mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Castration of Wrestlers - Whose Fault?

I see this article about Randy Orton needing 12 stitches after Money in the Bank and, as an old school fan, it sickens me. Getting 12 stitches is newsworthy??

This got me thinking of the reason why such a footnote of years passed is now a major deal.

Could it be because we are in a more kid-friendly, image-conscious, PG Era?

Could it be that any little, irrelevant matter that even sniffs at being wrestling-related is reported here as news?

Could it be people actually care about such things?

I take nothing away from Randy Orton. Hell, who would want 12 stitches? But to report it and leave it as an "eye-catching" story all takes the balls out of wrestling and wrestlers. (Spare me your sports entertainment nonsense)

I realize that this site is paid by article clicks...which is why after a title change we get an article reporting results, then an article saying there is a new champ and then an article asking "Who is the new champ?". Three articles to tell us one fact. And I'm sure most of you click each and every one, so I can't blame them for profiting off you dopes.

But, for the non-dopes out there, why did wrestling lose its balls? I wonder what Abdullah the Butcher or Bruiser Brody or any of those guys would think about an article reporting a wrestler getting stitches. A broken bone? Something else that would require time off? Sure maybe. But stitches?!?

I guess making these guy look like wusses is ok, as long as you get people to click on your article of groundbreaking journalism.

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