samedi 24 octobre 2015

Chrome #46 gains a Mute (Noisy)Tab feature


You've been there: You're in an important meeting and suddenly, without warning, one of your tabs starts blaring with an ad. You scramble, but you have too many tabs open. It's impossible.

Google blessed us with a speaker icon in Chrome last year that appears on a tab header when that tab is the source of sound in order to more quickly identify it. But Google knows even that's not enough; you still had to toggle to that tab, navigate to the audio player or video ad on the page, and find the pause button. The latest version of Google Chrome — version 46 — lets you mute individual tabs by simply right-clicking on the tab and selecting mute tab from the drop down menu.

The feature has been on Chrome for a while and gone unnoticed

A few months ago, Chrome let you click on those speaker buttons to quickly mute the tabs. But it was an experimental feature and not easy to do. You had to enable the feature by typing "chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting" into your browser and clicking "enable."

Chrome #46 gains a Mute (Noisy)Tab feature

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