mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Is Scarlett Johansson The Next Action Superstar?

Negations and talks for Margot Robbie (she's eying a role for David Ayer's Suicide Squad) taking the lead role in Ghost In The Shell, an upcoming action/sci-fi film based on the 1995 anime film of the same name and the magna series, fell apart, so DreamWorks offered Scarlett Johansson a reported $10 million to take the lead role instead. I'll admit, I'm not familiar with Ghost In The Shell, but if Johansson accepts the role, and if Ghost In The Shell is a success, we're talking about Johansson's career rising to an elite level.

With the success of The Avengers and other Marvel films, the anticipation for Age Of Ultron, and her role as Black Widow, there's no denying Johansson's star is on the rise, as an action heroine. Personally, I hated Lucy, but the film was a major box office success, with an overall worldwide gross of $415,031,900 off of a reported production budget of $40,000,000, and Lucy received its fair share of positive reviews. On top of that, Johansson was the voice of Samantha in Her, a popular front-runner to win major awards at the Oscars with five nominations.

Johansson has all the tools to be the next major action heroine. Name recognition, sex appeal, she's believable as a lethal threat, and she's a solid actress. And there's a very good chance we'll see Age Of Ultron on top as the #1 moneymaker in 2015. With all that said, if Johansson maintains her momentum, we're looking at the next legit action star, and someone, who's a bonified draw at the box office.

Does Scarlett Johansson have what it takes to be a true action star?

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