mercredi 28 mai 2014

Will Vince ever release a Autobiography?

Over the years we have seen some great books from WWE Superstars past and present. So far, Bret Harts book has been the most open and honest in my opinion and really lifted the lid on a few things that were often discussed by the IWC.

A Vince book would be a 'must read' and would be the biggest seller ever from someone associated with the wrestling industry. However, he would have to lift the lid on a lot of secrets within his own company and the industry as a whole so for that reason it is pretty much a non starter I guess.

We can only dream of him giving a 'truthful' account of what really happened with Macho Man, what happened with CM Punk in that room after Rumble 14, why did he release certain Superstars, his thoughts on Montreal, his thoughts on Austin walking out in 2002, did he really despise Good Ol many unanswered questions we need to know about.

What are your thoughts?

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