lundi 19 mai 2014

Stable: The Elite

Name of Stable: The Elite

Name of Wrestler’s who are in the Stable: “Showtime” David Cougar, Michael Winters, John Constantine

Entrance Theme:

Entrance Description: A cloud of smoke fills the stage. Lights flash in the background and when the smoke clears the members of The Elite are standing on stage.

Combined Weight: Showtime/Winters 493 lbs Showtime/ Constantine 487 lbs Winters/Consatantine 536 lbs Combined 75b lbs

Tag Team Finisher (Maximum 2): Showtime/Winters The Crucifix with Showtime hitting a top rope elbow as the opponent hits the mat. Showtime/Constantine Showstopper, opponent pops up and walks into Axis of Evil. Winters/Constantine Biblical Authority to an opponent inside the ring followed by Axis of Evil.

Tag Team combination moves (Minimum 2):

Double Suplex

Backbreaker followed by a top rope leg drop

Drop toe hold into a running kick to the head

Double Irish Whip into the ropes followed by a double clothesline

Showtime move set

Finishing Moves

C4 off the top rope “The Final Act”

Texas Cloverleaf “Commercial Break”

Signature Moves

Reverse DDT “Backstage”

Reverse Overdrive “Showstopper”

Side Effect “The Ratings Crash”

Other Moves

Knife Edge Chop

Spinning Clothesline

Tree of Woe into a running dropkick to the chest

Headlock Takedown, usually followed into a pin or submission

Standing Leg Drop

Elbow from the top rope

Scissors Sweep, often followed by slamming the knee into the mat

Standing Arm Wrench, sometimes forces opponent to the mat and turns it into a Reverse Armbar

Mudhole Stomping in the corner

Backslide Pin

Sitout Inverted Suplex Slam

Eye Gouge

Michael Winters moveset

Finishing Moves (2 max):

The Crucifix (Dream Street,

Signature Moves (3 max):

Rapture (Argentine cutter)

Biblical Authority (Multiple forearm clubs to a rope hung opponent's chest)

12 Most Used Moves:

Sidewalk Slam

Gutwrench Powerbomb


European uppercut

Fireman's carry slam

Flying forearm smash

Full nelson slam



Pumphandle slam

Fallaway slam

Running shoulderbreaker

John Constantine moveset

Finishing Moves:

Axis of Evil – Twisting Spinebuster

Collateral Damage – Angle Slam

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves)

Drop toe hold


Chop blocks

Flowing DDT



Mounted punches

Knee drop to downed opponent

Sleeper hold


Vertical Suplex

Fallaway slam

Sidewalk slam

Swinging backbreaker

Stomps to downed opponent

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