jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Disappointment in Rusev vs Show

So I am thinking that no matter what the outcome of the Rusev vs. Big Show match at HIAC it will be disappointing.

If Rusev wins, which I think will happen, it will be extremely disappointing . One of the things that makes WWE popular is the big guys. People think, yeah its staged but someone that's 7 ft 400 lbs and can move well is not someone anyone wants to fight. Having Big Show put Rusev over would be almost silly. The Big show is valuable to the company because he is the guy that can beat anyone and it is believable. It will tarnish the Big Show legacy and take away from Rusevs run. After defeating Big Show, fans may think "well now we know their just gonna use some fan favorite to beat him at a big PPV." It will ruin the rest of Rusev's undefeated run.

If Show wins, then basically you have used Rusev up completely and he has nowhere to go but down. You'd have a guy that can beat everyone who is better than average, but cant beat the top stars, or as they say, a long term mid carder.

Simply put, IMO, its far too soon to have these guys in a major PPV match. I think that the benefits of this rivalry done too soon are next to nothing. They should have saved this one for WrestleMania or at least until the Rumble. Right now I'd guess it'll be Cena that predictably beats him at RR or WM, a boresville match that most wouldn't even pay 9.99 to see.

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