samedi 26 juillet 2014

Corporate Kane: Underrated angle?

If you told me that Kane would dress in a suit for an angle ten years ago, I would've laughed and urinated all over you. But then it happened...and I thought Kane nailed it. He came across as intelligent, well spoken and mild mannered- albeit with the occasionally angry moment to remind us that this is still technically Kane. He was also delightfully smug, with one of my favorite moments with him being when he informed Daniel Bryan that he would take on the Wyatt family. I loved to hate him, while usually hoping that he would trash Brad Maddox...whom he sort of had a rivalry with even though it went anywhere...unless you count Brad's dismissal.

But they kind of botched it by having Kane continue to wrestle. Don't get me wrong, Kane is still shockingly...I feel 'good' is a bit generous, but I'll say it anyway...good in the ring for a guy his size and age. His matches are very rarely exceptional, but they're fine I guess. The problem is that he became a joke, constantly being trashed by CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and the Shield. I can't recall him ever dominating any confrontation. I feel Kane would work better in this role if it was just as one of the guys in charge. I'd be fine with him wrestling if it was only sparingly, like Triple H. So eventually it became hard to take him seriously.

When he went back to being a demon, at least they presented him as a credible threat once again. But even last lost a lot of its desired impact since Kane kept getting put in this absurd situations that resembled a bad slasher movie. Plus, Daniel Bryan kept kicking his ass, making me wonder why he would even be scared of him. Yet Kane was handed a shot at being a deadly force again when Daniel Bryan went out on injury. They attributed this to Kane's brutal attacks and he even got ONE chilling moment where he hauled an unconscious Daniel Bryan out at the entrance for Stephanie before wordlessly walking away.

Then he promptly jobbed for everyone who encountered him. He came out and attacked Cena, lost that interaction. Fought Cena in an official match, lost. Every time they tried to make Kane seem like a force of nature, like when he destroyed all the Money in the Bank participants when he was announced as part of that match...he would promptly get speared by Reigns...who always seems to be kicking his ass just like Cena. Kane is being treated like the guy who is strong enough to provide a decent fight, but not strong enough to win...

So overcoming demon Kane means nothing, because everyone seems to be able to overcome demon Kane these days... He's like the old Kane, except weaker. But Corporate Kane was different and Glenn Jacobs played that part well. If he was weaker, it would make sense within that story and if he would ever do a face turn, it would provide a nice character arc. So I think they pulled the plug on that too soon. Unfortunately, I doubt it will happen as I suspect Kane might have a face turn sooner than later (although with Orton feuding with Reigns, I don't know).

Anyway, what do ya'll think? Did you like Corporate Kane? Or do you prefer demon Kane?

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