mardi 27 mai 2014

U.S and I.C title have never meant so much

It's funny for years and years I read how bad people wanted the I.C and U.S title to mean something special again. Well I feel like it's here, but now people are saying Barrett, Cesaro, and Sheamus deserve better. Their is only one World title now thus meaning only one world champion. With that being said Daniel Bryan really is the best option to BE world champion because of the story, and a story means everything in this business.

Haven't you guys noticed how much they have meant lately? Cesaro, Barrett, RVD, Sheamus are all phenomenal talents, but that's what makes them perfect for these two titles. They don't need to be in the World title feud right now.. In the mean time these wrestlers can bring some importance back to these titles.

I haven't looked forward to a I.C or U.S title match in years. Now when tuning on RAW The Shield/Evolution, Daniel Bryan storyline, and the U.S/I.C title matches are the things I look the most forward to. I mean every match with those guys come close to stealing the show.

One of WZ's biggest critics Josh Isenberg was saying how they should be doing better then this.. That's what bothered me most is back in the day being in a I.C title feud was a huge thing. You wouldn't find anyone saying "oh man these poor guys are stuck in a mid-card title feud. Because for one it was never considered mid-card. It was more of an upper mid-card. People were gracious when their guy held one of those titles.

But then WWE downgraded it and definitely made it feel less important to hold that championship. It bothered me, and it bothered me for years. But here we are now.. Daniel Bryan as World champion and he should be. This could leave people who are getting big, and cracking that glass ceiling in limbo.

WWE however decided let's throw these guys all in a feud for our mid-card title, and these men within a month have convinced me that the I.C and U.S title are more important now then ever. Of course given the World title situation with Bryans injury has done nothing but help. For example tonight the last match of the night feautured Sheamus the U.S champion and former world champion Del Rio.

We also had an exciting, excellent match in RVD/Cesaro. These guys are perfect right now for the upper-midcard title. And they're elevating these titles to a whole new level. I've never been this excited about the I.C title and U.S title since I was just a toddler.

I loved the I.C tournament was one of the most entertaining tournaments I've watched. How do you guys feel about the U.S and I.C titles? Am I just marking out or do you guys feel like that they're finally gaining their recognition back? I for one love Cesaro, Barrett, Del Rio, and Sheamus in that title picture. You guys can call it a demotion, but I feel as if it's a promotion. These guys are bringing importance back to two titles I've always loved. And they deserve all the credit right now!

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