jeudi 24 juillet 2014

Wrestlers who work well as the heros, but make terrible villains (and vice versa)

Some wrestlers can make the transition between face and heel without any issue, excelling at both. The Rock is the perfect example of this. But some wrestlers are only good at one and suck at the other...Scott Steiner is at least my perfect example. His personality seems to have been designed to play a heel, but it doesn't work very well as a face. I also had the same problem with Lex Luger. Even as a good guy, he always seemed to smug and punchable.

So who do you think is the prime example of a current wrestler who can be a good face or a good heel, but not at both? For me, it's the Miz.

I love the guy as a heel. He's just so obnoxious, but in a way that's compelling. But as a face, his personality doesn't seem to stand out at all. He smiles a lot, but lacks the charm of the Uso's or the charisma of Cena. He isn't an exceptional wrestling technician either, so his matches don't make up for it. In my opinion, he should just stick to being a lifelong bad guy.

Mark Henry is a runner-up, although I attribute that to his 'hall of pain' gimmick, which made him relevant again but wouldn't work as a face. When he returned near the end of last year, fans went crazy for him. Shortly before he vanished though (is he injured?), fans had become indifferent to him...although maybe being used as a blatant jobber had something to do with that.

On the flipside, has Rey Mysterio or Rob Van Dam ever turned heel? I can't remember myself, but I think they'd make terrible bad guys. If memory serves, RVD was technically a villain during the Invasion, but he was too likable to boo.

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