mercredi 30 avril 2014


The Money in the Bank Chatter match will be returning this June and I'm hoping to change it up from last time when we all decide that it was too mean to simply attack one another. I haven't come up with a definitive way of solving this issue therefore I'll put it out there to anyone and everyone who participated or is thinking of participating on how to improve it.

A few of my ideas which I've been circulating are:

1) First round is one big thread with a week limit where it's fair game the entire week followed by a vote on who were the best 4 which would be your semis.

2) Picking a wrestler and having your rants only be based off of the promo style your wrestler would give.

3) Picking a superhero or villain and going the same route as Number 2.

4) Having a discussion topic and attacking each other's opinion without using real facts.

Just ideas for discussion, expect some set-up threads throughout May.

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