dimanche 18 mai 2014

TNA: Promoting Beating Bitches and Women Hating Since... I Dunno, Forever?

So, there's plenty of signs you can look for, when Vince Russo is writing for your wrestling promotion. Sadly, not many of these are good signs. But, perhaps one of the more (in)famous signs that Vinnie Ru is steering the ship is when you have plenty of man on woman violence, implied, or otherwise.

And if we needed any more signs of the beginning of Russo 2: Electric VinnieRu Boogaloo, then last Thursday's Impact was the garish blaring orange sign, warning you to merge onto the next exit, to avoid the massive twenty seven car pile up down the road.

Last Thursday, we were treated to five or so segments featuring Dixie Carter, Rockstar Spud, and Bully Ray. That itself is enough of an offense for me to tell TNA to calmly fuck off. But the content of the segments actually made things worse than I could possibly imagine. Clearly, creative members have been visiting their local video store (perhaps the one Russo used to own?) and stocking up on horror films. That, or shitty television shows. We were treated to segments of Dixie scared for her life, as Bully threatened to put the middle aged non-wrestling woman through a table.

That isn't entertaining. It isn't even amusing to laugh at how bad it is. Vince Russo is clearly working through severe women issues. I just don't really want to see them played out on my prime time wrestling television, fuck you very much.

This makes even less sense when you consider Bully Ray is the babyface in this bullshit. This isn't Jake Roberts slapping Elizabeth to shock and horrify the audience (in an era, mind you, with much less man on woman violence. Where is actually meant something for this to happen). These segments were played up for the yucks. If you're cheering for Bully Ray, this is what you're implicitly saying.

HAHA! Look at that middle aged woman cower for her life! What fun! I can't wait until Bully Ray puts her through a table, and she likely has debilitating injuries from the attack of a 300 pound psychopath! Bitch has it coming to her.

Well, shit, sounds really bad when I say it that way, doesn't it? I'd say it's shit like this that gives wrestling fans a bad name, but let's be honest, there's plenty of reasons why wrestling fans have a bad name. But this shit doesn't help.

So, does anyone actually enjoy these segments? And isn't it high time we put a moratorium on man on woman violence?

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