mardi 26 août 2014

Should WWE superstars be allowed to smoke marijuana?

The WWE has a wellness policy that is strickly enforced. And not that long after the Benoit tragedy the wellness policy was like law backstage in the WWE. The WWE has also told it's employees that smoking marijuana is not a go as well. As we know by now marijuana is now legal in the states of Washington and Colorado, which are popular states where WWE live events are held the majority of the year. In the NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has stated after the election in sports news that the law of smoking weed in those states for NFL players are still the same as before it became legal. A no-no.

But the WWE is different. You don't play wrestling you perform it. And why is marijuana looked down on in the WWE anyway? Weed doesn't play a factor in the wrestlers performance. For example Rob Van Dam. The WWE knew before they signed RVD to the company that he likes to smoke weed. Remember back at the One Night Stand 1 pay per-view in 2005 in where former ECW head figure Paul Heyman said in the middle of the ring on the mic, "my eyes are red not because I had been crying, but because I was in the back smoking a joint with Rob Van Dam". Something that you wouldn't see or hear on a WWE TV PPV or not.

But now wrestlers in the WWE can get fined up to $2,000 for failing a drug test from smoking marijuana. Guys like Jeff Hardy, MVP, R-Truth, and Evan Bourne had been fined for failing this drug test and later fined and suspended. But should weed even be token that serious? So in your own opinion. Should WWE superstars be allowed to smoke marijuana?

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