mercredi 28 mai 2014

So, Let's Talk About That Uncomfortable Thing In Isla Vista

No, sorry, everyone, Killjoy doesn't live in Isla Vista. I think.

Five days ago, Elliot Rodger killed six people, before committing suicide. . The event itself is disturbing enough, without context, a brutal act of malice from an obviously depraved individual.

And then, more chilling detail arose. Namely, this video, shot hours before the killing spree...

This only leads one down the rabbit hole...

It becomes worse, when one considers that there was ample chance to stop him. It's become blatantly apparent that Elliot Rodger's clear warning signs were only taken seriously by his parents, and no one else.

... So, do we want to have an open and frank discussion as to why that is?

Because if we do, then it's going to require looking inward into the way our society treats women, and a blatant, undeniable truth, the likes of which we've wanted to ignore for quite some time.

The way we treat women is massively, massively fucked up.

Sure, the response to Elliot Rodger is that, by and large, he's a psycho. True, granted; getting through his 140 page manifesto is ample enough evidence of this fact. What is less mentioned, and what likely should be mentioned, is the fact that the dude had a string of twenty something videos, all with the same message;

I'm angry, because women won't sleep with me.

I mean, it's as plain as day, in this excerpt of his manifesto.


If only one pretty girl had shown some form of attention to me, the Day of Retribution would never happen. I'd never even consider it. The Day of Retribution is mainly my war against women (Editor's note: !!!) for rejecting me and depriving me of sex and love. If only one girl had given me a chance, tried to get to know me, let me take her out on a date..

I don't even want to go into his desires to skin women alive, and send them to concentration camps.

Elliot Rodger may have been severely disturbed, but even a cursory glance of "When Women Refuse" will show a pattern of behavior of men who are rejected by men, and their appalling reaction to denial.

Elliot Rodger is not alone in his feeling of entitlement to a woman's body; and he isn't the only one to blame for this sentiment. But you sure as shit wouldn't know it in most articles; most articles opt for the easy answer, of what his therapist did (or didn't) do for him. It revolves solely around Elliot's (supposed, because no one's actually sure) mental disorders, and strays away from the sickening views this guy had on women, that led to his attacks.

Elliot Rodgers may have been fucked up, but he sure as shit had a problem with women and rejection. A problem which many share, which has led to the brutal attack (and yes, murder) of women. Because our society views women as play toys, objects for our pleasure. Since 1982, there have been 71 mass murders. Seventy of them have been committed by men.

This isn't a coincidence; it's a problem. Elliot hated that men were having sex when he wasn't; he went out to prove that he, in fact, was the alpha male. To him, and many men (not all men, lulz) that was his idea of establishing his dominance. How else do you explain an officer checking on him, and essentially saying, "nothing to see here"? There's a problem, with how we normalize hyper violence, especially towards women. The sheriff didn't see any red flags, because, hey, it's a kid in his twenties, who's working through some things.

Except, clearly he wasn't. He was an entitled man-child, who felt entitled to a woman's consent. And who let's on that image?

I'm sorry, not timely enough for you?...

I'm not saying all men conspire to treat women as objects; what I am saying is the fucked up way we treat women entitles the thought processes of monsters like Elliot Rodger.

So, I guess the question becomes, how do we solve this?

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