dimanche 27 avril 2014

How About Bo Wyatt Instead?

We've seen the various "Bolieve" vignettes and some have seen Dallas do his stuff in NXT for a while. I know when you look at The Wyatt Family, Dallas doesn't exactly look like he'd fit in with a trio of big ol' thick bearded, dirty swamp rats. I can certainly understand that, but I've been wondering if Dallas could add something to this group.

This is just my opinion, some may share it while some may think I'm high, but Bo Dallas just looks fuckin' creepy when he smiles. I'm serious, I'm talking baby raping pedophile creepy; FAR more so than Cody Rhodes with his child molester mustache look. Whenever he grins or smiles, something about his facial features take on this sinister looking aspect. I can honestly picture Dallas just sort of crawling around on the mat towards an intended victim smiling this creepy smile that's supposed to be all innocent and bright. I don't know what it is, but I could just see him as this "precocious" baby brother who Wyatt & the family dote on as if he's the most innocent of lambs but is really this sadistic, creepy little shit that's more sadistic than any of them.

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