jeudi 24 avril 2014

Cena is not Hogan...and his heel turn would not be as huge.

Over the last few days, I have seen a lot of arguing over the possibility/likelihood of a Cena heel-turn. A lot of people think he is stale and needs a change. A lot of other people point out his merchandise sales and say that Vince would never give up that earning potential.

There are pro and con arguments from today's product's fans. There are pro and con arguments from people who are talking business. (Laughably, by the way. The numbers some of you spew as far as what Cena earns and what Vince makes off of moron said the WWE would be bankrupt if not for Cena merchandise sales. Haha! Cluelessness personified) But, the point is, there are debates from many different angles about this same topic.

To show you where I am coming from, days as a true wrestling fan are long gone. I do watch Raw sometimes. And I watch the Rumble and WrestleMania every year. I don't watch the other TV shows or PPVs, I don't go to shows, I don't buy merchandise. I will consider getting the network once the kinks are out, but only for nostalgic new programming--maybe Legends House. But, I do log on to WrestleZone each day at work. Honestly, most of it is uninteresting to me. But, occassionally, I will see an interview with wrestlers from my era or articles referencing that time in wrestling history. However, most of the content is of no use to me. That isn't a shot at anyone. I am just passed the point of being a fan that many of you are experiencing now. As some of you may know, to cure boredom M-F 9-5, I sometimes stir the pot on this forum. I will respond with true feelings about good topics from my era of 1985-92, but also crap on some newer topics just to get a rise out of people...and to make the workday clock tick faster. So, I am a former HUGE wrestling fan who checks in to the product sporadically and reads this site a bit each day. That is where I am coming from.

Hulk Hogan was ENORMOUS during Hulkamania...that is not news to anyone. He was the biggest wrestling star ever and was mainstream as well. EVERYONE knew who Hulk Hogan was. He was the wholesome vitamins/prayers guy who slayed evil giants and defended America against foreign enemies like Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff and Sgt. Slaughter. His character stood for all that was good and he was a superhero to millions and millions of people.

John Cena is today's Hulk Hogan...but he is no Hulk Hogan. He does amazing work with charities and Make-A-Wish and has carried the ball for this international company for years and years. Especially in today's wresling world, that is incredibly impressive. But he is no Hulk Hogan. Cena is loved by kids who will buy anything having to do with him. He sells shirts, hats, arm bands, posters, action figures...and makes WWE a TON of money. Hogan was pretty much always red and yellow (wish I could write that without being reminded of Schiavone's awfully butchered red-and-yellow/calling him yellow comment during the heel turn...ugh, cringe-worthy). But Cena changes his colors pretty often, which gets the same kids to buy his stuff over and over again. You have the complete set of Cena merchandise now that you have his orange/blue shirt? Well, now it's purple and yellow...go buy more. You got the purple and yellow? Now it's green and pink...go buy more. It is smart and it works. But he is no Hulk Hogan.

Cena is loved by many and hated by many. Hogan was loved by more than Cena is loved and hated by much less than Cena is hated. Yes, Hogan was on his way out the door before his heel turn...but he wasn't HATED, he was just becoming irrelevant. The huge majority of people were either still in love with Hogan or indifferent about him at that point. So, his heel turn was HUGE!!! It betrayed kids, adults and everything he stood for and was the biggest turn in wrestling history. It rejuvenated his career and launched the NWO. Red and Yellow was now Black and White and the money started pouring in. But, business/money aside, the reaction was MONUMENTAL in the wrestling world. Cena will never get that same reaction. He is a superhero to kids now--much like Hogan was then--but too many adults hate him now as a face. His heel turn would shock the kids, flip the IWC on its ass for a while and be a source of great debate and speculation. But, like a tidal wave, it would roll in with huge impact and then fade back out to sea. Cena doesn't have the standing that Hogan did and his heel turn would be nowhere near as effective as a result. Cena is cheered by one group and booed by another. A heel turn would simply flip the sides and maybe gain him some more fans--those wanting more out of today's watered-down WWE. But, for the most part, the cheers will turn to boos, the boos will turn to (temporary) cheers...and the heel turn will be over before it starts. It, in no way, will be anywhere close to the wrestling world shocker of Hogan turning heel.

Merchandise, money, charity work...all reasonable and logical things to consider. This post is purely based on wrestling history and effect. They had a chance of making it huge by Cena screwing Taker out of the Streak, because people of many eras feel/felt passionate about the Streak being intact/broken. But, with that gone, Cena has no way to make the impact Hogan did.

A heel turn may come for John Cena. But he is no Hulk Hogan.

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