threat elimination match between RVD, Swagger and Cesaro was announced for this Sunday's card. While I personally would've preferred seeing this sort of match for the IC title, this should still be a pretty good outing.

After this match, I think it's time to move Cesaro on from his feud with Swagger considering that he's already beaten him twice, though their match on SmackDown! was far better than the one on Raw last night. The only real purpose I can see for having RVD here is to provide a little star power and some high flying moves to mingle with the ground & pound styles of Swagger and Cesaro. I don't see RVD picking up the win, ultimately putting over younger talent is pretty much WWE's main goal with him considering that he only wrestles 3 months at a time before going on hiatus. I've no real interest in seeing Swagger win because, as I alluded to, it'd indicate his feud with Cesaro may continue and I don't see much of a point to that.

How should the WWE set up the Undertaker send-off?

The legendary Undertaker is coming to the final days of his career in wrestling. After the infamous streak being broken by Brock Lesner at Wrestlemania 30 it's very likely that the Undertaker will retire within next year. The epic match-up between the Undertaker and Sting has no purpose now. Unless the WWE sets up the match between the two legends at either Summerslam or Survivor Series of this year with the Undertaker going over Sting to redeem his big lose at Wrestlemania 30 with a victory over the Icon Sting. Or even hold the match off until Wrestlemania 31 in the Bay Area. With the Undertaker retiring the night after WM on RAW much like how Ric Flair's "retirement" send-off went. The whole Wrestlemania weekend should center around the Undertaker much like the same thing six years earlier with Ric Flair.

What do you think and how would you set up the Undertaker's retirement send-off?

What if Kevin Nash had joined Evolution in 2003?

Evolution: One of the most dominant heel factions of all-time. Spawning from the WWE hall of famers the Four Horsemen. With Ric Flair as one of the founding members of both the Four Horsemen and Evolution. The Nature Boy was the key to both groups success. In the beginning for Evolution they were plagued injuries with both Randy Orton & Batista being out at two different times. Batista was out during Triple H's feud with Bill Goldberg for the world heavyweight championship on the RAW brand. But after Goldberg had defeated the Game Triple H for the WHC, Triple H put a $12,000 bounty on Goldberg's head. For anybody who took out Bill Goldberg they would receive the bounty cash well as a spot in Evolution.

There were rumors in the WWE creative that they were going with Kevin Nash as the guy who takes out Goldberg and collects the $12,000 as well as a membership in Evolution along side with one of his best friends Triple H. But they switched geers with Batista returning from his bicep injury being the one who takes out Bill Goldberg with a steel chair and collects the bounty money from Triple H. But he was already a member of Evolution before his bicep injury even happened. So there goes one open spot onto the Evolution stable right there!

Kevin Nash was in the final stages wrestling in the WWE full-time as a wrestler. And was finishing up his in-ring career in the WWE (as we thought) before joining the newly founded TNA-NWA Wrestling. But what if Kevin Nash had joined Evolution in 2003? Could have it have gone longer then it already did back during that era in wrestling?

lundi 28 avril 2014

Was Flair Drunk?

I couldn't help but notice that something seemed a little off about Ric Flair's promo tonight. He spoke extremely slow and seemed to be slurring. Was I the only one that thought he might have been drunk?

Are they booking Kane too strong for the sake of Daniel Bryan's title reign?

After watching the segment from Monday Night Raw involving Daniel Bryan, Brie Bella and Kane, it got me thinking about the future of Daniel Bryan's title reign. They are completely making Kane look like an unstoppable monster right now. He looks like the old Attitude Era Kane. The same one that it took three tombstones for the Undertaker to defeat him at WM14. Now, we all know that Bryan's going over at Extreme Rules, and it's great booking for the particular event, but then what? How do you make the next few challengers seem like a credible threat when the babyface defeats a monster that sits up even after he hit him in the head with a wrench? IMO, they would have to put Bryan in matches where the odds are stacked against him like a multiple man match or Triple H being the referee or something along those line. If they do regular one-on-one matches, then everybody else (with the exception of Lesnar, who I would still say a wrench to the face would put down) will seem like a step own for already mentioned reasons. Thoughts?

Stephanie and Heyman are the top mic workers in the WWE

Heyman has been a genius on the mic for 20+ years. He's incredible. He's so good that they basically had him talking on the mic as the build to Lesnar/Taker. I'm saying nothing new here, Heyman's genius is pretty much accepted as fact by most.

But Stephanie? She had her moments in the attitude era. Had her moments as GM of Smackdown. And had her occasional moments in her sporadic returns after that. But she was never THIS good!

Now? She's FANTASTIC. She draws incredible heat, gets herself over as a despicable character who is going to be really, really hard to get the best of......and yet she still manages to do this not only without burying talent, but she actually builds them up and gets them over even more! She's making Bryan better! She plays off him well, and usually gets herself over AND gets him over. Nobody else is doing that anymore. She deserves her props.


He saw it coming.

A wrestler's last match

I know the action in the wrestling sections have been down because of the WZ Tournament, but I'm hoping to get some decent responses here. It's an interesting topic that I got from listening to Chris Jericho's podcast.

On Jericho's podcast, he mentioned Undertaker and the end of the Streak. Citing what he believes to be Undertaker's last match, Jericho believes that the powers that be did the right thing by ending the Streak. He cited Japanese tradition that a wrestler who is retiring always puts over a future star or a star this is being built up for something big.

I don't know what the plans are for Brock Lesnar, but based on his past year's history, it's very possible he's being groomed for something big. I wrote an extensive blog a week ago justifying why it could be the right move for Lesnar to have ended the Streak. From a kayfabe perspective, there's no way Undertaker should have beaten Lesnar in a traditional wrestling match. Lesnar is 36, in his prime, while Undertaker is a beat-up 49.

Jericho also discussed how Edge's career ended due to an injury, so he won his last match as a result. Jericho was fine with that, of course, not thinking Edge should have contested one final match in order to put someone over.

And there's where I want to make my major point: Whether or not a wrestler wins or loses their final match should be conditional. While I can justify Lesnar beating Undetaker quite easily, I absolutely hate it from a legacy standpoint. Wrestlemania has also been built around a few championship matches, one personal feud, and the Streak. While I believe this was Taker's last match, it spoiled one of the most important things in Wrestlemania history.

There would have been someone else for Brock Lesnar to beat up, but there will never be another Streak. Based on the storyline of Undertaker being invincible at Wrestlemania, he should have gone out with a win, cementing his legacy. There's now a big mark on his WM legacy, one that was completely unnecessary.

And so goes my point. The storyline involved should dictate whether or not a wrestler retires with a win or a loss. HBK and Flair both retired with losses, but their storylines dictated so. But if a wrestler is in a storyline where their pride and legacy is on the line, and it's their last match, I have no problem with them going out with a win.

The storyline should dictate winners and losers in their final match, not necessarily putting someone over.

Your thoughts on this?

Mark Ruffalo Needs To Prove He's A Good Hulk

So most of us have watched The Avengers and liked Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce Banner/Hulk. We thought he had the smart tortured soul down well (with a bit of comedy) People have been saying he was better than Edward Norton and Eric Bana

But the thing is we can't really judge him until they do a new solo Hulk film. The reason I say this is because in The Avengers he was working off the other actors who all helped carry the film. These actors (Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth) have carried a solo film by themselves with their performance.

Ruffalo needs to prove that he is an actor who can carry a film. I haven't seen many films with him in them but what I have seen he makes a great supporting actor (Shutter Island, 13 Going on 30)

Norton did a good job of playing Banner (as did Bana) and they helped carry the film with their performances. I'm just curious do you reckon Ruffalo is up to the task??

WWE RAW LD 28th April 2014 - Jackmaning Jaws, Bad News, War (Games) and More!


Hell on Earth


Stephanie McMahon asked for it and she got it, it being the return of the masked version of Kane. Again, the monster has risen from the depths, just in time for a title shot against constant thorn in the Authority's side and the reigning WWE World Heavyweight Champion. To put an exclamation mark on things Kane thought it might be helpful for him to Tombstone Piledrive the ever loving shit out of Bryan not one, not twice, but three times, each more gruesome than the last.

Stacking Up the Bodies


After Hunter Hoarse Helmsley (yup, I'm using it again) decided to taunt them on Monday and take the night off on Tuesday Friday, the Shield decided to gain a measure of retribution against the head honcho and obliterate his lower midcard force, slowly eliminating them through a combination of brute force, technical cunning and intimidation.

He's Got the Whole World--Oh You Know the Rest


Last week's Raw ended in a rather disturbing fashion as Bray Wyatt cradled John Cena in his arms and sang him a few verses of his latest chart topper. Those who tuned in for Chrisley Knows Best were probably a little put off. All this ahead of a Steel Cage Match on May 4th at Extreme Rules.




With a title defence mere days away for Big E, he'll finally find out who his adversary is. Will it be Bad News for Rob Van Dam or will it be Five Star showing at the expense of Barrett?

The Jack-Man is Back!


Dolph Ziggler better have some extra protection for his jaw tonight because last time he and Hugh Jackman were in the same ring at the same time, the Hollywood, Florida (not where you thought I might be going with that, eh?) got his jaw cracked by the Australian A-Lister. And now, Hugh's back!

The 3 Hour Spectacular Raw Quiz!

Can Daniel Bryan return successfully this evening and avoid murder most foul?

Who is destined to face Big E at Extreme Rules?

Has the Shield taken the advantage in their rivalry against Evolution?

Will John Cena survive the Wyatt's as we roll on into their Cage battle?

Have you seen Dolph Ziggler's jaw? It was last seen on September 19th 2011.

With the tag team titles on the line tonight, will it be RybAxel taking the gold from the Uso's?

Is there more to come with Cesaro and Swagger?

And oh so much more...

Why break apart the group?

I've been wondering why people are so quick to want factions/tag teams to break up and move onto singles competition now or days. Why can't a faction (like the Shield) stay together, compete together, and have runs in the tag team/singles division? Why does everyone believe groups need to break up in order to succeed in singles competition? For example, Roman Reigns could still make a push for the World Championship while still remaining a member of The Shield. Same thing with Bray Wyatt. (I know no one is talking about a Wyatt family break-up anytime soon but it's just an example.) Am I mistaken? Anyways. How does everyone else feel about this?

Week of 4/21/2014 - 4/27/2014 (Friday - Sunday)


Impact got a .85, up slightly from last week.


Date: April 25, 2014

Location: Giant Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

Things have started to pick up for Extreme Rules with Kane attacking Daniel Bryan on Monday and Shield throwing down the gauntlet to Evolution. Other than that we have a lot of the card set or obvious as we head into whatever they're calling PPVs now. Hopefully something actually happens tonight. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

Here's Vickie Guerrero to open things up. She says the Authority has the night off and will be giving the Shield a match against eleven people tonight. We'll get to that later though because it's now time for the great debate between Paul Heyman and Zeb Colter, accompanied by their respective clients. Zeb goes first and thanks everyone for allowing this to happen but wants to talk about the night after Wrestlemania when these two men attacked him with a change of plans. He says no one knew Cesaro's name ten months ago when he came to Colter for help. Time runs out as Colter talks about everything he did for Cesaro.

Heyman's response mainly consists of talking about Brock Lesnar breaking the Streak. He goes on about 15 times with the same statement and the crowd eats it up. Colter: “SHUT UP!” Heyman: “I can't shut up because if I do, you might not know that my client Brock Lesnar conquered the Streak at Wrestlemania.” When Paul's time is up, Colter talks about Heyman lying all the time and owing everyone money.

Colter: “Why did you steal Cesaro?” Heyman: “Because I'm the 1 behind the 1 in 21-1 when Brock Lesnar conquered the Streak.” Heyman says Cesaro was already a Paul Heyman Guy when he won the Andre battle royal, which he repeats about 10 times as well. Colter says that's a lie and turns over his podium. This is between the two of them and Colter wants Heyman to be a man. “I'd be happy to look at you like a man but we're one man short grandpa.” The managers are about to go at it and are split up as we take a break.

Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

I'm surprised this wasn't saved for the PPV. Cesaro shoves him around to start and hits a running uppercut in the corner followed by another to drop Swagger in the corner. Jack sends him out to the floor, only to have Cesaro ram him into the barricade to take over. Swagger fights out of a chinlock and grabs a belly to belly suplex followed by a double arm trap. Cesaro easily powers up and hits a spinning springboard European uppercut to wake up the crowd a little bit.

Jack will have none of that and slams Cesaro down, setting up the Vader Bomb for two. Both guys fall out to the floor and we take a break. Back with Swagger trying to run the corner but getting knocked down for a top rope European uppercut and two. Jack comes right back and tries the Vader Bomb but has to settle for the Patriot Lock when Cesaro raises a boot. Cesaro is quickly out but gets caught in a slam for two. A tiger bomb puts Swagger down and the fans want the Swing. They get what they want and the Neutralizer is good for the pin on Swagger at 8:44 shown of 12:14.

Post match we have....Shield? Cesaro leaves as the trio circles the fallen Swagger and the beatdown is on. Swagger takes the Triple Bomb and Ambrose says HHH told them to adapt or perish. Apparently Jack Swagger failed to evolve. Reigns says they're just getting started.

We look at Bryan being taken out of the arena on Monday. Cole says Bryan had a neck contusion and is already getting better. Bryan will be on Raw Monday.

The same video about Paige from Raw is shown again.

Tamina Snuka vs. Natalya

Natalya easily takes her down into a leg lock to start and hits a bad looking dropkick. Tamina comes back with a kick to the chest to knock Nattie outside and an elbow to the back gets two. The Samoan drop gets a big pop but Natalya rolls away before the splash. Tamina kicks away from a Sharpshooter but gets caught by a discus lariat for two. Natalya springs up from the mat and gets kicked in the throat for the pin at 4:05.

We recap Evolution vs. Shield.

Shield lays out 3MB in the back.

Vickie is on the phone with presumably HHH and is told to take the night off to be replaced by Brad Maddox.

Curtis Axel vs. Jey Uso

Nothing wrong with the singles matches to set up the Tag Team Title match. A quick elbow drops Jey but Axel gets caught in an early chinlock. Curtis shoves him throat first into the ropes and hits a running knee to the face to knock Jey into the corner. Axel drops a running elbow for two but misses a charge into the corner. Jey comes back with some quick strikes until Axel rams him face first into the buckle a few times. The neckbreaker into a cutter is good for the pin on Jey at 3:40.

Video on the Saudi Arabia trip.

Bolieve video.

Here are the Wyatts with something to say. The spotlight shows a cage around the ring and Bray starts talking about how love determines the power you have. Love is a wildfire with beautiful flames and a fine wine that brings warmth to those who drink it. You have to live it and feel it to know it's real. Cena needs to get the people to love him so they'll do anything for him and that's exactly what he's done.

Now he's lost their love though and Bray loves his style. On Monday Cena's people put him in a three on one handicap match like a piece of meat being thrown to the wolves. Bray's words are razor blades and they're working just like he planned for them to. He and Cena have a date with destiny at Extreme Rules and the cage will define their world.

All the blood, sweat and tears Cena has shed to fight for the people has led them here, trapped in a box like a rat with a snake. Bray lays on the middle rope and says Cena's nightmares have become Bray's dreams come true. One by one the fans will all follow Wyatt, who says he can see them from the top of the cage. Bray starts singing and the fans join in to complete the awesome segment.

Wyatt Family vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust

Cody starts by dropkicking Luke's leg out before it's off to Goldust to hammer on Rowan. A bulldog drops Erick again and it's back to Cody as the brothers start working on the arm. Rowan slams him into the mat and Bray gets on the mic to ask if the fans are impressed by what they see. Harper catapults Cody's throat into the middle rope before it's back to Rowan to crank on the neck.

Bray is yelling at the fans as Harper puts Cody in the Gator Roll. Rhodes finally fights up and hits the Disaster Kick to bring in Goldust off the hot tag. Goldust dives on both Wyatts as everything breaks down. Harper rolls Goldie up for two but gets caught in a powerslam for another two. Cody goes up top but Luke sends Goldust into the corner to knock Cody to the floor. The discus lariat is good for the pin on Goldust at 5:07.

Shield takes out Brad Maddox.

Santino Marella/Emma vs. Fandango/Layla

No match as Shield jumps Fandango and gives him the Triple Bomb off the stage through some tables. That should write him off TV for awhile.

Adam Rose is coming.

We look at Bryan getting injured on Monday.

Shield vs. Alberto Del Rio/Ryback/Titus O'Neal/Damien Sandow/Bad News Barrett

Axel has been attacked in the back as well so it's 5-3. Ryback takes Rollins down with a headlock but a dropkick puts Ryback down, allowing Shield to start making their fast tags. Ryback catches Rollins diving off the top for a slam and it's off to Titus for more power. He misses an elbow drop though and it's off to Ambrose for some knees to the face. Reigns gets two off a clothesline before Dean comes in again. Titus drives him into the corner as the announcers actually hype up the PPV six man. Everything breaks down for a few seconds and Shield clears the ring as we take a break.

Back with Barrett putting Ambrose in a chinlock before getting two off a big boot. Del Rio comes in for a quickly broken chinlock followed by the enziguri for two. Dean is sent to the floor before being thrown back in so Ryback can splash him for two. We hit another chinlock followed by a spinebuster for two as Rollins makes the save. Dean avoids a charge in the corner and makes the tag to Reigns to clean house.

Everything breaks down with the Shield in control and Reigns hitting the running boot to the apron on Sandow. Del Rio and Barrett look to charge Roman but Rollins gets on the apron and they bail. Rollins dives on Ryback and both he and Ambrose dive on Titus and Sandow. Reigns nails the Superman Punch to Del Rio on the stage and it's Sandow being sent back into the ring. A dropkick from Ambrose sets up the spear for the pin at 10:20 shown of 13:50.

Titus and Ryback get speared as well and the latter takes the Triple Bomb to end the show.


Cesaro b. Jack Swagger – Neutralizer

Tamina Snuka b. Natalya – Superkick

Curtis Axel b. Jey Uso – Neckbreaker into a cutter

Wyatt Family b. Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Discus lariat to Goldust

Shield b. Ryback/Alberto Del Rio/Titus O'Neal/Bad News Barrett/Damien Sandow – Spear to Sandow




Sacrifice 2014

Date: April 27, 2014

Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida

Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

This is one of TNA's rare PPVs and it's actually coming on the heels of another. That being said, there's not a ton of interesting stuff happening in TNA at the moment. The big stories are Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode in a tables match and Eric Young vs. Magnus II for the World Title, which isn't doing much for me as a main event feud. Let's get to it.

The opening video is narrated by Eric Young and talks about how Eric isn't the typical champion and how he's doing all of this for the people. Magnus says he's above Eric and the people and was born to be a champion. TNA actually claiming this isn't taken from Daniel Bryan makes me chuckle.

Tag Team Titles: Bro Mans/Zema Ion vs. Wolves

It's three on two with the Bro Mans/Zema defending. They've cheated time after time to keep the titles using help from whichever member wasn't in the match at the time so tonight everyone is in the match at the same time. Before the match Eddie gets on the mic and asks Christy to read something. It's a note from MVP saying this is now No DQ.

The Wolves clean house to start and low bridge the champions to the floor before LAUNCHING Ion over the top to the floor. Stereo dives take the Bro Mans out again before the Wolves take turns mauling Zema with whatever painful looking strikes they can think of. Ion finally gets in a shot with his laptop to put Eddie down and the champions take over. Davey is dropped throat first onto the barricade as we finally get down to one on one.

Jesse gets two on Edwards off a powerslam before Robbie comes in to choke with some tape. Off to Ion who gets slapped in the face but comes back with a hard elbow to keep Eddie in trouble. Back to Robbie for a chinlock before the champions start double teaming Edwards. A nice dropkick from Jesse gets two but he gets caught in a belly to back suplex. The numbers game keeps the champions in control though as Ion pulls Richards off the apron and prevents a tag.

Back in and Eddie takes both Bro Mans down with a double hurricanrana before the hot tag brings in Richards. Davey cleans house and throws Robbie into Zema for a front facelock (as in Ion has Robbie in the hold) before dropkicking Ion down, forcing him to DDT Robbie at the same time. That was so contrived looking I can't begin to comprehend it. The Wolves dominate the champions and hit the double double stomp on Jesse for the pin and the titles at 10:15. Tenay's reaction is as unemotional as I have ever heard for a title change.

Samuel Shaw says he's a perfectly normal man and will send Anderson to the mental institution tonight.

We recap Samuel Shaw vs. Mr. Anderson. Basically Shaw is nuts and stalked Christy Hemme so Anderson is fighting for her. Shaw's mom is named Christy and is straight out of a horror movie, offering everyone pie and acting like her son is perfectly normal.

Mr. Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw

Commitment Match, meaning you have to take your opponent outside and put him in a van to win and the loser goes to a mental institution. Shaw runs away from Anderson to start and Christy is at ringside. After hiding behind Christy, Shaw is sent into the post, apron and barricade to give Anderson the early advantage. They head inside with Shaw nailing Anderson in the ribs with a shoulder but missing a charge and falling back to the floor.

Shaw grabs the standing choke on the floor and puts him out in a few moments but now has to drag him to the back. Instead he drags Christy inside and says she's coming with him whether she likes it or not. Christy slaps him in the face but Shaw seems to like it. The distraction lets Anderson get back up and nail a clothesline and neckbreaker to send Shaw crawling up the aisle. Anderson says no no no and sends him into the barricade before kicking Samuel in the face.

A Mic Check off the stage is countered with some elbows but Anderson hits the rolling fireman's carry instead. He says Shaw is going for a little ride but first it's a chair to Shaw's ribs and back. Anderson whips him into the barricade again and they head into the interview area.

They find JB and Anderson makes him interview Shaw while holding him in a headlock. Shaw is put on a cart and wheeled into some metal boxes as they find the van. The distraction of opening the doors lets Samuel get in a few cheap shots as Christy comes in. She distracts him before hitting Shaw low and there's a Mic Check to send Shaw into the van for the win at 10:30.

Ethan Carter says he didn't do anything wrong by beating Kurt Angle because it was all about making a name for himself. Angle has been in the ring with a bunch of legends and won a bunch of titles, but there's one man that Angle will never ever (repeat about 15 times) and that's Ethan Carter. Spud doesn't like Willow either.

Rockstar Spud/Ethan Carter III vs. Willow/Kurt Angle

Carter hides in the ropes to avoid Kurt to start before quickly tagging in Spud. Angle just stares as Spud tries to get fired up before threatening to knock Spud all the way back to England. Back to Carter as we're over a minute and a half in with no contact. Ethan bails to the floor as the stalling continues. Back in and Angle tries an ankle lock but Carter dives over to tag Spud in. The Englishman goes outside too as we've had about 15 seconds of action in three minutes.

Willow gets the tag and dives onto both guys who fail to catch him, allowing Willow to crash onto the floor. He was holding the umbrella at the time so the fans chant Mary Poppins. Angle misses a charge into the steps and Willow has to take both heels down with a Whisper in the Wind back inside. Carter gets in a cheap shot though and Spud hammers away to take over. A snap suplex gets two on Willow as Angle is still down on the floor. I'd guess he's still hurt given how much he's been laying around.

The double teaming continues until Angle sneaks in for some rolling Germans on Carter. There's the ankle lock but Spud tries to make the save with a sleeper. That goes about as well as you would expect and it's an ankle lock on Spud until Carter chop blocks Kurt down. Willow breaks up a leg lock and cleans house until Spud is left alone in the ring against both good guys. Twist of Fate into the Angle Slam into the Swanton is good for the pin at 9:05.

Eric Young loves when the fans cheer for him and he's not losing the title because it makes him feel too good.

Knux and his girlfriend are coming back to TNA. She says he'll get all the rebel he can handle, which I think is her name. Knux says there will be two other people joining them: Crazy Steve and the Freak. Rebel isn't pleased.

Video on Sanada winning the X Title and how important it is in Japan.

X-Division Title: Sanada vs. Tigre Uno

This is the third match in a best of three series for the title. Feeling out process to start and they trade some near falls until it's a standoff. A hurricanrana puts Tigre down to the floor for a breather before Sanada catches him in a rolling cradle for two. Tigre comes back with a rollup of his own and a kick gets the same. A freaky looking neck lock (think a headscissors on the mat with Tigre cranking on the arm) has Sanada in trouble but he quickly counters into a dragon sleeper.

Tigre escapes again and tries a springboard but gets dropkicked out of the air in a nice counter. Back up and a Jericho springboard dropkick sends Sanada out to the floor. A sloppy flip dive takes out Sanada again but he's able to get his knees up to block a moonsault back inside.

Sanada hits a pair of springboard chops to the head drops Tigre but he comes back with a release suplex to send Sanada into the ropes. The challenger goes up top but gets pulled down with a top rope hurricanrana. Sanada misses his top rope moonsault and Tigre escapes the dragon suplex. A cradle DDT puts Sanada down again but he avoids a Phoenix Splash, setting up the moonsault to retain the title at 9:40.

James Storm promises to cut Gunner down to size.

We recap the I Quit match. Storm and Gunner randomly teamed up just under a year ago before turning on each other after losing the titles to the Bro Mans. This is I believe their fourth gimmick match of the feud.

James Storm vs. Gunner

I quit match. They slug it out to start with Storm getting the better of it and knocking Gunner out to the floor. Storm whips him into the barricade hard enough to knock it over on top of Gunner. They fight over the steps with Gunner taking over with a hard clothesline. Gunner throws him back inside and finds a trashcan filled with toys. Storm kicks the ropes low into Gunner as they come back inside before an Elevated Stunner (think Orton) but Gunner won't quit.

A pair of chair shots still won't make Gunner quit and a cookie sheet still doesn't do the trick. Storm chokes away in the corner until Guner FINALLY comes back with a running knee to the face to take over. It's time for the first weapon from Gunner as he grabs a trashcan lid and blasts Storm in the head over and over. Storm finally gets one of his own for a duel but Gunner keeps control.

Gunner nails a swan dive but this time it's Storm that won't quit. Instead Gunner tries a charge but goes hard into the post to change control again. Storm sends him into the post one more time and plants Gunner with an Elevated DDT on the floor. Naturally Gunner isn't ready to quit yet and Storm is getting frustrated.

Storm finds the beer bottle and blasts Gunner in the head to cut him open but of course Gunner won't quit. Off to a Boston crab of all things but Gunner is quickly in the ropes. Some belt shots to the back have Gunner in trouble and there's the Last Call to put him down again. He still won't quit though so Storm just rips at the cut to draw more blood. Gunner rams his own head into the buckle and screams NEVER before hitting three straight F5s.

With nothing else to do, Gunner sets up the two chairs in the ring and bridges the barricade across it. A HUGE superplex puts Storm through the steel and both guys are almost done. Gunner picks up a piece of the beer bottle and drives it into Storm's head to make him quit at 19:04.

Angelina Love says Madison Rayne is a charity case and tonight she'll win her sixth Knockout Title.

Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne

Madison is defending and quickly knocks Angelina out to the floor with a shoulder. Angelina has a meeting with Velvet Sky and comes back in for a headlock and shoulder of her own. Madison takes her down with a nice trip but can't use the headscissors face slam into the mat. Instead it's a baseball slide to send Love back to the floor but she sends a following Rayne face first into the apron.

Back inside and the Beautiful People take turns choking on the ropes and in the corner to little avail. Madison gets a quick sunset flip for two but gets sent to the floor where she beats on Velvet a bit. Back in and the challenger puts on a figure four with her legs in a nice touch. An enziguri puts Love down again though and now the face slam works.

Velvet tries to help her friend but the champ dives on both of them in an awesome visual. They head inside again and it's the Rayne Drop for two. Angelina's Botox Injection (Brogue Kick) gets the same and the fit is thrown. Madison comes back with a spear but Velvet sprays her in the eyes with hairspray, allowing Love to roll Rayne up with a handful of tights for the pin and the title at 8:15.

Bully Ray starts a tables chant and promises to put Bobby Roode through the wood.

We recap Ray vs. Roode, which is fallout from Lockdown where Ray turned on Roode and cost his team the main event. They've put each other through tables ever since, setting up this tables match.

Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode

Tables match. They slug it out to start with the Bully getting the advantage and nailing a nice backdrop. A side slam has Roode in trouble and Bobby is bleeding from the lip. The Flip Flop and Fly has Roode down again and it's already table time. Ray takes too much time though and Roode gets in a shot to take over. Bobby knocks him off the apron but can't drive Ray through a table.

Back in and Ray hits a dropkick of all things but takes too much time getting a table, allowing Roode to come back with a nice neckbreaker. Bobby sets up a table in the corner and they fight over a suplex with neither guy being able to pull it off. With that not working, Bobby shoves him into the corner and yells a lot before kicking Ray in the chest. He loads up Ray's powerbomb but gets backdropped down for his efforts.

Roode snaps Ray's throat across the top rope but Bully chops the skin off Bobby's chest back inside. Neither guy can hit a powerbomb through the tables and there goes the referee. Of course now Ray is able to powerbomb Roode through the table with no one seeing it but the fans.

Ray goes to get another table but takes too long, allowing Roode to hit a spinebuster. The Roode Bomb through the table doesn't work so Bobby goes up, only to dive into the cutter. Ray puts Roode on two tables at ringside before going up top, only to have Dixie Carter in a beard (seriously) appear and shove him through the tables to give Roode the win at 13:55.

Magnus says that he'll show Eric Young what a wrestling champion is tonight. He has no backup so he can prove his biggest criticism wrong. Magnus: “You can call me Wreck-It Ralph because there's no one I'd rather be than me.”

We recap Magnus vs. Eric Young. Eric won a gauntlet match for a shot at the title later in the night where he won the belt in a shocker. Tonight is Magnus' rematch which is basically people's champion vs. man destined to be a champion. This gets a music video treatment which is basically a career retrospective for Young.

TNA World Title: Magnus vs. Eric Young

We get the big match intros and Eric is defending. The fans of course chant USA for the Canadian champion. Magnus gets in Young's face to start and shoves him into the corner as we get a SUPER ERIC chant. Young comes back and takes the Brit down before walking over his spine. Back up and they trade headlocks until Magnus cranks on both of Eric's arms with a knee in the back. Eric rolls out with ease and Magnus heads outside to think about it.

The champ hits a nice plancha to take Magnus down and the fans chant EY. It's so nice that we look at it again and the background is missing, so instead of a graphic in the back it's the same video that is on the mini screen in the replay. Eric dives off the apron into a belly to belly (replay again and this one works) to give Magnus control. Back in and we hit the chinlock on Young followed by a knee that might have been low.

Eric tries to fight back but gets caught in a drop toehold into a camel clutch. We get a light dueling “Let's Go EY/EY Sucks” chant as Eric fights up and they both hit cross bodies. That works so well that they do it again with clotheslines and both guys are down. Eric wins a slugout and scores with a flying forearm followed by a clothesline. Magnus escapes the piledriver but gets caught in a nice belly to belly. The champion misses a moonsault and gets slammed down, setting up Magnus' top rope elbow for two.

A wheelbarrow suplex into a neckbreaker puts Magnus down and it's Eric's elbow connecting for a near fall. Young still can't get the piledriver as Magnus counters into a Kingsland Cloverleaf. A rope is quickly grabbed though and it's Eric putting on a horrible looking Scorpion until Magnus makes the ropes even faster than Eric did. Magnus nails him with a right hand on top and a slam down gets two more. The referee stops Magnus from bringing in a hammer, allowing Eric to connect with the piledriver for an even closer near fall. There's a second piledriver and the elbow to retain the title at 15:44.


Wolves b. Bro Mans/Zema Ion – Double stomp to Godderz

Mr. Anderson b. Samuel Shaw – Anderson threw Shaw into the van

Willow/Kurt Angle b. Ethan Carter III/Rockstar Spud -

Sanada b. Tigre Uno – Moonsault

Gunner b. James Storm – Storm quit after being cut with a beer bottle

Angelina Love b. Madison Rayne – Rollup with a handful of tights

Bobby Roode b. Bully Ray – Dixie Carter shoved Ray through two tables

Eric Young b. Magnus – Top rope elbow

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw

Bad News Barrett b. Sheamus – Bull Hammer

Los Matadores/El Torito b. 3MB – Double belly to back suplex/Top rope seated senton to McIntyre

Usos b. Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Superkick to Rhodes

Emma b. Layla – Cobra

Rob Van Dam b. Cesaro via countout

Alexander Rusev b. Sin Cara – Accolade

Paige b. Aksana – Scorpion Cross Lock

John Cena b. Wyatt Family via DQ when all three members were in the ring at the same time


Alexander Rusev b. Travis Tyler – Accolade

BFFs b. Paige/Emma – Flipping faceplant to Paige

Tyson Kidd b. Mason Ryan – Blockbuster

Tyler Breeze b. Angelo Dawkins – Beauty Shot

Usos/Sami Zayn b. Corey Graves/Ascension – Superfly Splash to Graves

Impact Wrestling

Kurt Angle b. Rockstar Spud – Ankle lock

Bobby Lashley b. Kenny King via countout

MVP b. Austin Aries – Drive By

Bobby Roode/James Storm b. Gunner/Bully Ray – Last Call to Gunner

Beautiful People b. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim – Rollup to Rayne

Abyss b. Magnus via DQ when Magnus kicked Abyss low


Cesaro b. Jack Swagger – Neutralizer

Tamina Snuka b. Natalya – Superkick

Curtis Axel b. Jey Uso – Neckbreaker into a cutter

Wyatt Family b. Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Discus lariat to Goldust

Shield b. Ryback/Alberto Del Rio/Titus O'Neal/Bad News Barrett/Damien Sandow – Spear to Sandow

Sacrifice 2014

Wolves b. Bro Mans/Zema Ion – Double stomp to Godderz

Mr. Anderson b. Samuel Shaw – Anderson threw Shaw into the van

Willow/Kurt Angle b. Ethan Carter III/Rockstar Spud -

Sanada b. Tigre Uno – Moonsault

Gunner b. James Storm – Storm quit after being cut with a beer bottle

Angelina Love b. Madison Rayne – Rollup with a handful of tights

Bobby Roode b. Bully Ray – Dixie Carter shoved Ray through two tables

Eric Young b. Magnus – Top rope elbow

Week of 4/21/2014 - 4/27/2014 (Monday - Thursday)


Monday Night Raw

Date: April 21, 2014

Location: Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Maryland

Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

Things should pick up a bit before Extreme Rules tonight as the roster is back from Saudi Arabia and Daniel Bryan is back from his honeymoon. The interesting question now is what happens with the World Title situation as Evolution vs. Shield is taking over the main event scene and leaving Bryan in the dust. This rings of Chris Benoit back in 2004 but Benoit was nowhere near as over as Bryan is now. It's going to be a great test either way though. Let's get to it.

Here's the champ to open the show and for once, Brie Bellaelson is in the ring for a YES chant. Well she's certainly a better looking cheerleader than Bryan. They chant together until Stephanie and her horrible song interrupts. Stephanie congratulates Bryan on winning the title at Wrestlemania and getting married in the same week. The newlyweds talk about how amazing and simple their ceremony was but Stephanie has a present for them: a title defense against Kane at Extreme Rules.

Stephanie recommends that Brie get out of the ring because here comes the Big Fried Freak. Or at least his music as there's no Kane. Bryan slowly backs Brie to the floor and Kane pops up to choke Daniel. Stephanie says that's enough as Kane stalks Brie. Bryan tries to fight back and sends Kane into the steps but the monster rams him into the barricade.

We actually get a tombstone on the floor and here are EMTs to save Bryan. As usual this is a bad idea with Kane around as he breaks up the stretcher and tombstones Bryan on the steps in a SICK landing. Bryan is put on the stretcher again but Kane picks him up and gives him a third tombstone onto the table which DOESN'T BREAK. Bryan is DONE as we go to a break.

Back from a break and Daniel is being taken out of the ring on a stretcher as Stephanie offers her condolences and holds up the titles. Those replays make things look even more sick.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semi-Finals: Bad News Barrett vs. Sheamus

Barrett does his usual schtick before the match. Sheamus gets pounded into the corner to start but comes back with forearms of his own followed by the rolling fireman's carry. Some more foreams put Barrett on the floor and Sheamus DIVES off the top with a cross body in a cool looking spot. Back in and Barrett fights out of the ten forearms before kicking

Sheamus off the apron as we take a break.

We come back with the guys still brawling and Sheamus hitting the ten forearms and top rope shoulder for two. Irish Curse gets the same but Barrett grabs the Winds of Change for two of his own. Barrett loads up the Bull Hammer but Sheamus ducks under and hits White Noise for an even closer near fall. They slug it out and a Cactus Clothesline puts both guys down on the floor. Barrett gets back in and Sheamus gives chase, only to charge into the Bull Hammer for the pin at 10:32.

Bo Dallas vignette.

Hugh Jackman is guest hosting Raw next week so we look at him helping Zack Ryder helping beat Dolph Ziggler in September 2011.

Pick Cena's opponent tonight: Luke Harper, Luke Harper/Erick Rowan, Luke Harper/Erick Rowan/Bray Wyatt.

We've got Wyatts. Bray says he remembers the first time he was struck with truth. It tasted bitter but he loved the intensity of how real it was. Free will has become man's biggest illusion. It's promised to you just in time to take it away again. What has it given you? Nothing but a nation full of sheep led by wolves and owned by pigs. Tonight would be a wonderful night for change though because the power is in the fans' hands. Tonight free will does exist and John Cena will learn the truth.

The truth is they stand against him, whether it be either of the brothers, in a steel cage, or inside your own mind. At Extreme Rules, two monsters will enter but on this night it will not matter which one has the sharpest teeth or the sharpest claws. One thing will remain the same: they do not love Cena anymore because Bray is taking them with him every single time they cross paths. Bray leads the fans in He's Got The Whole Worlds In His Hands and tells the brothers to sing. Awesome moment.

Los Matadores/El Torito vs. 3MB

It's Hornswoggle/Mahal/McIntyre here. McIntyre and Diego get things going but it's quickly off to the little guys to continue this horribly pointless feud. They slug it out until Torito takes him down with a headscissors followed by a spinning springboard headbutt. Drew breaks up the pin and wants a piece of Torito but it's Slater taking a gore between the legs for his efforts. Torito gets picked up but kicks Drew low, allowing the masked men to pick him up for a double belly to back suplex plus a seated senton from Torito for the pin at 2:50. For the love of all things good and holy, not at Extreme Rules.

We look back at Evolution beating up Shield last week.

Evolution arrives.

Here's Evolution with something to say. HHH can barely talk due to what sounds like a bad sore throat so it's quickly off to Orton to brag about how awesome Evolution is. We get a video on Evolution with a few shots of Flair thrown in for history's sake. Batista brags about the number of titles the three of them have and says Shield has nothing to brag about. Cue the Hounds of Justice but Evolution immediately bails.

Ambrose says that they've lost fights before and they're not humbled this week. He says there's a reason HHH hired them to protect HHH and Orton. They are the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest animals in this industry. These dogs are hungry and ready to fight. Rollins says they have every right to be angry after what happened when Evolution had twelve other guys around them. In two weeks at Extreme Rules it's Evolution vs. the Hounds of Justice in an all out war.

Then there's nowhere for them to run and all three members of Evolution is going to be looking out for themselves. At Extreme Rules, Evolution is ripped to pieces and the reunion comes to an abrupt halt. HHH put a nail in his own coffin and the Shield is the hammer that drives it home.

Reigns says last week Evolution gave them an ultimatum. This week they have one for Evolution. In a few seconds he's dropping this mic and coming up the stage for a fight. Evolution can try to fight like men, or they can cower away and hide. Here comes the Shield and here's the midcard to stand in front of Evolution. HHH says it's option three: adapt or perish.

We look at the opening segment again.

New Adam Rose vignette.

Network plug.

Usos vs. Rhodes Brothers

Non-title with Ryback/Axel on commentary. Jey and Goldust get things going with a feeling out process and the golden one getting taken down. Off to Cody tho gets taken down as well while Ryback tells a story about his dad tending bar for Curt Hennig and Razor Ramon back in the AWA days. Totally random but interesting.

Back to Goldust who takes over on the arm and rams it into the mat for some control. Ryback talks about how he's been watching Goldust for nineteen years now which is a totally fair argument against him. In a very sudden ending, a superkick takes down Goldust and another is good for the pin on Cody at 3:10.

Cody and Goldust shove each other post match and here comes the split. Ryback/Axel jump the Usos as well.

Emma vs. Layla

A distraction from the guys lets Layla take over quickly and she stomps Emma down in the corner. Layla cranks on both of Emma's arms and mocks the dance a bit as Fandango leads cheers. Emma takes Layla down as Santino lays out Fandango with the Cobra. Emma pulls out a cobra of her own and layls out Layla for the pin at 2:20. Again, NO MORE OF THIS.

The cobras want each other post match.

The announcers talk about Legends House.

John Cena says it's up to the WWE Universe tonight. We get the dueling chants and he thinks Bray might have everyone in his hands.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contender Tournament Semi-Finals: Cesaro vs. Rob Van Dam

Before the match we see Heyman talking about his clients and going on about Lesnar conquering the Streak. We take a break and come back with him still ranting about it until RVD's music cuts him off. Feeling out process to start with Van Dam's kicks being caught into a big slam for two as the announcers debate how great a manager Heyman really is. A middle rope kick to the face drops Cesaro but he comes back with a nice suplex for two. Rob misses a charge into the post and Cesaro kicks him even further into the post as we take another break.

Back with Van Dam's sunset flip being countered by a jumping stomp to the chest for two. We hit the chinlock for a bit but Rob comes back and kicks Cesaro in the head to escape. A hard clothesline and kick to the face set up Rolling Thunder for two. The Five Star is broken up by a STIFF uppercut but another kick to the head sets up the split legged moonsault from Rob for another near fall. Yet another spinning kick misses and Cesaro hits a running uppercut to the back of the head and rolls Rob to the mat.

They slug it out and a rolling cradle gets two for Van Dam, only to have Cesaro nail a tiger bomb for an even closer two. Cesaro loads up the Swing but here are Swagger and Colter for a distraction. Van Dam gets in another kick to send Cesaro outside and Swagger comes for a closer look. Rob tries to dive at them but jumps into a sweet uppercut to the jaw from Cesaro. Rob is thrown back inside as Swagger posts Cesaro, allowing for the countout to send RVD to the finals at 13:19.

Post match Cesaro goes to swing Colter but has to settle for Swagger instead.

We look at Bryan getting destroyed again.

Cesaro and Heyman come up to RVD in the back and say Colter and Swagger won that match for Van Dam. Rob suggests Cesaro stay as far away from Heyman as possible.

Paige vs. Aksana

Non-title again. The announcers immediately start hyping up Tamina as a tough Diva as Paige throws Aksana across the ring by the hair a few times. Aksana comes back with some choking and throws Paige down as the announcers make fun of Aksana's very notable tan. She crawls around on the mat but Paige slams her into the mat over and over again to take over. A series of clotheslines has Aksana in trouble but she comes back with a throw, apparently supposed to be a spinebuster. Paige comes back with a guillotine choke and some knees to the head, setting up the Scorpion Cross Lock for the submission at 4:42.

Alexander Rusev vs. Sin Cara

Truth/Woods vs. Rusev at the PPV which should cement the ending here. Cara fires off his chops but gets caught in mid air, setting up the knees against the ropes and fall away slam to the masked man. Some jumping knees in the corner drop Sin Cara as Lana is very pleased. Sin Cara actually gets two off a sunset flip and staggers the Bulgarian with a Tajiri elbow. A kick to the head and missile dropkick put Rusev in the corner but Alexander just runs him over. An overhead suplex drops Sin Cara and the Accolade gets the submission at 2:59.

The 3-1 handicap match wins the poll with 53%. Harper on his own got a very surprising 39% with the 2-1 getting less than 10%.

John Cena vs. Wyatt Family

The Wyatts surround the ring to start before all three charge the ring at the same time. Cena is down so Bray calls them off as the bell rings. Harper gets us going and drives elbows into the back of Cena's head to keep control. Off to Rowan who whips Cena into the corner but gets caught in a fallaway slam and it's off to Bray. The leader of the Family dances with Cena for a bit before screaming loudly.

Back to Harper who gets caught by a Stinger Splash but runs John over with a hard elbow to the jaw. Cena muscles Harper over with a German suplex but Luke tags Rowan back in for more stomping. Harper quickly gets another tag but is almost caught in an STF. Rowan makes a fast save and Harper stays in to send Cena hard into the steps. Bray looks down and we take a break.

We come back to see Cena missing a cross body and falling out to the floor. John comes back in and runs over Harper but Bray easily counters a tornado DDT by PLANTING him with a release Rock Bottom. He hammers away and sends Cena shoulder first into the post. A headbutt rams Cena's head into the steel again before Rowan comes back in to crush Cena's skull a bit more.

John fights back but it's back to Bray who loads up the spider walk. Thankfully Cena realizes how easy this is and runs him over with a clothesline to start his comeback. Cena starts his finishing sequence and hits the AA on Bray, only to have the Family come in for the DQ at 14:00.

Post match the Wyatts beat Cena down and Bray hits Sister Abigail. He says in time, all things come to light before singing a bit more with his hand on Cena's face to end the show.


Bad News Barrett b. Sheamus – Bull Hammer

Los Matadores/El Torito b. 3MB – Double belly to back suplex/Top rope seated senton to McIntyre

Usos b. Cody Rhodes/Goldust – Superkick to Rhodes

Emma b. Layla – Cobra

Rob Van Dam b. Cesaro via countout

Alexander Rusev b. Sin Cara – Accolade

Paige b. Aksana – Scorpion Cross Lock

John Cena b. Wyatt Family via DQ when all three members were in the ring at the same time


Raw got a 2.97, down from last week.


Paige will be stripped of the NXT Women's Title due to being the Divas Champion.

Christopher Daniels is officially done with TNA.



Date: April 24, 2014

Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida

Commentators: Jason Albert, Alex Riley, Rich Brennan

We're getting closer to the next live special which has been announced for the end of May. That makes me think we're going to get done with Brodus challenging Adrian for the title soon as he feels like little more than a placeholder challenger. Other than that it's hard to see what's coming as NXT jumps around a lot. We should be getting Sami vs. Graves soon though. Let's get to it.

We open with Paige in the back with both titles. She runs into NXT GM JBL though and he has to strip her of the NXT Women's Title because of the schedule that comes with being Divas Champion. Paige protests but JBL has already set up a tournament for the title. He says hopefully someone will be able to step up and reach her level and that's enough for her to hand the title over.

Opening sequence.

Alexander Rusev vs. Travis Tyler

Tyler hits a quick dropkick and is promptly run over with a clothesline. The knees to the back set up a fall away slam (looked more like a Samoan drop) and some hard elbows to the chest are good for two. Rusev hits his slam and wins with the Accolade in 1:35.

We go backstage as Adam Rose's party brings him in for an interview. Rose thinks Camacho is boring and would love to fight him anytime. The party dances and shouts that they're Rosebuds.

BFFs vs. Emma/Paige

Paige is a mystery partner and her entrance is cut for some reason. Emma runs over Sasha to start before it's off to Charlotte who takes a monkey flip for two. A double suplex gets two more on Charlotte but she cranks on the ankle to take over. Paige throws Charlotte down by the hair and brings Emma in again but Charlotte flips out of another monkey flip. Sasha comes in off a blind tag and runs Emma down to take over.

Back to Charlotte for a figure four neck lock, complete with a forward roll to slam Emma down onto the mat. Emma avoids an elbow drop and it's a double tag to Paige and Banks. The champ cleans house and hits a running dropkick until Charlotte takes out the knee. Everything breaks down and Charlotte hits her flipping faceplant for the pin at 5:54.

Tyson Kidd vs. Mason Ryan

The Better Than Batista chants begin as Mason shoves Kidd away with ease. Mason doesn't seem to be a heel here. Kidd kicks away at the legs to little effect as Ryan slams him down. A legdrop gets two on Kidd but he takes out the knees again to take over. Off to a front facelock until Mason powers up and hits a Warrior press slam drop for two. Mason charges into a boot in the corner though and the Blockbuster gives Tyson the pin at 3:19.

Tyson says this is his rebirth and says he'll brawl when people want to fight and soar when people want to fly. NXT is the opportunity people have been wanting and he's taking his shot.

Tyler Breeze vs. Angelo Dawkins

Dawkins looks like JTG but also has headphones and a backpack. He also dances a lot because that's what wrestlers do anymore. Dawkins is a former amateur wrestling champion and takes Breeze down with a quick rollup for two but Breeze slaps on a chinlock to take over. Some right hands set up the Beauty Shot and Tyler gets the pin at 2:00.

We look at Brodus Clay jumping Adrian Neville in the back after their match last week and knocking out some of his teeth.

Corey Graves/Ascension vs. Usos/Sami Zayn

Jimmy uppercuts Viktor down to start before it's off to Zayn vs. Graves. Corey circles around but tags off to Konnor instead of getting involved. It's back to Graves almost immediately and the brawl is on again. Viktor sneaks back in off a blind tag and kicks Sami's knee to take over. Sami drags him back into the corner though and Jey comes in with some chops.

A pair of elbows get two on Viktor and he makes the mistake of ramming their heads together. It sends the Usos into a dance sequence and a double right hand drops Viktor again. Sami comes back in with a top rope shot to the shoulder and it's OLE time. Jey drops an elbow to the arm but allows the tag to Konnor who nails the flapjack as we take a break.

Back with Konnor running Jey over again and getting two off a hard elbow to the face. We hit the chinlock until Graves comes in with a gordbuster for two. Off to another chinlock into a front facelock with Graves driving Jey into the corner for a tag off to Viktor. Jey and Viktor trade chops with the power guy getting the better of it for two. Back to the chinlock for a bit until Jey slams him down but Konnor breaks up the tag attempt. Jey finally escapes and brings in Jimmy to clean house as everything breaks down.

Jimmy kicks Graves in the face and Sami gets two off a top rope cross body. The running boot in the corner is countered but the Blue Thunder Bomb is good for two. A double clothesline puts the Ascension on the floor and there's the boot in the corner to Graves. Sami and Jimmy dive on Ascension as Jey hits the Superfly Splash for the pin on Graves at 12:30 shown of 16:00.


Alexander Rusev b. Travis Tyler – Accolade

BFFs b. Paige/Emma – Flipping faceplant to Paige

Tyson Kidd b. Mason Ryan – Blockbuster

Tyler Breeze b. Angelo Dawkins – Beauty Shot

Usos/Sami Zayn b. Corey Graves/Ascension – Superfly Splash to Graves

Impact Wrestling

Date: April 24, 2014

Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida

Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay

It's the go home show for Sacrifice and we have most of the card set up if you can remember some of the matches we've heard discussed here or there. Things are being set up for the TV show week to week, which defeats the purpose of having monthly PPVs but it's TNA so you know they have to screw up something every now and then. Let's get to it.

Angle is warming up in the back and says if Spud backs out of their match tonight, he's coming for EC3.

We recap the World Title change from a few weeks ago and last week's Monster's Ball match.

Here's Magnus with what looks like a grappling hook. He calls out Abyss because it's the Monster's fault that Magnus lost the title. Magnus calls Abyss a blithering idiot. The weapon in his hand is part of a turnbuckle and Magnus yells at Abyss for not coming down to ringside. Abyss says he'd be fired if he came down so Magnus fires him anyway. The monster says that it was never about the money but wanting to belong to someone. Abyss says he's still a monster and looks to want a fight but here's MVP to interrupt.

MVP says calm down and that Abyss isn't his favorite person after Abyss hit him with a chair a few weeks ago. However, MVP is all about second chances so maybe Abyss should be offered a full time spot on the roster if he can win his match tonight. That match is of course against Magnus and MVP literally skips away. Abyss is thrilled and promises to take care of Magnus tonight.

Spud tells EC3 to save the speech this week but EC3 cuts him off and says last week he saw a ghost. It was actually real though and there's only one man that can beat Angle: Carter himself. Tonight Spud needs to be a gazelle for Carter. Ethan adjusts Spud's tie and the picture is starting to make sense to the Rockster.

Rockstar Spud vs. Kurt Angle

Spud goes for a leg dive and is literally thrown across the ring. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker puts Spud down and Angle no sells everything until Carter trips him up to give Spud quick control. Angle runs the ropes for the suplex and the ankle lock gets the win at 2:04.

Ethan clips Angle post match but Willow makes the save.

The Beautiful People promise to give Madison a makeover.

Kenny King is in MVP's office when the boss comes in. King thinks he should be the top name on this program so MVP gives him a match right now.

Here's Madison Rayne for even more talking. She calls out the Beautiful People so here's Angelina to yell at her for trying to be a role model. Madison apologizes and the fight is on until the numbers catch up with her. They load up the bag but Brittany comes in to try for a save. That goes as well as you would expect and Velvet hits In Yo Face to Madison. Now Rayne gets the bag.

Mr. Anderson has something special planned for Samuel Shaw tonight.

Gail Kim wants to team up with Madison to help fight the Beautiful People. Madison accepts and Brittany promises to be there again.

Kenny King vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley easily throws King down a few times to start and runs him over before throwing King off a headlock. King bails to the floor and tries to sneak up on Bobby, only to have Lashley pull a reverse leapfrog into a powerslam. Lashley moves the referee out of the corner and blocks a pike in the eye but gets caught by the other hand. King snaps Bobby's throat across the top rope and scores with a springboard missile dropkick.

Bobby fights back with pure power and hits a hard shoulder in the corner. Lashley grabs King's boot to the ribs but gets kicked in the head. King tries a Blockbuster but gets caught in mid air for a suplex. That looked awesome. King dives away to avoid the spear and takes the countout at 5:37.

Mr. Anderson goes to see Samuel Shaw's family and the mom's name is Christy. Anderson's face is rather amusing. More on this later.

Beer Money has a talk in the back and after ranting about history a bit, Storm wants credit for making Gunner what he is today.

Austin Aries vs. MVP

This is a result of Aries turning his back on MVP at Lockdown and then losing the match. Aries grabs a cravate to start but MVP takes over with a wristlock. A nice flip gets Aries out of a headlock and he nails MVP with a low dropkick. MVP comes right back with a facebuster and the Ballin Elbow but Aries bails outside. The boss dives onto Aries as the announcers are in their own little world. Aries dropkicks him back to the floor and hits a top rope ax handle so let's talk about Abyss.

Back in and the slingshot hilo sets up a running elbow drop for two on MVP and a middle rope elbow to the back gets the same. Aries misses the running dropkick but bites his way out of a standing choke. MVP comes right back with a discus lariat for two but walks into a facebuster to put both guys down. Aries misses a 450 and the Drive By is good for the pin at 6:38.

Video on Sanada.

Back at the Shaw house with the mom straight out of Leave it to Beaver talking about how talented her son is. She's baking homemade apple pie for Samuel who still lives in the basement. So what was the apartment he took Christy to a few months ago?

James Storm/Bobby Roode vs. Bully Ray/Gunner

Storm grabs a headlock on Ray after a break but both members of Beer Money are taken down with backdrops. Gunner comes in to work on Storm's arm as we hear about their latest gimmick match on Sunday, this one being an I Quit match. Ray fights out of the corner but Roode distracts the referee so Storm can crotch him against the post. Storm: “IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE FAT!”

Back in and Roode cranks on a front facelock until Ray fights up, only to be slammed back down. Ray comes back with a suplex and makes the hot tag to Gunner for some house cleaning. Gunner plays D-Von for What's Up on Storm and it's table time. Ray misses an elbow from the apron to drive himself through the table. Back inside Gunner hits an F5 on Roode but walks into the Last Call for the pin at 7:05.

Magnus says it's his time.

Anderson goes downstairs with the mom giving a creepy wave as the door shuts. Mr. sees something and says oh my god as we go to a break.

Anderson looks at the room and it's designed like an 8 year old's. Shaw comes in and does something as the cameraman leaves. The mom is still the same kind of Stepford Wife that she was before and hugs her son as he comes up from the basement. Creepy, creepy segment.

Beautiful People vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne

Madison cleans house to start and the Beautiful People are knocked to the floor for a double dropkick through the ropes. Velvet and Madison are back in the ring now for Madison's crotch slam to the mat before it's back to Gail for some right hands and a clothesline. Kim misses a charge into the corner and it's off to Angelina for some shots to the face. She gets caught in the corner for Gail's running cross body to the ribs though and everything breaks down.

Back in for a leg choke from Gail to make Angelina look annoyed. Sky's distraction breaks up the hold and Angelina grabs a sleeper, only to have Gail come out with a backbreaker. Rayne comes back in for a bad looking enziguri as the crowd goes SILENT. Not for a botch or anything but because they just don't seem interested. Thankfully Angelina gets the hint and rolls up Madison with a handful of tights for the pin at 5:00.

Knux is back at the carnival with I think his ex-girlfriend. He says he has to go back to Impact because it's what he does best. She'll be supportive of him for the first time, but says she's going with him.

Abyss says he lost sight of the one person who cares about him and tonight is for him.

The Wolves want the Tag Team Titles. It's a handicap match with Zema Ion joining the Bro Mans.

We run down the PPV card.

Magnus vs. Abyss

Eric Young comes out for commentary and if Abyss wins he gets a full time job. Abyss takes him into the corner to start and nails some clotheslines before launching the Brit to the floor. Back with Magnus working on the leg as Abyss is supposed to be a face after being all violent for so many weeks. The leg is wrapped around the post but Abyss grabs him by the throat.....and Magnus kicks him low for the DQ at 7:40.

Post match Magnus beats on him with a chair until Young comes down and gets beaten down as well.

An ad for the fallout show from Sacrifice eats up the last minute. Not an ad FOR THE PAY PER VIEW mind you, but an ad for the TV show you just watched.


Kurt Angle b. Rockstar Spud – Ankle lock

Bobby Lashley b. Kenny King via countout

MVP b. Austin Aries – Drive By

Bobby Roode/James Storm b. Gunner/Bully Ray – Last Call to Gunner

Beautiful People b. Madison Rayne/Gail Kim – Rollup to Rayne

Abyss b. Magnus via DQ when Magnus kicked Abyss low