vendredi 17 octobre 2014

Damien Sandow.................GOLD

This guy is one of the few shining lights on current WWE programming. What he has done with this trow away role is priceless. Talk about a guy who "gets it".

Sandow is more netertaining than the Sheamus-Miz feud. He and Dean Ambrose are the only watchabke things on Raw and Smackdown at present.

My question is, is it too late for Sandow to be portrayed in a serious light and have a solid top tier/upper mid card run?

He is an excellent in ring performer, he is funny as fuck, his timing and pyschology are second to none.

I know myself Id love to see a three way dance where Sandow "ACCIDENTALLY" pins either Miz or Sheamus and wins the US Title and starts to be treated with some seriousness bvy the company.


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