mardi 20 mai 2014

Time for the U.S. and Intercontinental Champs To Step Up

All this focus on the Intercontinental title has been great, they have enough quality up-and-coming talent to make it a big highlight of the show again, and with Barrett out it is the top singles belt in the company...or it would be if not for U.S. champion Sheamus. Sheamus had a long run as a top dog and is now holding a midcard belt, it is being elevated by association.

It seems WWE is finally really serious about pushing Barrett and making him seem on the same level as Sheamus would be a great way to do that. The two of them vying to be the Main Event of Payback would be awesome. Thanks to their opponents, it wouldn't hurt their individual matches at the PPV either. RVD is already a definite Hall of Famer, he doesn't lose anything if the focus is pulled off of him, and Heyman has the ability to keep the focus on Cesaro even if Sheamus and Barrett are beefing.

Then imagine the extra outrage that could be invoked if Stephanie denies them both by saying "my husband Triple H is on the card, of COURSE you two aren't going to be in the main event!" So suddenly you'd have the huge dynamic of Sheamus vs. Barrett, Sheamus and Barrett both having issues with the authority, Heyman promoting Cesaro as if the real honor is being able to face his client on PPV, and RVD fulfilling his role as top level enhancement talent. Everybody wins.

Do you think the midcard belts should be promoted higher up the card now that Bryan is out?

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