samedi 24 mai 2014 - The 25 Best Intercontinental Champions Of All Time often does articles of "the greatest" this or "the worst" that and their latest lists their opinion of who the 25 greatest Intercontinental Champions are.

#25. Shelton Benjamin

#24. Cody Rhodes

#23. Stone Cold Steve Austin

#22. Jeff Hardy

#21. Goldust

#20. Jeff Jarrett

#19. The Rock

#18. Edge

#17. Greg The Hammer Valentine

#16. Triple H

#15. Rob Van Dam

#14. Don Muraco

#13. Shawn Michaels

#12. Pat Patterson

#11. Ravishing Rick Rude

#10. Tito Santana

#9. Randy Orton

#8. Pedro Morales

#7. Bret Hitman Hart

#6. Razor Ramon

#5. The Honky Tonk Man

#4. Mr. Perfect

#3. The Ultimate Warrior

#2. Chris Jericho

#1. Macho Man Randy Savage

These lists can sometimes be fun to talk about, debate, analyze, etc. Overall, it's a strong list and it's impossible to argue with some of the champs mentioned.

Personally, I'd have put Cody Rhodes a bit higher than #24 as his was really the first IC title reign in a long time in which the title had some real weight to it.

I'd have put Valentine & Santana on the lower end of the list, I certainly wouldn't have put Santana in the top 10.

I know HTM had the longest run in the history of the title, but I just never saw the guy as a great champion. I never thought he was particularly great in the ring and his gimmick as an Elvis impersonator was ridiculous. I will say that it made a lasting impression, if nothing else, so I could at least see it in the top 10.

While I was never a big fan of The Ultimate Warrior, the guy was definitely a memorable champion. The sight of him holding both the WWF & Intercontinental Championships up after beating Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania VI is an all time classic moment. So yeah, I can see it in the top 5.

In my opinion, Jericho is ranked much too high on the list. He's great and I know he's a 9 time IC champ, more than anyone in history. It's just difficult for me to take a number of title runs seriously beginning in the late 90s as the Attitude Era introduced the Hot Potato Era.

Just a personal preference, I'd have gone with either Perfect or Savage as the top 2. I could buy arguments for either guy being #1 because each side has a lot of validity. I'd probably have to give Savage the slight edge as he ultimately did make it to the top of the mountain by winning the WWF Championship whereas Perfect didn't.

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