lundi 19 mai 2014

Just attended a 'Live Event' in England...

I have just attended a 'Live Event' this Friday in my hometown of Leeds, England. I have been to Raw tapings a couple of times in the past but this was the first time I have been without cameras there. I never really understood the concept of these shows. Obviously they make the WWE money but top talent, risking injury off cameras seemed a tad stupid to me. I also think that Superstars suffer from burn out and they are on the road far too many days a year.

I have to say though the Live Event in Leeds was REALLY good. I was surprised how seriously some of the superstars took the event without the cameras there, it really was a testament to their professionalism.

I have listed a few things I noticed below but I think this one needs to stand out from the crowd. BO DALLAS IS GOING TO BE A STAR.. He cut an awesome promo on the crowd! His gimmick is a bit goofy and kinda reminded me of Kurt Angles 'American Hero' gimmick from the late 90s, early 00s'. He was extremely obnoxious and he had the crowd going! His gimmick is going to antagonise! I am now a 'Bo-Liever'!

A few pointers I noticed from being in the crowd...

  • Even though the show lacked star power (no Bryan, Cena, Sheamus, Batista etc) the superstars there really put in that extra effort to make the fans happy.

  • Justin Roberts is great. Just so natural on the mic. I have only ever seen him announce the entrances but he really does sell the evening to you.

  • Randy Orton, face or heel is WAY over. He came to the ring just as the show started and cut a good promo. I don't know if he thinks about stuff too much when the cameras are on him, as he sometimes sounds really robotic/generic but his promo Friday was a good one.

  • The Shield really are stars in the makings. Ambrose and Rollins had a PPV quality match against Ryback and Curtis Axel. The crowd even chanted 'this is awesome'.

  • Ryback has really improved in the ring. Him and Rollins did some really good things together. I was pleasantly surprised how well he executed and sold. I do not think this always portrays as well on TV. As for Rollins, he just glides around effortlessly. An absolute natural.

  • Rusev is a beast. Lana is stunning. She will get him over as a great heel. Using Putin in his entrance videos is seen as 'cheap' by some but it worked on Friday.

  • Adrian Neville is simply incredible. This guy is one of the best 'wrestlers' in WWE. He could have some 5 star matches with Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins etc. Arguably the match of the night. Bo Dallas was very good as well.

  • Barrett played the face. He was superb, and I really hope he has a strong IC Run. He has so much potential.

  • Zeb Colter worked the crowd well. Called us all Scottish. He deserves much better than being associated with a mid carder in Jack Swagger. I like Swagger but I cant take him seriously. Colter needs a main event player by his side.

  • Big E Langston just COULD NOT get over with the crowd. They were silent for everything he did.

  • Paige was obviously over. But she is brilliant to watch in the ring. She has a massive future. Props to Rosa Mendes as well. She was involved in the same tag match and interacted with the crowd the hole time she was stood on the apron.

  • Orton, Roman Reigns, Barrett and old timers Big Show and RVD got the loudest cheers of the night.

WWE takes a lot of flack on these pages but their live experiences really are something else. We can all piss and moan at the product on TV but Friday they got it right with me and my son so I say well done WWE.

I am not sure how the people who attended Glasgow, Newcastle etc feel? I assume these were very similar shows.

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