dimanche 6 juillet 2014

Phenoms Of Wrestling 1

Did you see this coming?

You did not.

Welcome to a moment in history.

Witness as immortal men and women show what they're made of.

Watch as they showcase what truly makes them immortals.

Watch them be...

Phenoms Of Wrestling

Throughout the world hundreds of people learn, train and apply in the craft of professional wrestling. Day in and day out men and women travel the world to showcase their talent. Tonight a new vehicle to showcase thaese talented men and women emerges.




Stacey: Welcome everybody to the sold out Arena Mexico in the heart of Burritoland! Mexico City! Welcome to what might be a future staple of WZCW! The pilot of Phenoms Of Wrestling. No script. No card. No authority. Just pure showcase.

Bob: Ahem.

Stacey: Oh. Yeah. And sadly..... My broadcast colleague for the night. Bob.

Bob: I am so excited to be here tonight! This is so awesome! I can't believe I'm a commentator. I ca-

Matt Tastic's music cuts off Bob's insessive rambling. The Eurasian Champion appears on stage holding his title around his waist and sporting a mic in one hand and his trademark Coke on the other as he marches down the ring.

Tastic: Hola, Ciudad de Mexico! Como estan todos! Sorry, I gotta keep it in English for the folks at home. But anyway, I would like to welcome you to the first ever edition of Phenoms Of Wrestling. This is a mere test but it all depends on you guys if this will continue. It's a simple showcase of our roster's skill and creativity. There's no scripts to follow. There's no build up promo's. It's all a one night stand. And hopefully with your help..... We can have more one night stands!


Stacey: What the?

Bob: He's alive?

A familiar theme plays as out of a large puff of smoke emerges....... Him. None other than Doug Crashin. He enters the ring holding the mic.

Doug: My arch-nemesis. Baez.

Matt kicks Doug in the gut and hits the Headache Driver on him before grabbing his title and walking out to his music.

Matt: It's Matt. It's been Matt for the past 2 and a half years minus a 2 month period just last year. Enjoy the show, folks.

Stacey: Wow. Poor Doug. Either way, great start to the show. I guess.


Scene cuts to a face painting booth out on the streets of Mexico City. Backstage interviewer Leon Kensworth is taking time off of his usual duty and is getting tiger stripes when he is interrupted by a picket-sign carrying Mason Westhoff. Westhoff is fuming.

Bro. Westhoff: For the love of ME, why are you not out here doing your job, Leon? I am so sick of people like you and my investment Ilapa not doing what ya'll are supposed to. I'm out here for a reason you know.

Leon takes a look at his picket sign. "God Is Me" plastered the board in yellow and black.

Kensworth: I'm sorry Mr. Westhoff. What are you up to this evening?

Bro. Westhoff: Well I'm glad you asked, Leon. I'm here to preach to my congregation who seem to be trapped in this armpit of a city. They need to know my works. They need absolution from their sins.

The young lady that is currently painting on Leon's face giggled.

???: Your chakra is all misaligned, man. Clear the air of them negative vibes and commune with nature. This sin talk just upsets the people, bro. Have your face painted. It's good for the mind.

Brother Westhoff glanced at her, and then back at Leon Kensworth with raised eyebrows. Kensworth shrugged.

Bro. Westhoff: ...my chocolate?

???: Chak-ra. Energy points in your body. Or maybe Mercury is in retrograde and that's why your aura is all black, man. Wow.

I'm Aquarius by the way. Merry Meet.

Aquarius extended her multi-colored hand to Mason Westhoff. Her wrist bangles and hair beads clicked in unison as she did so. Westhoff scoffed.

Bro. Westhoff: I'm not shaking hands with some filthy hippie.

Aquarius looked down dishearteningly.

Aquarius: We can coexist, man. No worries. To show no bad Ju-Ju, let me put some peace and love on your sign there...

Before he could object, the hippie chick snatched it and took a paintbrush to it. Instead of it reading "God Is Me" like before, it now reads "GodDEssMe".

Bro. Westhoff: OH HELL NO! That's it. You think you're so clever with your Woodstock ways? I bet you can't last 5 minutes with me in the ring.

Aquarius: I-I am a pascifist, dude. It was only a little bit of fun-

Bro.Westhoff: I don't care. You don't screw with Mason Westhoff. See me in the ring or kiss your little face painting stand goodbye. I have powerful friends that could make that happen for me, Aquarium.

Mason Westhoff leaves his picket sign in a huff while Aquarius looks at Leon Kensworth worriedly.

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