mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Will GFW or any other be able to get a tv

I fear with spike getting rid of tna and tna probably going away, that the market will shrink and wrestlers be out of a job. Worse yet I don't see any company getting a tv deal here in the states, other than wwe. It looks like a good amount of great talent will never be able to get into a bigger company that acually deserve it. I hope people that wanted tna gone are happy, this is what they got, when some of your favorite indy wrestlers get a huge pay cut due to there being no tna, and they can't make ends meet even though they are talented , they will retire and go get a job, and your going to be bitching about it.

Dragon Saga I hope you are right, about anothor company getting that spot, I would love to ROH get that spot or even GFW, but with people's attuides about wrestling that won't ever come to be.

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