mardi 29 juillet 2014

Non Wrestlers Wrestling

This topic has probably been done before but I am too lazy and don't expect that I can find it so here goes.

Seeing that Stephanie McMahon is likely going to get in the ring at SummerSlam it got me thinking - what non-wrestlers have intrigued you prior to having a match?

I'll admit that as a kid I was more interested in seeing Mr. T compete or the NFL guys than I was most wrestlers. Mean Gene tagging with Hogan or The Brain being forced to compete and taking a tag caught my attention. I always wanted to see what they could and would do.

As I have gotten older a lot of the intrigue is gone. Too many celebs have come and gone and left a bad impression. Jay Leno and Dennis Rodman were hard to stomach but never interested me anyway. David Arquette Cox intrigued me because I was curious if he learned enough making a movie to translate in to the ring. I actually thought he did an OK job (I smell the red rep as I type). I wasn't disappointed in his effort. I get why people were angry that he was booked to win the title but I thought he did OK. And if that doesn't make you red rep me, let me just say that I don't think K-Fed did a bad job either.

But to me the most intriguing non-wrestler booked to wrestle that I can remember comes back full circle to the beginning of this discussion, is actually Stephanie McMahon. It was somewhat interesting to see Vince compete and I wasn't disappointed, I wasn't really interested in seeing Shane and I turned out to be totally wrong. But hearing and seeing Steph was going to wrestle was a shock and got me completely invested only to be utterly let down. I really hope she ups her game for SummerSlam but after seeing her get somewhat physical during Vicki's swan song so recently doesn't give me much hope.

I started this thread to give people a chance to share their feelings about non-wrestlers wrestling and maybe have a discussion. Not The Rock or Brock or any other part time guy. That "part time taking a spot" talk is done to death in other threads. Sooooo...

Are you completely against a non-wrestler getting a spot on the card? Who stands out in your mind when you think about this topic? When have you had high expectations? Were they fulfilled? Who else would you like to see compete?

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