mercredi 26 août 2015

NVIDIA GeForce Experience problem

I am running a ASUS X550C laptop which I bought from my son who was into computer games big style and has moved on.

Recently my NVid icon informed me that there was an update available. On going to the NVid web site and clicking the download section I received a pop up saying :-

"Default language assembly is missing cannot execute client" WHAt ??? Sounds like a death warrant has been cancelled at the last minute." Complete GobbledeGook.

Despite looking all round the website, which I don't find particularly helpful, I can find nothing which relates to the NVid version in my Laptop which is:-

Info:-GE Force GT 720M
Version -335.23

Can anyone help? I believe this was in the lappy when he got it and that the Gforce version I have might be used by the lappy for other than game playing.
If not I would like to remove it and regain some space. If I need it, any info on where to find the update please would be very useful. Anyone with any knowledge of NVid stuff; can you help?

Oh, and if possible, what is NVid supposed to do, in brief please if you have time. Many thanks in aaaaaaaanticipation.


NVIDIA GeForce Experience problem

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