mercredi 24 septembre 2014

The age old argument...

of science vs religion. But I just wanted to put it out there. Here's why.

Recently, I got into a minor argument with one of my colleagues over the supernatural. He is hardcore religious man while I am pretty much an atheist. The discussion was simple, does supernatural exist? We touched various points in our discussion: from flying saucers to ghosts to paranormal activities. He then suddenly snaps at me and goes on, "That's the problem with science. It can't explain half the things religion does."

That got me thinking. Is there truth to his claims? Or is it that religion takes the easy way out to explain things which are inexplicable at times?

For the starters, I am not a non-believer, I just don't take everything on its face value. I am open to any thought, even religion, if it can be explained within realms of logic. For me religion is set of rules created to make people believe in something. And belief is important, isn't it? Sometimes this belief can take get us through tough times. However, how much should you believe? When religion is twisted to fit someone's propaganda, doesn't it become harmful?

I respect all religions because I think there are many things you can learn from it. However, it'll take more than some stories to believe in existence of deities or ghosts or supernatural. These ideas are fascinating and sometimes engaging as well. But to believe them blindly would be asinine, wouldn't it? This is not a dig on anyone who believes in religion, just a thought.

So what do you people think? To what extent should one believe in religion? If something is not explicable by science at this time, should we take religion's help to make ourselves believe in that? Also, what kind of experiences have you had where you had to believe one way or the other?

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