lundi 7 juillet 2014

Enticing Network Renewals

So the word on the street is HHH vs Reigns might be in September at NoC instead of Summerslam as That is the first PPV after the first 6 months. That got me thinking, what else could they do to stack that show? More outside the box, the better. I thought of 2... 1 that is very possible and 1 that is a pipe dream but I don't think is 100% impossible.

With about 7-8 weeks after the PPV that 2k15 comes out and rumors Sting and WCW playing a big part I'd love to see appearances by WCW guys from the hot period, they used legends a lot in the firstv2 NoC, it might be fun to try again. Hall, Nash, Flair, Goldberg (heck even Bishoff and Russo as a one off. With guys like Rey, Hogan, Dusty, Malenko, Kidman Arn all currently employed by WWE it shouldn't be hard. Then have the first live appearance of Sting. Give then 10 minutes to plug the game and have a reunion of sorts.

Now the wishful thinking idea. With all the silence in Punks leaving I still get the impression that he is at least on good terms with Vince. So see of you can get him to tape and interview explaining why he left, thank his fans and drop the "never say never" cliche so the internet can flip the F out.

What do you guys think they could do?

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