mercredi 15 octobre 2014

What went wrong?

Take a look at the recent Ambros/Cena vs The authority on paper. It makes sense. It should be a success. Ambrose is the hottest young rising star. His feud with Rollins has been the hottest feud sense the break up of the Shield. Cena is the top guy in the company, and The Authority has been the top heel group that has dominated WWE for over a year now. On paper it works, but as it has played out over the past month, it has seem to have fallen flat. The crowd is as hot for it as you would expect, and everything about the angle has felt very underwhelming over the past four weeks. Were about to have the longest, and hottest running feud of Ambrose vs Rollins culminate in a Hell in a Cell match, and it just doesn't feel as big as it should. So my question is simple what went wrong?

When I look at it, it seems to me that the center of the angle, Ambrose vs Rollins is working, but the supporting characters have bogged down this entire story line. The Authorities lackeys, Orton & Kane have never been so meaningless, and without any sort of momentum. They haven't done anything notable or interesting with them to further their part in the story line other than having them tag against the same people over and over. If you take some hot, and pair it with something that cold right now, its gonna smother the heat.

Then we have the Cena addition. It seemed it would work at the time, but as time has went on, its just felt forced, and simply like something for Cena to do because Lesnar wont be around for awhile. Now he's gonna face Orton in a Hell in a Cell match that just seem pointless. The Authority has been treading water, not developing, or changing. This last month stretch to get them to HIAC as felt like forever, because WWE is just trying to fill the time till the PPV, yet they seem to have nothing to really give us.

That's what I feel has gone wrong with a story line, that for all intents and purposes makes sense on paper, but has came across as less than important or entertaining. What do you think has gone wrong with this angle? Or do you think nothing has gone wrong and its going perfect?

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