samedi 30 août 2014

Should Hulk Hogan wrestle one more match? My opinions: He shouldn't do it anymore

This is my opinions.

Would you let your father wrestle again in this condition?

First off I'm not bashing on anyone who wants to get in the ring, I'm just like everyone else I respect the hell out of Hulk Hogan. He's the man who made WWE and Wrestlemania to a global phenomena.

We never may had the chance to watch Wrestlmania shows today on TV - and todays wrestlers may never would have been millionaries because of Hulk Hogan.

All real fans respect that, respect the history and respect for all that he's done. He's the man who made it what it is today. He made WWE and Vince filthy rich.

But... seeing Hulk in that ring, in that state he is in. I think it's unfair and the nostalgia factor that drives all the people.

He's seriously hurt as hell, sometimes, he could fucking barely walk. He has done nothing more then sacrificed his whole body, and his whole life to this business.

Why does he do that?

Because he loves you, us, the fans. He loves to hear the people scream one more time, when he says: "This business is my life, and I gave my life for this business"

he's not kidding, he loves the fans, he loves wrestling deeply.

But what does that make us, bringing him out and screaming: "HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN!" do we want this man to be crippled because the fans just want a match out of him time after time?

We need to remember Hulk for what he gave, just craving one more match and seeing the man get seriously hurt in that ring would be devastating for the sport.

Imagine the headlines if he got hurt, it would be a blow to this business as well, and the fans would probably feel bad for craving one more match.

I'm not saying I knows best for what he should or shouldn't do, Hulk can only do that.

I just think we shouldn't crave so much from him, or one more match, because he already gave everything had.

The man have 9 back surgerys. 9 fucking back surgerys!!!

+ Hip replacments... Kneereplacements...and the list goes on.

And his ex-wife, she was a fucking bitch that took half of his money.

He's s basically coming back for everything that ever loved him and stood by him in his career.

He gaved everything for this business, but he don't need to do this.

I'm not saying I decide, but I'm telling you all I don't think he should.

And I'm saying that with all respect I have.

This is not how we should remember the granddaddy. The man who made WWE to what it is today.

Would you let your own father wrestle in this condition? I know I wouldn't.

Hulk has already given us so much.

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