samedi 26 avril 2014

New WWE Gimmick Matches

With Extreme Rules coming up, I think the time is ripe for a "create a new gimmick match" thread. The WWE hasn't introduced a new match type in awhile, so maybe they're in need of a few ideas. Since WWE management loves to read threads on internet wrestling forums, I say we help them out and come up with some new gimmick matches.

An idea I've had for awhile is basically a variant of a Triple Threat Match called a Juggernaut Match (working title). Here's how it works:

- The wrestler who scores the first fall is the Juggernaut

- If the Juggernaut scores another fall, they win the match

- If one of the other two wrestlers pins the Juggernaut or makes them submit, that wrestler becomes the new Juggernaut and the match continues

- Essentially, the Juggernaut is always faced with a 2-on-1 scenario, which could lead to some interesting alliances over the course of the match

Yes, that match type is inspired by a game mode in Halo, but I still think it would make for an exciting, action-packed match. I also think it's a pretty straightforward idea, and often the simplest ideas are the best.

So let's see what you guys can come up with...

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