jeudi 1 mai 2014

I hate that song!

This just popped into my mind and isn't exactly the most thought out thread topic but I got something i gotta ask my fellow WrestleZone Forums posters!

What is that one entrance theme you just can't stand? I'm not talking about a theme that's boring or lame, like the thousand generic rock riffs you can't tell apart that WWE has given to many unlucky rookies over the years. I'm talking about the entrance music that whenever it hits, whether you like the wrestler or not it just gets on your damn nerves! You know what I mean? You're sitting at home watching some wrestling, in a good mood, and then that one theme hits and you just wanna get up from your seat and go punch children in the face!!! No i have no children and no kids living in my house so I'm not abusing anyone, but still! If you know what I mean about that one theme song that just annoys the hell out of you, then let me hear what it is.

For me its John Cena's "My Time Is Now" no I'm not a big cena hater, i'm usually 50-50 on the Cena topics, but to be honest his entrance music, no matter how many copies it has sold on itunes for WWE, just makes me wanna start putting baseball bats to T.V.s straight Mick Foley Style!!!! I figured out what i think it is though about the theme. Ready for it?. . . IT'S THOSE DAMN HORNS!!!! Those damn horns in the back round drive me up a wall!!!

So that is hands down my choice for THE MOST annoying theme song in wrestling. What are yours?

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