mercredi 26 août 2015

Facebook ..Have you done this key Housekeeping task?

If you are like Me a complete Newbie to the World of Facebook And I'm guessing many 1000's More who have set up shop and are happily Chatting away and then there are the People whose experience of Facebook is Risky picking up Names from unwanted people/strangers Spam Ads and the rest...

For all of those(and the curious) also the so called "Experts" Check out the 15 section links on the Facebook settings which can do everything from changing your Username all the way down to Reporting abuse and lots of Block lists for People and Links all Presented in a Plain Text style for edits :)

PS Can also download a copy of your Facebook data off the General Account Settings section (foot of list)

Facebook ..Have you done this key Housekeeping task?

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