mercredi 23 juillet 2014

WWE Countdown pet peeve

I understand getting the current wrestlers opinions on historic events and things, but if you pay attention, some of these people are full of shit. Some of it is downright laughable.

Case in point: Top Rivalries countdown, #10 Hogan vs. Piper.

In reference to the WWF "War to Settle the Score" event, CESARO says "it was so cool to see the WWF on MTV". Cesaro was 4 YEARS OLD at the time. He may have seen it, but at the age of 4 he obviously didn't know the difference between WWF being on MTV or any other channel for that matter.

This is certainly not the worst example, but its the latest one I heard. Its the overall vibe I get when watching this stuff, where it seems that the wrestlers say things that they are told to say or are just flat out lying about their recollections of whatever the topic is.

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