lundi 19 mai 2014


There is a website not worthy of being named which has lived up to its reputation again.

- On the main page of this unworthy website, there is a banner saying that Daniel Bryan is confirmed for Raw tonight. Well, anyone who knows anything would know that 5 days removed from neck surgery, Bryan was not going to be flying overseas. When one clicks on this banner headline, they are redirected, not to an article about Bryan being confirmed for Raw, but an article regarding Daniel's surgery. *sigh*

- In another article, a "writer", from the site not worthy of being named, sent in "live spoilers" for Raw from London. This "writer" could not even manage to send in the spoilers in the right order. On another site, the spoilers were sent in by a spectator and they were in the correct order.

Obviously, these two points are regarding a wrestling program on a wrestling message board. I know some will want to make this about me, as always, but perhaps they could try and remain on topic, or simply go away.

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