samedi 26 juillet 2014

Reigns Vs del Rio was surprisingly watchable.

I've always been of the opinion that Reigns is being pushed too hard, appearing in two title matches that he probably should not have appeared in because

-He loses.

- Fans will cheer him over the other face who was bound to win.

- He hasn't proven himself as a singles competitor.

When he works in a team like the shield, he excels because his limited moveset works as the climax. But in one on one matches, he has consistently bored me...his fight with Rusev nearly put me to sleep. Don't get me wrong, I do like him. It's just that if his matches aren't impressing me on TV, I'm concerned what it will be like when he headlines a PPV.

His opponent, Alberto del Rio, on the other hand is a more gifted in-ring technician...but bores me for about every other reason. He's a glorified jobber and not even the kind of jobber that Big Show is- where WWE won't let him win any major feuds, but are reluctant to have him lose cleanly. His personality and storylines just do nothing for me.

So when they revealed this match, I yawned. But I have to admit, it turned out to be surprisingly good. Alberto del Rio came off looking strong, even though you knew he would only win if Orton saved the day. But their styles blended together very well, there were some cool spots and it was relatively fast paced. It gave me hope that Reigns can carry the long as they feed him the right opponents...and it even made me kind of interested in del Rio.

So I guess I have two topics. What did you think of the match? Has there ever been a match that you thought would be terrible, but ending up liking?

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