vendredi 23 mai 2014

Rick Flair - how to book his return?

How would you book a Flair return? GM, Manager or other..

I would love to see them use Flair and Arn Anderson -- Have flair decide he wants to bring the horsemen back for one last run but Arn fight the idea setting up 2 groups - 1 with flair as manager and 1 with Arn as manager ending in a survivor series type match if Flairs team wins he can regroup the horsemen and if Arn win he can bury them for good..

Flair Team (Horsemen)



Sandow (new gimmick)

Ryback (new gimmick)

Arn Anderson could get the services of the Shield or a stable of 4 young guys not ready for championships or NXT Guys..

They could end with Flair managing a new generation of horsemen with Ziggerl being the new Flair

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